①退化特異型拡散方程式の力学系理論の構築 ②ヤコビの楕円関数と楕円積分の一般化
- 理工学のための 微分方程式(2014/04 培風館刊行)
- Primary 大学ノート よくわかる基礎数学(2012/11 実教出版刊行)
- Primary 大学ノート よくわかる線形代数(2011/12 実教出版刊行)
- Primary 大学ノート よくわかる微分積分(2011/12 実教出版刊行)
- The basis property of generalized Jacobian elliptic functions(2014/11 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis)
- Generalized Jacobian elliptic functions and their application to bifurcation problems associated with p-Laplacian(2012/01 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications)
- Coincidence sets in quasilinear elliptic problems of monostable type(2011/10 Journal of Differential Equations)
- Coincidence sets associated with second order ordinary differential equations of logistic type(2009/06 Differential and Integral Equations)
- Coincidence sets in semilinear elliptic problems of logistic type(2007/09 Differential and Integral Equations)
- Partial flat core properties associated to the p-Laplace operator(2007/09 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems)
- Stationary profiles of degenerate problems with inhomogeneous saturation values(2005/02 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications)
- Complex Ginzburg-Landau type equations with nonlinear Laplacian(2004/03 Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Their Applications)
- Global attractors for a class of degenerate diffusion equations(2003/07 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations)
- A note on stability for stationary solutions of nonlinear parabolic equations(2001/09 Mathematical Aspects of Modelling Structure Formation Phenomena)
- Asymptotic behavior of solutions for partial differential equations with degenerate diffusion and logistic reaction(2001/08 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications)
- Multiplicity result for a degenerate elliptic equation with logistic reaction(2001/06 Journal of Differential Equations)
- Positive solutions of a degenerate elliptic equation with logistic reaction(2001/02 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society)
- Asymptotic properties of a reaction-diffusion equation with degenerate p-Laplacian(2000/09 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications)
- Behavior of solutions near the flat hats of stationary solutions for a degenerate parabolic equation(2000/05 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis)
- Behavior of solutions for a degenerate parabolic equation with logistic reaction(2000/03 FREE BOUNDARY PROBLEMS : Theory and Applications)