- A characterization of distributions of exponential growth with support in a regular closed set(2014/06 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations)
- A proof of Paley-Wiener's theorem for Fourier hyperfunctions with support in a proper convex cone by the heat kernel method(2008/09 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations)
- The structure of positive definite Fourier ultra-hyperfunctions(2006/06 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations)
- The Bochner-Schwartz theorem for Fourier ultra-hyperfunctions(2006/03 Integral Transforms and Special Functions)
- Distributions of exponential growth with support in a proper convex cone(2004/06 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences Kyoto University)
- A characterization of tempered distributions with support in a cone by the heat kernel method and its applications(2004/12 Journal of Mathematical Sciences, the University of Tokyo)
- A proof of Paley-Wiener's theorem for hyperfunctions with a convex compact support by the heat kernel method(2004/06 Tokyo Journal of Mathematics)
- Fourier ultra-hyperfunctions as the boundary values of smooth solutions of heat equations(2002/12 Tokyo Journal of Mathematics)
- A characterization of analytic functionals on the sphere I(2000/03 Finite or Infinite dimensional Complex Analysis, Marcel Dekker)