材料・化学 ナノテクノロジー 表面加工
表面加工 超撥水、
- 薄膜の評価技術ハンドブック・第II部 第6章 第1節 親水性と撥水性(2013/01 株式会社テクノシステム刊行)
- 第6章 水を利用したマテリアルプロセッシング、6.1無機材料(微粒子)、基礎からわかる 水の応用工学(2011/04 日刊工業新聞社刊行「日本学術振興会「水の先進理工学」に関する先導的研究開発委員会[編]」 p.145~156)
- Nanofabrication techniques and applications: Chapter 24, Scanning probe lithography on organic monolayers(2011/04 Intech刊行 p.475~504)
- Fabrication of micropatterned templates for immobilizing inorganic and organic materials by photolithography(2011/04 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.刊行)
- High Functionalization of Magnesium Alloy Surface by Superhydrophobic Treatment(Chapter13)(2011/01 INTECH刊行 p.261~288)
- Biomimetic and Bioinspired Nanomaterials: Chapter 9, Biomimetic Nanotechnology(2010/04 Wiley-VCH刊行 p.303~341)
- 撥水・撥油の技術と材料,有機単分子膜処理による超はっ水ナノ分子ペーパーの作製(2008/04 株式会社シーエムシー出版刊行 p.207~221)
- 自然に学ぶ材料プロセッシング-自己組織化単分子膜を利用した分子メモリの作製(2007/04 名古屋大学21世紀COE「自然に学ぶ材料プロセッシングの創成」教科書編集委員会刊行 p.216~221)
- バイオプロセスハンドブック,バイオケミカルエンジニアリングの基礎から有用物質生産・環境調和技術まで-超はっ水性および超親水性表面を用いた新しい細胞培養技術(2007/04 NTS刊行 p.225~231)
- Industrial Plasma Technology: Chapter 17, Hydrophilicity and Bioactivity of a Polyethylene Terephthalate Surface Modified by Plasma-Initiated Graft Polymerization(2007/04 Wiley-VCH刊行 p.207~219)
- エコマテリアルハンドブック(2006/04 丸善刊行 p.507~508)
- 超微細パターニング技術-次世代のナノ・マイクロパターニングプロセス(分担)-SAMを利用した選択的無電解めっきによる金属パターニング(2005/04 サイエンス&テクノロジー刊行 p.9~21)
- ソリューションプラズマによるフッ素含有炭素の合成と酸素還元反応に対する触媒性能評価(2015/06 J. Flux Growth)
- Water-plasma-assisted synthesis of black titania spheres with efficient visible-light photocatalytic activity(2015/06 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.)
- Simple one-step synthesis of fluorine-doped carbon nanoparticles as potential alternative metal-free electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction(2015/05 J. Mater. Chem. A)
- Nitrogen-doped carbon nanoparticles derived from acrylonitrile plasma for electrochemical oxygen reduction(2015/01 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.)
- ソリューションプラズマによる酸素還元触媒用窒素含有カーボンの合成と特性評価(2014/12 材料の科学と工学)
- 蒸気コーティング法によるマグネシウム合金上への耐食性皮膜の作製(2014/12 軽金属学会誌)
- Corrosion resistance of Mg(OH)2/Mg-Al layered double hydroxide composite film formed directly on combustion-resistant magnesium alloy AMCa602 by steam coating(2014/11 Corros. Sci.,)
- In situ solution plasma synthesis of nitrogen-doped carbon nanoparticles as electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction(2014/09 J. Mater. Chem. A)
- Formation of anticorrosive film on Mg alloy using steam coating(2014/09 Proceedings of the IMA 2014 World Conference)
- Electrocatalytic activity for oxygen reduction reaction of oxygen-containing nanocarbon synthesized by solution plasma(2014/04 J. Mater. Chem. A)
- Solution Plasma Synthesis of Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanoballs as Effective Metal-Free Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction(2014/03 2013 MRS Fall Meeting proceedings)
- Synthesis of Chromium Oxycarbide Thin Films by Reactive DC Sputtering with Carbon Dioxide Gas(2013/12 Trans. Mat. Res. Soc. Japan)
- Corrosion resistance of Mg-Al layered double hydroxide container-containing magnesium hydroxide films formed directly on magnesium alloy by chemical-free steam coating(2013/07 Journal of Materials Chemistry)
- Al-Co系層状複水酸化物を利用したアルミニウム基板上へのLiCoO2結晶の形成(2013/06 Journal of Flux Growth)
- In-situ formation of anticorrosive Mg-Al layered double hydroxide-containing magnesium hydroxide film on magnesium alloy by steam coating method(2013/03 ECS Electrochem. Lett)
- Composite film formed on magnesium alloy AZ31 by chemical conversion from molybdate/phosphate/fluorinate aqueous solution toward corrosion protection(2012/12 Surf. Coat. Technol.)
- Rapid Sterilization of Escherichia coli by solution plasma process(2012/10 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys)
- Corrsion resistance of magnesium phosphate/magnesium hydroxide composite film formed on magnesium alloy using steam curing method(2012/04 Electrochimica Acta)
- High sensitive detection of volatile organic compounds using superhydrophobic quartz crystal microbalance(2012/03 Sensor and Actuators B: Chemical)
- Magnesium hydroxide/Magnesium phosphate compounds composite coating for corrosion of magnesium alloy by a combination process of chemical conversation and steam curing(2011/10 Materials Letters)
- Nobel Fabrication of NIR-Vis Upconversion NaYF4:Ln(Ln=Yb,Er,Tm)Crystal Layers by Flux Coating Method(2011/08 Journal of Materials Chemistry)
- Corrosion resistant performance of alkanoic and phosphnic acids self-assembled monolayers on Magnesium Alloy AZ31 by vapor phase method(2011/04 Langmuir)
- Liquid Phase Formation of Alkyl-and Perfluoro-phosphonic Acid Derived Monolayers on Magnesium Alloy AZ31 and their chemical properties(2011/04 Journal of Colloid and Interface Science)
- Creating biointerface on polymer by Plasma-Initiated Graft Polymerization(2011/04 Trans.Mater.Soc.J.in press)
- ナノ結晶を利用したマグネシウム合金上への耐食性皮膜の創製(2011/04 J.Flux Growth)
- Fabrication of Highly Crystalline NbOx Nanotube/Cup-Stacked CNTNanocomposites(2011/04 J.Nanosci.Nanotechnol.11)
- The Growth of Highly Crystalline Idiomorphic Potassium Titanoniobate Crystals by Cooling of a Potassium Chloride Flux(2011/04 CryarEngComm)
- Corrosion resistance and durability of superdrophobic surface formed on magnesium alloy coated with nanostructured cerium oxide film in corrosiveNaCl aqueous solution(2011/03 Langmuir)
- Facile Formation of Biomimetic Color-tuned Superhydrophobic Magnesium Alloy with Corrosion Resistance(2011/02 Langmuir)
- Novel fast and easy growth of highly crystalline,idiomorphic fluorapatite crystals via an atmospheric pressure plasma-assisted flux coating method(2011/01 CrystEngComm)
- Corrosion resistance and chemical stability of super-hydrophobic film deposited on magnesium alloy AZ31 by microwave plasma-enchanced chemical vapor deposition(2010/07 Electorochimica Acta)
- Rapid Formation of a Superhydrophobic Surface on a Magnesium Alloy Coated with a Cerium Oxide Film by a Simple Immersion Process at Room Temperature and Its Chemical Stability(2010/06 Langmuir)
- Unique three-dimensional nano-/micro-textured surfaces consisting of highly Crystalline Nb2O5nanotubes(2010/04 J.Cryst.Growth)
- マグネシウム合金上へのナノ結晶成長を利用した超はっ水表面の形成(2010/04 J.Flux Growth)
- Correlation of Cell Adhesive Behaviors on Superhydrophobic, Superhydrophilic ,and Micropatterned Superhydrophobic/Superhydrophilic Surfaces to Their Surface Chemistry(2010/02 Langmuir)
- Anticorrosive magnesium photsphate coating on AZ31 magnesium alloy(2009/04 Surf.Coat.Technol)
- Surfactant-Assisted Fabrication of TinOxide Nanowires Through One-Step Electrochemically Inducedc Chemical Deposition(2009/04 J.Electrochem.Soc.)
- Morpholigical control of vertically self-aligned nanosheets formed on magnesium alloy by surfactant-free hydrothermal synthesis(2009/04 CrystEhgComm)
- Chemical Deposition and Corrosive Resistance of TiO2/MgF2 Composite Nanofilm on Magnesium Alloy AZ31(2009/04 Electrochem.Solid State Lett.)
- Surface characterization on binary nano/micro-domain composed of alkyl-and amino-terminated self -assembled monolayer,Appl.Phys(2008/04 Appl. Surf. Sci.)
- Control of site-selective adsorption reaction on a biomimetic super-hydrophilic/super-hydrophobic micropatterned template(2008/04 Surf.Coat.Technol)
- Comparative study of the molecular aggregation state of alkyl organic monolayers prepared on Si and hydrogen-terminated Si substrates(2008/04 Nanotechnology)
- Effects of Humidity and Solution Age on Growth of Organosilane Self-Assembled Monolayers(2008/04 Jpn.J.Appl.Phys)
- Effect of Reaction Temperature on Growth of Organosilane Self-Assembled Monolayers(2008/04 Jpn.J.Appl.Phys)
- Morphology of High-Frequency Electrohydraulic Discharge for Liquid-Solution Plasmas(2008/04 IEEE Trans.Plasma Sci.)
- Fabrication and characterization of ultra water repellent alumina-silica composite films(2007/04 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.)
- Local generation of carboxyl groups on an organic monolayers through chemical conversion using scanning probe anodization(2007/04 Mater. Sci. Engineering C)
- Probing into adsorption behavior of human plasma fibrinogen on self-assembled monolayers with different chemical properties by scanning probe microscopy(2007/04 Surf.Sci)
- Electrochemical soft lithography of an 1,7octadiene monolayer covalently linked to hydrogen-terminated silicon using scanning probe microscopy(2007/04 Surf.Sci)
- Study of alkyl organic monolayers with different alkyl chain lengths directly attached to silicon(2006/04 Langmuir)
- Depth profiles of the Fermi level at an amorphous-carbon nitride/SiO2/n-type-Si heterojunction interface obtained by Kelvin probe force microscopy(2006/04 Diamond. Related. Mater.)
- Visualization of Human Plasma Fibrinogen Adsorbed on Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite by Scanning Probe Microscopy(2006/04 Surf. Sci.)
- Fabrication of piezoelectric self-assembled fluorinated polyether monolayer on hydrogen-terminated Si(111) surface(2005/04 Chem. Lett.)
- クエン酸浴から電析されたZnTe薄膜のホール効果測定による電気的特性の評価(2005/04 日本金属学会誌)
- Surface potential reversibility of an amino-terminated self-assembled monolayer based on nanoprobe chemistry(2005/04 J. Phys. Chem. B)
- 走査型プローブ顕微鏡を用いた局所空間化学反応の制御(2005/04 表面技術)
- An investigation into the effect of ionic species on the formation of ZnTe from a citric acid electrolyte(2005/04 Electrochim. Acta)
- Electrodeposition of ZnTe films with high current efficiency from citric acid aqueous solutions at low overpotential(2004/04 J. Electrochem. Soc.)
- 走査型プローブ顕微鏡を用いたダイレクトメタルドローイング法によるAuナノ細線の作製(2004/04 表面技術)
- Electrodeposition of Copper-indium-telluride films from hydrochloric acid solution(2004/04 Surf. Coat. Technol.)
- ニトリロ三酢酸を添加した塩基性アンモニア浴からのBi2Te3電析(2004/04 日本金属学会誌)
- Structural, optical and electrical properties of ZnTe thin films electrochemically deposited from a citric acid aqueous solution(2004/04 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.)
- Effect of pH on the electrodeposition of ZnTe film from a citric acid solution(2004/04 Mater. Trans.)
- Ge-Sb-Te系による新規組成の薄膜作製および評価(2004/04 日本金属学会誌)
- Electrodeposition of copper-tellurium compound under diffusion-limiting control(2003/04 Mater. Trans.)
- Kinetics of SiHCl3 and SiCl4 evolution in Si(s)-HCl(g) System by Ab-initio MO(2000/04 Mater. Trans., JIM.)
- クエン酸を含有する浴からのCu-In合金の電析(2000/04 資源と素材)
- Gas phase equilibria for dibenzo-p-dioxin, dibenzo-p-furane and biphenyl in the C-H-O system(2000/04 Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry)
- Thermodynamic investigation of the effect of oxygen and hydrogen chloride potential upon generation and decomposition behavior of dioxins(2000/04 Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry)
- 半経験的分子軌道法によるテトラエトキシラン熱CVD反応の理論的解析(1999/04 日本金属学会誌)
- The effect of citric acid and EDTA addition on Cu-In alloy electrochemical deposition(1999/04 Mater. Trans., JIM.)
- 非経験的分子軌道法に支援されたRRKM理論によるSiH4(g)→SiH3(g)+H(g)反応の圧力依存性を伴った速度定数の予測(1999/04 日本金属学会誌)