- A no black hole theorem(2015/02 Classical and Quantum Gravity)
- Persistent Superconductor Currents in Holographic Lattices(2014/07 Physical Review Letters)
- Can a stationary Bianchi black brane have momentum along the direction with no translational symmetry?(2014/06 Journal of High Energy Physics)
- Thermalization of boosted charged AdS black holes by an ionic Lattice(2013/09 Physical Review D)
- Stripe instabilities of geometries with hyperscaling violation(2013/06 Physical Review D)
- Towards the lattice effects on the holographic superconductor(2012/11 Journal of High Energy Physics)
- Singularities in asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetimes(2012/11 Physical Review D)
- Study of Anisotropic Black Branes in Asymptotically anti-de Sitter(2012/07 Journal of High Energy Physics)
- Fate of the Black String Instability(2001/09 Physical Review Letters)
- A rotating hairy AdS$_3$ black hole with the metric having only one Killing vector field(2015/08 Journal of High Energy Physics)
- Black Holes with Scalar Hair and Asymptotics in N=8 Supergravity(2004/08 Journals of High Energy Physics)
- Vortex lattice for a holographic superconductor(2010/01 Physical Review D)
- A holographic superconductor model in a spatially anisotropic background(2014/05 Physical Review D)
- Viscosity of gauge theory plasma with a chemical potential from AdS/CFT correspondence(2006/03 Physical Review D)
- Do naked singularities generically occur in generalized theories of gravity?(1998/12 Physical Review Letters)
- Vortex flow for a holographic superconductor(2011/03 Physical Review D)
- Inhomogeneous charged black hole solutions in asymptotically anti--de Sitter spacetime(2012/03 Physical review D)
- Upper bound for entropy in asymptotically de Sitter space-time(1998/03 Physical Review D)
- Extracting information behind the veil of the horizon(2006/08 Physical Review D)
- Characteristic length of an AdS/CFT superconductor(2008/11 Physical Review D)
- Universality class of holographic superconductors(2009/06 Phys. Rev. D)
- On two pieces of folklore in the AdS/CFT duality(2010/08 Physical Review D)
- The final fate of instability of Reissner-Nordström-anti-de Sitter black holes by charged complex scalar fields(2010/06 Physical Review D)
- Dynamic critical phenomena in the AdS/CFT duality(2008/11 Physical Review D)
- Negative Energy in String Theory and Cosmic Censorship Violation(2004/05 Physical Review D)
- Inhomogeneous near-extremal black branes(2002/05 Physical Review D)
- The excitation of a charged string passing through a shock wave in a charged Aichelburg-Sexl spacetime(2001/03 Nuclear Physics B)
- Radiation from an accelerated quark via AdS/CFT correspondence(2008/06 Physical Review D)
- Quasinormal modes for nonextreme Dp-branes and thermalizations of super-Yang-Mills theories(2005/10 Physical Review D)
- Generic Cosmic Censorship Violation in anti de Sitter Space(2004/03 Physical Review Letters)
- Negative Energy Density in Calabi-Yau Compactifications(2003/06 Journals of High Energy Physics)
- Colliding Kaluza-Klein Bubbles(2002/10 Classical and Quantum Gravity)
- Violation of the cosmic no hair conjecture in Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton system(2000/02 Physical Review D)
- String excitation inside generic black holes(1999/12 Physical Review D)
- Chronology Protection and Non-Naked Singularity(1998/06 Classical and Quantum Gravity)
- Is the cosmic no hair conjecture true in the Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton system?(1998/06 International Journal of Modern Physics A)
- Stability and Thermodynamics of AdS Black Holes with Scalar hair(2005/01 Physical Review D)
- The stability of the shell of D6-D2 branes in a N=2 supergravity solution(2001/12 Physical Review D)
- Strong cosmic censorship and causality violation(1997/08 Physical Review D)
- Causality Violation and singularities(1996/09 Classical and Quantum Gravity)
- Mirror effect induced by the dilaton field on the Hawking radiation(2006/02 Classical and Quantum Gravity)
- Scalar hair on the black hole in asymptotically anti-De sitter spacetime(2001/07 Physical Review D)
- Black hole no hair conjecture in the Einstein-Maxwell-scalar system in asymptotically de Sitter spacetime(2001/01 Physical Review D)
- Asymptotic singular behavior of Gowdy spacetimes in string theory(2000/11 Classical and Quantum Gravity)
- Can the cosmological constant support a scalar field?(1999/03 Physical Review D)
- Toward the no-scalar-hair conjecture in asymptotically de Sitter spacetime(1999/02 Physical Review D)