情報・通信・サイエンス 感性科学
①工学的アプローチによるヒューマンコミュニケーション研究②コミュニケーションの教育工学研究 ③モノづくり企業の海外進出研究④適応行動の工学的応用研究
- 国際化と戦う中小企業―大田区の事例研究にみる―(2011/04 万来舎刊行)
- 英語教育学大系第4巻 21世紀のESP-新しいESP理論の構築と実践(2010/12 大修館書店刊行)
- Connecting People with Technology-Issues in Professional Communication(2008/10 Baywood Publishing Company Inc.刊行 p.97~105)
- Activate Your English - Pre-Intermediate(2008/11 Cambridge University Press / Kinseido刊行 p.92~129)
- Handbook of scaling methods in aquatic ecology: Measurement, analysis and simulation.(2004/01 CRC Press刊行「Handbook of scaling methods in aquatic ecology: Measurement, analysis and simulation.」 p.543~557)
- ESPの理論と実践-これで日本の英語教育が変わる(2000/11 三修社刊行「ESPの理論と実践-これで日本の英語教育が変わる」 p.157~164)
- コンパクト科学技術英語事典 Guide to Technical English Expressions(1999/05 三修社刊行「コンパクト科学技術英語事典Guide to Technical English Expression」)
- Say It Aloud(2003/02 三修社刊行「Say It Aloud」)
- Physiological Ecology of Harmful Aglal Bloomed (NATO ASI Series / Ecological Sciences)(1998/06 Springer-Verlag刊行「The physiological ecology of harmful algal blooms」)
- マルチメディア 英会話シリーズ 刑事コロンボ [別れのワイン] Teacher's Manual(1998/08 Softrade International Inc.刊行「マルチメディア 英会話シリーズ 刑事コロンボ [別れのワイン] Teacher's Manual」)
- 3DCG映像による介助技術の習得支援教材の開発(2015/11 第35回医療情報学連合大会論文集)
- An Analysis of Emotions in Reversed Japanese Sentences and Malay Sentences with NIRS(2015/09 Procedia Computer Science)
- A Preliminary Experiment to Investigate the Effects of Blue Backgrounds on a Tablet Screen for Elderly People(2015/09 Procedia Computer Science)
- A Preliminary Examination of Effect of Massage and Aroma Oil Massage in Foot Care Nursing(2015/09 Procedia Computer Science)
- E-portfolio for Global Human Resource Development Program(2015/07 Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Engineering Education)
- The effects of light blue and white backgrounds on the brain activity of Web-based English tests’ takers(2014/09 Procedia Computer Science)
- Analysis of the effect of aroma foot care using functional near-infrared spectroscopy(2014/09 Procedia Computer Science)
- The effects of light blue and white backgrounds on the brain activity of Web-based English tests’ takers(2014/09 Procedia Computer Science)
- Analysis of the effect of aroma foot care using functional near-infrared spectroscopy(2014/09 Procedia Computer Science)
- Brain activity measurement for the scores of on-line English grammar tests with white and blue backgrounds(2013/12 Communications in Computer and Information Science: Advanced Techniques for Knowledge Engineering and Innovative Applications)
- Brain activity measurement for the scores of on-line English grammar tests with white and blue backgrounds(2013/12 Communications in Computer and Information Science: Advanced Techniques for Knowledge Engineering and Innovative Applications)
- A preliminary analysis of light blue backgrounds on the scores of Web-based tests using NIRS(2013/10 Proceedings of 2013 International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training)
- コンピュータを用いた英語文法テストに及ぼす画面背景色効果の検証(2013/09 教育システム情報学会誌)
- A preliminary examination of the effect of white and blue backgrounds on Web-based English listening tests(2013/09 Procedia Computer Science)
- NIRSによるフットケアがもたらす効果の分析(2013/09 第12回情報科学技術フォーラム講演論文集)
- コンピュータを用いた英語文法テストに及ぼす画面背景色効果の検証(2013/09 教育システム情報学会誌)
- A preliminary examination of the effect of white and blue backgrounds on Web-based English listening tests(2013/09 Procedia Computer Science)
- NIRS信号に基づいたアロマを用いるフットケアの効果の可視化について(2013/06 ナイチンゲールKOMIケア学会第4回学術集会集録)
- 光トポグラフィーを用いたe-learning英語文法問題に対する青と白背景色効果の検証(2013/03 電気学会次世代産業システム研究会資料)
- 光トポグラフィーを用いたe-learning英語リスニングテストスコアに対する青と白背景色効果の検証(2013/03 電気学会次世代産業システム研究会資料)
- An Analysis of white and blue background-color effects on the scores of Web-based English grammar tests using near-infrared spectroscopy(2012/09 Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications)
- An Analysis of white and blue background-color effects on the scores of Web-based English grammar tests using near-infrared spectroscopy(2012/09 Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications)
- Enhancing the global awareness of graduate students through an advanced engineering English course for multi-national students(2012/08 International Cooperation in Engineering Education International Session & AEESEAP Workshop 2012 Proceedings)
- Enhancing the global awareness of graduate students through an advanced engineering English course for multi-national students(2012/08 International Cooperation in Engineering Education International Session & AEESEAP Workshop 2013 Proceedings)
- 光トポグラフィーを用いたWeb-Based英語テストにおける背景色効果についての検証(2012/03 教育システム情報学会研究報告)
- コーパス分析ツールを用いた工学英語教材開発‐電気電子建築編(2012/03 電気学会研究会資料 次世代産業システム研究会IIS-12-036~042)
- Web pages of small and medium sized manufacturing companies in Tokyo and their global business needs(2011/10 Proceedings of IEEE International Professional Communication Conference 2011)
- Web pages of small and medium sized manufacturing companies in Tokyo and their global business needs(2011/10 Proceedings of IEEE International Professional Communication Conference 2012)
- A Preliminary Examination of Background-Color Effects on the Scores of Computer-Based English Grammar Tests Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy(2011/09 Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
- Engineering education for multi-national students through an advanced EST course by Japanese English teachers(2011/09 Proceedings of the JACET 50th (2011) Commemorative International Convention)
- An Analysis of background-color effects on the scores of a computer-based English test(2010/09 Proceedings of 14th International conference, Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems)
- An Evaluation of Pictograms for Communication among Japanese and Thai-speaking Engineers Working in Manufacturing Settings(2010/07 Proceedings of IEEE International Professional Communication Conference 2010)
- A comprehensibility study of pictogram elements for manufacturing steps(2010/01 International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Soft Data Paradigms)
- Surveys of the international communication needs of small and medium sized manufacturing companies in Tokyo(2009/07 Proceedings of IEEE International Professional Communication Conference 2009)
- An Effectiveness Study of Pictogram Elements for Steps in Manufacturing Procedures(2008/09 Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
- Analysis of communication functions of Japanese engineers working at manufacturing sites in English-speaking countries(2008/07 Proceedings of IEEE International Professional Communication Conference, 2008)
- A survey and analysis of English communication needs of Japanese engineers working at manufacturing sites in English-speaking countries(2007/10 Proceedings of IEEE Professional Communication Seminar in Japan, University of Aizu, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan, Oct. 2007)
- Signaling Transitions in Oral Presentations: Language and Strategies(2007/10 Proceedings of the IEEE International Professional Communication Conference, Seattle, U.S.A., Oct. 2007)
- A study of meaning comprehensibility of pictograms for lathe procedural instructions(2007/09 Lecture Note in Computer Science)
- The evaluation of an ESP e-learning course for engineering majors in terms of facilitating learner's anatomy and motivation(2007/09 Proceedings of 23rd Annual Conference of Japan Society For Educational Technology, Waseda University, Sept. 2007)
- 旋盤作業手順ピクトグラムの有効性に関するパイロットスタディ(2007/03 電気学会産業システム情報化研究会資料 2007)
- Development of an e-learning English material for welding engineers and technologists(2006/10 Annual Report of JACET-SIG on ESP (Headquarters), 2006)
- Collaborative Teaching of Technical Writing to Japanese Students in a Fluid Mechanics Course(2004/03 Annual Report of JACET-SIG on ESP (Headquarters) 2004)
- 海外における技術指導現場の英語使用についての予備調査(2003/03 Annual Report of JACET-SIG on ESP (Headquarters) 2003)
- ESP as Simulation(2001/03 Annual Report of JACET-SIG on ESP (Headquarters) 2001)
- A Dinoflagellate Adaptive Behavior Model: Response to Internal Biochemical Cues(2000/12 Ecological Modelling)
- 水産学系学生に対するESP調査(2000/03 Annual Report of JACET-SIG on ESP (Headquarters) 2000)
- Modeling Adaptive Behavior of Phytoplankton in an AL Approach(2000/02 )
- The Function of Logical Modals in Scientific Writing(1998/11 The 24th JALT Annual International Conference of Languae Teaching/Learning, Omiya, Japan, Nov. 1998)
- Modeling Vertical Movements of Phytoplankton(1998/06 Proceedings of The 17th Simulation Technology Conference, Tokyo, June 1998)
- プランクトン行動の新しいモデリング手法(1998/03 シミュレーション)
- A study of university students' attitudes toward CD-ROM English materials(1997/09 Proceedings of The Fifth Joint Conference on Educational Technology, Tokyo, Sept. 1997)
- プランクトン行動のAdaptive Behavior Modelling(1996/06 シミュレーション学会大会紀要集)
- 個体の行動モデル(1995/06 月刊海洋)
- A new modeling approach for zooplankton behavior(1994/09 Deep-Sea Research II)
- A study of specification language metrics(1991/06 Master Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Maryland)
- Data compression using non-uniform samples with control compression ratio(1985/11 The Proceedings of The 19th Asilomar Conference on Circuits, System and Computers, Asilomar, California, Nov.1985)
- Asymmetric Hydrolysis of (±)-1-Acetoxy-2, 3-dichloropropane with Enzymes and Microorganisms(1982/06 Agricultural and Biological Chemistry)