ブリルアン増幅やブリルアン散乱を利用した分布型光ファイバセンシングの研究を行っています。本技術を利用することにより、光ファイバに沿ったひずみや温度の分布が測定可能になります。 近年、本研究室では、高効率なブリルアン増幅技術を新たに発明し、それを光信号の符号化に利用する技術も開発しました。これらの先端光計測技術をベースにして、高速・高精度なファイバセンシング技術を研究開発しています。
- 光ファイバのブリルアンスペクトル測定方法、およびその方法を利用した装置 藤橋一彦、佐々木理 特願2005-215718 ?A?J2007-33183
- インテリジェント技術-材料・構造(2001/04 日本機械学会 編刊行「日刊工業新聞」)
- IT時代を支える光ファイバ技術(2001/04 電子情報通信学会刊行)
- OPTICAL FIBER SENSORS Applications, Analysis, and Future Trends Volume 4(1997/04 Artech House Publishers BOSTON-LONDON刊行)
- The use of Walsh code in modulating the pump light of high spatial resolution phase-shift-pulse Brillouin optical time domain analysis with non-return-to-zero pulses(2013/07 Meas. Sci. Technol.)
- A dual Golay complementary pair of sequences for improving the performance of Phase-Shift Pulse BOTDA fiber sensor(2012/11 )
- 離散符号化PSP-BOTDAの特性の符号パルス間隔依存性(2011/11 電子情報通信学会論文誌 B)
- ブリュアン利得係数の虚部を利用したPSP-BOTDA(2009/11 電子情報通信学会論文誌 B)
- Golay符号を適用したBOTDA(2008/11 電子情報通信学会論文誌 B)
- 位相シフトパルスを使用したBOTDA(2008/02 電子情報通信学会論文誌 B)
- 1310 nm零分散シングルモード光ファイバの短波長帯におけるモード分散特性―干渉法による測定―(2007/10 電子情報通信学会論文誌 B)
- Golay符号を応用したシングルモード光ファイバのブリュアン利得分布測定法(2007/05 電子情報通信学会論文誌 B)
- 相関技術を応用した単一モード光ファイバのラマン利得分布測定法(2006/10 電子情報通信学会論文誌 B)
- Raman gain efficiency distribution measurement in single-mode optical fibers by using backscattering technique(2005/08 IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett)
- Performance prospects for distributed measurement of Raman gain characteristics in optical fibers(2004/07 J. Lightwave Technology)
- Broad-band lightwave synthesized frequency sweeper using synchronous filtering(2004/03 J. Lightwave Tecnol.)
- Technique for measuring longitudinal distribution of Raman gain characteristics in optical fibers(2003/12 J. Lightwave Technol)
- Distribution measurement of Raman-gain and optical-loss characteristics in optical fibers(2003/03 Opt. Lett.)
- Numerical simulation of a lightwave synthesized frequency sweeper incorporating an optical SSB modulator composed of four optical phase modulators(2002/11 J. Lightwave Technol.)
- An uncooled external cavity diode laser for coarse-WDM access network systems(2002/07 IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett.)
- Measurement of Raman gain distribution in optical fibers(2002/07 IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett.)
- Chromatic dispersion measurement of optical components using lightwave synthesized frequency sweeper(2002/04 J. Lightwave Technol.)
- A Novel In-Service Measurement Technique Using the Same Wavelength Band as SCM Signals(2000/10 J. Lightwave Technol.)
- Fast and Accurate Measurement of WDM Components Using Ligthwave Synthesized frequency Sweeper(2000/06 Electron. Lett.)
- Allowable Received OTDR Light Power for In-Service Measurement in Lightwave SCM Systems(2000/03 J. Lightwave Technol.)
- Stable Lightwave Frequency Synthesis Over 1 THz Span Using Fabry-Perot Cavity Containing Polarization-Rotation Elements and Actively-Controlled Tunable Bandpass Filter.(2000/01 IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett.)
- Four-Wave Mixing Suppression Effect of Dispersion Distributed Fibers(1999/10 J. Lightwave Technol)
- Suppression of signal power depletion by filtering of FWM induced conjugate waves in repeatedly loss compensated system(1999/10 J. Opt. Commun.)
- Stable lightwave frequency synthesizer using discrete-time negative frequency feedback with polarization diversity technique(1999/04 Electron. Lett.)
- Stabilization of pulsed lightwave circulating around amplified fiber-optic ring incorporating a Lyot depolarizer(1998/12 IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett.)
- Tunable 1.6 μm band optical time-domain reflectometer(1998/08 J. Opt. Commun.)
- 1THz lightwave-synthesized frequency sweeper with synchronously tuned bandpass filter(1998/07 Electron. Lett.)
- Measurement of distributed strain in frozen cables and its potential use in predicting cable failure(1997/10 J. Opt. Commun.)
- Broad-band absolute frequency synthesis of pulsed coherent lightwaves by use of a phase-modulation amplified optical ring(1997/08 IEEE J. Quantum Electron.)
- Coherent optical frequency domain reflectometry using phase-decorrelated reflected and reference lightwaves(1997/07 J. Lightwave Technol.)
- Spectral-linewidth broadening in synchronous Raman fiber amplification caused by cross-phase modulation effects and its suppression(1997/06 Opt. Lett.)
- Performance improvement of a combined OTDR for distributed strain and loss measurement by randomizing the reference light polarization state(1997/03 IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett.)
- Spatial-resolution improvement in long-range coherenct optical frequency domain reflectometry by frequency-sweep linearisation(1997/02 Electron. Lett.)
- Absolute frequency synthesis of pulsed coherent light waves through phase-modulation active optical feedback(1996/11 Opt. Lett.)
- Continuous-wave frequency synthesis of a laser diode based on discrete-time negative frequency feedback : II. Theory(1996/04 IEEE J. Quantum Electron.)
- Development of a distributed sensing technique using Brillouin scattering(1995/07 J. Lightwave Technol.)
- Coherent optical frequency domain reflectometry for long single-mode optical fiber using a coherent lightwave source and an external phase modulator(1995/07 IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett.)
- Continuous-wave frequency synthesis of a laser diode based on discrete-time negative frequency feedback : I. Experiment(1995/06 IEEE J. Quantum Electron.)
- Measurement of distributed strain and temperature in a branched optical fiber network by uses of Brillouin optical time-domain reflectometry(1995/03 Opt. Lett.)
- Frequency translation of light waves by propagation around an optical ring circuit containing a frequency shifter : II. Theoretical analysis(1994/05 Appl. Opt.)
- Coherent self-heterodyne Brillouin OTDR for measurement of Brillouin Frequency shift distribution in optical fibers(1994/05 J. Lightwave Technol.)
- Frequency translation of light waves by propagation around an optical ring circuit containing a frequency shifter : I. Experiment(1993/11 Appl. Opt.)
- Frequency-difference stabilization of distributed-feedback laser diodes by uses of an optical frequency translation circuit(1993/11 Opt. Lett.)
- Optical fiber line surveillance system for preventive maintenance based on fiber strain and loss monitoring(1993/04 IEICE Trans. Commun.)
- Brillouin optical-fiber time domain reflectometry(1993/04 IEICE Trans. Commun.)
- Coherent self-heterodyne detection of spontaneously Brillouin-scattered lightwaves in a single-mode fiber(1993/02 Opt. Lett.)
- Technique for translating light-wave frequency by using an optical ring circuit containing a frequency shifter(1992/09 Opt. Lett.)
- Brillouin characterization of fiber strain in bent slot-type optical-fiber cables(1992/09 J. Lightwave Technol.)
- A 1.6 μm band OTDR using a synchronous Raman fiber amplifier(1992/08 IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett.)
- Characteristics and reduction of coherent fading noise in Rayleigh backscattering measurement for optical fibers and components(1992/07 J. Lightwave Technol.)
- Coherent lightwave amplification and stimulated Brillouin scattering in an Erbium-doped fiber amplifier(1992/06 IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett.)
- Stimulated Raman amplification of 1.6-mm-band pulsed light in optical fibers(1992/01 IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett.)
- Measurement of Rayleigh backscattering in a single mode fiber based on coherent OFDR by employing a DFB laser diode(1991/11 IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett.)
- 海底光ファイバケーブル多心化技術の検討?48心ケーブルの設計と特性(1991/06 電子情報通信学会論文誌 B)
- Proposal for stimulated Brillouin scattering suppression by fibre cabling(1991/06 Electron. Lett.)
- ブリルアン散乱を応用した分布型光ファイバセンサ(1991/05 電子情報通信学会論文誌 C-II)
- Measurement of distributed strain due to laying and recovery of submarine optical fiber cable(1991/01 Appl. Opt.)
- Water penetration sensing using wavelength tunable OTDR(1990/11 IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett.)
- Thermal effects of Brillouin gain spectra in single-mode fibers(1990/10 IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett.)
- First measurement of strain distribution along field-installed optical fibers using Brillouin spectroscopy(1990/09 J. Lightwave Technol.)
- Distributed-temperature sensing using stimulated Brillouin scattering in optical silica fibers(1990/09 Opt. Lett.)
- Thermal effects on the Brillouin frequency shift in jacketed optical silica fibers(1990/05 Appl. Opt.)
- A technique to measure distributed strain in optical fibers(1990/05 IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett.)
- ブリルアン分光による光ファイバひずみ分布測定(1990/02 電子情報通信学会論文誌 B-I)
- Evaluation of residual stress and viscosity in SiO2-core/F-SiO2 clad single-mode optical fibers from Brillouin spectra(1989/11 J. Appl. Phys.)
- Advances in optical time-domain reflectometry(1989/08 J. Lightwave Technol.)
- BOTDA - Nondestructive measurement of single-mode optical fiber attenuation characteristics using Brillouin interaction: Theory(1989/08 J. Lightwave Technol.)
- Tensile strain dependence of Brillouin frequency shift in silica optical fibers(1989/05 IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett.)
- Optical-fiber-attenuation investigation using stimulated Brillouin scattering between a pulse and a continuous wave(1989/04 Opt. Lett.)
- Brillouin gain variation due to a polarization-state change of the pump or Stokes fields in standard single-mode fibers(1989/03 Opt. Lett.)
- Identification of longitudinal acoustic modes guided in the core region of a single-mode optical fiber by Brillouin gain spectra measurements(1988/07 Opt. Lett.)
- 超音波光偏向器を使用したOTDR用多モード光ファイバ型光方向性結合器(1988/04 電子通信学会論文誌 B)
- Optical reflectometer using low coherence source(1988/04 Trans. IEICE)
- Wavelength dependence of Brillouin-gain spectra for single-mode optical fibres(1988/03 Electron. Lett.)
- Performance of birefringent launching fibers for reducing polarization noise in optical time domain reflectometry(1988/03 Trans. IEICE)
- Optical fiber cable measurements in the field(1986/08 IEEE J. Selected Areas in Commun.)
- Birefringent launching fibers for reducing backscattered power fluctuations in polarization-sensitive optical-time-domain reflectometers(1985/10 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A)
- A novel technique for reducing polarization noise in optical-time domain reflectometers for single-mode fibers(1985/08 J. Lightwave Technol.)
- Polarization-mode-coupling measurements along a spliced polarization-preserving fiber using a backsacttering technique(1985/07 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A)
- Chromatic dispersion measurements over a 50-km single-mode fiber(1985/02 J. Lightwave Technol.)
- Far-end measurement technique of chromatic dispersion in single-mode optical transmission lines(1985/01 Trans. IECE Japan)
- 単一モード光ファイバの損失測定における受光方法(1985/01 電子通信学会論文誌)
- グレーデッド形多モード光ファイバの損失波長特性(1984/10 電子通信学会論文誌)
- Optical time domain reflectometer for single-mode fibers(1984/09 IECE Transaction)
- Optical time domain reflectometer with a semiconductor laser amplifier(1984/08 Electron. Lett.)
- S・G接続を基本とした光ファイバモード励振器の理論解析(1984/07 電子通信学会論文誌)
- An acoustooptical directional coupler for an optical time-domain reflectometer(1984/04 J. Lightwave Technol.)
- グレーデッド形多モード光ファイバの伝送帯域の距離特性(1982/10 電子通信学会論文誌)
- グレーデッド形ファイバ伝送帯域測定用SGS励振器の設計と特性(1982/05 電子通信学会論文誌)
- 励振用標準ファイバの設計と特性(1982/02 電子通信学会論文誌)
- 後方散乱法による光伝送線路の接続損および光損の測定(1981/12 電子通信学会論文誌)
- Measurement and analysis on polarization properties of backward Rayleigh scattering for single-mode optical fibers(1981/12 IEEE J. Quantum Electron.)
- Polarization beat length measurement in a single-mode optical fibre by backward Rayleigh scattering(1981/07 Electron. Lett.)
- Laser stabilization for baseband frequency response measurement of multimode optical fibers(1981/06 Trans. IECE Japan)
- Baseband frequency response of a graded-index fiber excited by a step-index fiber(1980/08 Appl. Opt.)
- グレーデッド形多モード光ファイバの現場における損失測定(1980/05 電子通信学会論文誌)
- An empirical formula for estimating the baseband bandwidth of spliced long optical fibers(1980/01 Trans. IECE Japan)
- Optical loss measurement in graded-index fiber using a dummy fiber(1979/10 Appl. Opt.)
- Baseband-frequency-response measurement of graded-index fibre using step-index fibre as an exciter(1979/03 Electron. Lett.)