①ユビキタス・ネットワーク技術(RF-ID、ユビキタス・センサネットワークなど) ②ワイヤレス・ブロードバンド技術(無線LAN、無線アクセス、衛星通信技術など)
- 知識の森 無線通信の基礎技術-ディジタル化からブロードバンド化へ-(2015/11 電子情報学会編 オーム社発行刊行)
- シミュレーション辞典(2012/02 日本シミュレーション学会編/コロナ社刊行 p.3~3)
- 3G Evolutionのすべて LTEモバイルブロード方式技術(2009/12 丸善刊行)
- 改訂三版ワイヤレス・ブロードバンド教科書Vol.2高速IPワイヤレス編(2008/11 インプレスR&D刊行)
- OFDM/OFDMA教科書(2008/09 インプレスR&D刊行)
- 改訂三版802.11高速無線LAN教科書(2008/04 インプレスR&D刊行)
- 無線通信技術大全(2007/02 リックテレコム刊行)
- 改訂版ワイヤレス・ブロードバンド教科書Vol.2 高速IPワイヤレス編(2006/06 impress R&D刊行)
- 情報通信と標準化(2006/03 電気通信振興会刊行)
- 改訂版802.11高速無線LAN教科書(2005/01 impress刊行)
- ワイヤレス・ユビキタス 高速無線LAN/UWB/3.5G携帯電話(2004/08 秀和システム刊行)
- 2015年の情報通信技術(2001/09 NTT出版刊行)
- モバイル・グローバル通信(2001/06 コロナ社刊行)
- 新版移動通信ハンドブック(2000/11 オーム社刊行)
- 電子情報通信ハンドブック(1998/11 オーム社刊行)
- OFDM用符号化多値変調における一検討(2013/06 電子情報通信学会論文誌B)
- A New User Selection Measure in Block Diagonalization Algorithm for Multiuser MIMO Systems(2009/10 IEICE Transactions on Communications)
- Multiuser Detection for Asynchronous Broadband Single-Carrier Transmission Systems(2009/07 IEEE Transactions on Vehicle Technologies)
- Tree Based Approximate Optimal Signal Detectors for MIMO Spatial Multiplexing Systems(2009/02 IEICE Transactions on Communications)
- Mean Effective Gain of Mobile Antennas in Line-of-Sight Street Microcells with Low Base Station Antennas(2008/11 IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation)
- Novel Microstrip Antenna with Rotatable Patch Fed by Coaxial Line for Personal Handy-Phone System Units(2008/08 IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation)
- Antenna Selection Method for Terminal Antennas Employing Orthogonal Polarization and Patterns in Outdooe Multiuser MIMO System(2008/06 IEICE Transactions on Communications)
- Proposal of Wireless Traffic Control Schemes for Wireless LANs(2008/05 IEICE Transactions on Communications)
- A Study of Radio Zone Length of Dual-Polarized Omni-Directional Antennas Mounted on Rooftop for Personal Handy-Phone System(2008/01 IEEE Transaction on Vehicle Technologies (VT))
- New Downlink Beamforming Method for Cooperative Multiple Access Point Systems(2007/09 IEICE Transaction on Communications)
- New Robust Beamforming Method for Frequency Offsets in Uplink Multiuser OFDM-MIMO(2007/09 IEICE Transaction on Communications)
- Comparison of SCFDE and OFDM with Adaptive Modulation and Coding in Nonlinear Fading Channel(2007/02 IEE Electronics Letters)
- PHSを用いたワイヤレスAO/DIシステムの提案と性能評価(2004/05 電子情報通信学会論文誌B)
- Proposal for System Diversity on Software-Defined Radio(2001/09 IEICE Transaction on Fundamentals)
- 最近傍決定法による変調信号自動識別技術(2001/07 電子情報通信学会論文誌B)
- マルチプロセッサ・アーキテクチャを用いたソフトウェア無線機における全二重リアルタイム通信を実現するためのソフトウェアの設計と評価(2001/07 電子情報通信学会論文誌 B)
- 回線交換型無線アドホック通信ネットワークにおける輻輳回避型マルチキャスト方式(2000/07 電子情報通信学会論文誌B)
- An Effective Data Transmission Control Method for Mobile Terminals in Spot Communication Systems(2000/07 IEICE Transaction on Fundamentals)
- Software Radio Base and Personal Stations Prototypes(2000/06 IEICE Transaction on Communications)
- High Capacity and Wide Coverage Cell Station for Personal Communication Systems(1999/01 IEICE Transaction on Communications)
- Low-Power and High-Quality Signal Transmission Baseband LSIC for Personal Communications(1998/12 IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems)
- 携帯機低消費電力化技術とその効果(1998/12 電子情報通信学会論文誌A)
- Bit-Stream-Arranged Weighted Modulation Scheme for Low Delay Spread Frequency Selective Fading Channels(1998/07 IEICE Transaction on Communications)
- Bit Significance Selective Frequency Diversity Transmission(1998/03 IEICE Transaction on Communications)
- An FFT Interference Detection Scheme for Interference Suppression in Digital Satellite Communication Systems(1997/09 IEICE Transaction on Communications)
- Improved ADPCM Voice Signal Transmission Employing Click Noise Detection Scheme for TDMA-TDD Personal Communication Systems(1997/02 IEEE Transaction on Vehicle Technologies)
- Fully Digital Burst Modem for Satellite Multimedia Communication Systems(1997/01 IEICE Transaction on Communications)
- A Time Division Multiple Access - Time Division Duplex Combined with Alternated Frequency Duplexer for Wireless Personal Communications(1996/11 IEICE Transaction on Communications)
- High Performance Coherent Demodulator LSIC for Wireless Personal Communication(1996/08 IEEE Transaction on Vehicle Technology)
- パーソナル通信における音声品質改善法(1996/08 電子情報通信学会論文誌B-II)
- A Coded VSB-QPSK Transmission Scheme for Digital Satellite Communications in Co-channel Interference Environments(1996/07 IEEE Transaction on Aerospace Electronics and Systems)
- 高符号可率畳込み符号用簡易復号器の構成法(1996/06 電子情報通信学会論文誌B-Ⅰ)
- A Half-chip Offset QPSK Modulation CDMA Scheme Employing Differential Detection for Advanced Wireless LAN Systems(1996/05 IEICE Transaction on Communications)
- A Reliable Packet Transmission Method for TDMA Based Wireless Multimedia Communications(1996/03 IEICE Transaction on Communications)
- An Integrated Interference Suppression Scheme with an Adaptive Equalizer for Digital Satellite Communication Systems(1996/02 IEICE Transaction on Communications)
- パーソナル通信における瞬時回線品質推定法の一検討(1996/01 電子情報通信学会論文誌B-II)
- Open Loop Reverse Modulation Carrier Recovery Scheme for Rician and Rayleigh Fading Environments(1996/01 IEICE Transaction on Communications)
- Phase Ambiguity Resolver for PCM Sound Broadcasting Satellite Service with Low Power Consumption Viterbi Decoder Employing SST Scheme(1995/09 IEICE Transaction on Communications)
- Soft-decision Viterbi Decoding with Diversity Combining for Multi-beam Mobile Satellite Communication Systems(1995/02 IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications)
- High-quality Frame-synchronization for Satellite Video Signal Transmission(1995/01 IEEE Transaction on Aerospace, Electronics and Systems)
- VLSI Implemented 60Mb/s QPSK/OQPSK Burst Digital Demodulator for Radio Application(1994/12 IEICE Transaction on Electronics)
- Ultra-high-speed and Universal-coding-rate Viterbi Decoder VLSIC -SNUFEC VLSI-(1994/12 IEICE Transaction on Electronics)
- 狭帯域化SSMA信号と複数高速信号のスタガ型重畳伝送特性(1994/11 電子情報通信学会論文誌B-II)
- A New Fully-digitalized Pi/4-shift QPSK Modulator for Personal Communication Terminals(1994/07 IEICE Transaction on Communications)
- A New Burst Coherent Demodulator for Microcellular TDMA/TDD Systems(1994/07 IEICE Transaction on Communications)
- Very Low Power Consumption Viterbi Decoder LSIC Employing SST Scheme for Multimedia Mobile Communications(1994/04 IEE Electronics letters)
- Novel Viterbi Decoder VLSI Implementation and Its Performance(1993/08 IEEE Transaction on Communications)
- A Suitable Combination of Modulation and FEC Schemes for Satellite Digital Video Communication Networks(1993/05 IEICE Transaction on Communications)
- モード切替型バースト復調器AFC(1993/05 電子情報通信学会論文誌B)
- A Frequency Utilization Efficiency Improvement on Superposed SSMA-QPSK Signal Transmission over High Speed QPSK Signals in Nonlinear Channels(1993/05 IEICE Transaction on Communications)
- DSD Concatenated FEC Scheme in Mobile Satellite Communication Systems(1992/10 IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications)
- A New Carrier Recovery Circuit for Land Mobile Satellite Communication(1992/10 IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications)
- Novel Satellite Digital Video TDMA System for Business Video Communications(1992/08 IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications)
- DSD Concatenated Forward Error Correction Scheme(1992/08 IEICE Transaction on Communications)
- A TDMA Satellite Communication System for ISDN(1992/02 IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications)
- Common Transmission of High Speed QPSK Signal and SSMA Signal over Nonlinearly Amplified Transponder(1991/05 IEICE Transaction on Communications)
- ダイバーシチ合成の軟判定ビタビ復号への適用(1990/12 電子情報通信学会論文誌B)
- Application of Advanced Microelectronics to Large Scale Communication Equipment -Compact & Maintenance Free TDMA Equipment(1990/10 IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications)
- 汎用・高速畳込み符号器・ビタビ復号器(1989/12 電子情報通信学会論文誌B)
- TDMAシステムのLSI化およびIC化手法-高信頼・無調整TDMA装置-(1989/02 電子情報通信学会論文誌C)
- 汎用高速・高能率ビタビ復号器LSI構成法(1989/02 電子情報通信学会論文誌C)
- A Scarce State Transition Viterbi Decoder VLSI for Bit Error Correction(1987/08 IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits)
- 低C/N時におけるユニークワード検出特性の一改善法(1986/11 電子情報通信学会論文誌B)
- 軟判定ビタビ復号法の耐入力Eb/No変動特性の改善(1986/08 電子情報通信学会論文誌B)
- A High-speed and High-coding-gain Viterbi Decoder LSI with Low Power Consumption Employing SST Scheme(1986/04 IEE Electronics Letters)
- SST (Scarce State Transition)型ビタビ復号回路(1985/01 電子通信学会論文誌B)
- ハードリミッタ回線における軟判定ビタビ復号法の特性改善法(1985/01 電子情報通信学会論文誌B)