材料・化学 エネルギー・環境・資源
- 原子力・量子・核融合事典 第Ⅲ分冊(2014/12 丸善出版刊行 新井剛 著「丸善出版」)
- 高効率分離を目指したトリフェニルホスフィン抽出剤による都市鉱山からの白金族元素の分離プロセスの提案(2015/07 Journal of MMIJ)
- Homogeneous liquid-liquid extraction of U(VI) from HNO3 aqueous solution to betainium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl) imide ionic liquid and recovery of extracted U(VI)(2015/01 Separation and Purification Technology)
- Homogeneous Liquid-liquid Extraction of Pd(II), Rh(III), Ru(III), and U(VI) Using a Carboxyl-functionalized Ionic Liquid with Thermomorphic Behavior(2014/02 Chemistry. Letters.)
- Extraction of Pd(II), Rh(III) and Ru(III) from HNO3 aqueous solution to betainium-bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl) imide ionic liquid(2014/02 Dalton Transactions.)
- Uranyl Species in 1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium Nitrate ([EMI][NO3]) Solution of [EMI]2[UO2(NO3)4] : First Spectrophotometric Evidence for Existence of [UO2(NO3)4]2-(2014/01 Chemistry Letters)
- エクスパンデットベッドカラムクロマトグラフィーのマイナーアクチノイド分離プロセスへの適応性(2013/05 日本イオン交換学会誌)
- Optimizing composition of TODGA/SiO2-P adsorbent for extraction chromatography process(2012/10 Procedia Chemistry)
- Electrochemical Behavior of [UO2Cl4]2- in 1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium Based Ionic Liquids(2012/07 Science China Chemistry)
- イオン交換法による使用済液晶パネル中からのインジウム分離・回収の基礎研究(2011/10 日本イオン交換学会誌)
- Spectroelectrochemical Identification of a Pentavalent Uranyl Tetrachloro Complex in Room-Temperature Ionic Liquid(2011/09 Inorganic Chemistry)
- 電解酸化-液体膜輸送ハイブリッド法によるセリウムを主とした希土類元素の相互分離に関する基礎研究(2011/06 資源・素材学会誌)
- 高速増殖炉燃料再処理のMA分離に用いられるHDEHP吸着材の基礎特性に関する研究(2010/09 日本イオン交換学会誌)
- ピリジン系イオン液体及び無機担体-イオン液体複合材料を用いたPd(II)の吸着挙動(2010/05 日本イオン交換学会誌)
- Study on separation of Eu(II) from trivalent rare earths via electro-reduction and ion exchange(2008/01 Journal of Alloys and Compounds)
- An efficient elution method of tetravalent uranium from anion exchanger by using formic acid solution(2008/01 Jurnal of Alloyds and Compounds)
- Reduction of U(VI) and some fission products in HNO3 media by galvanostatic electrolysis(2008/01 Journal of Alloys and Compounds)
- Selective Eu(III) Electro-Reduction and Subsequent Separation of Eu(II) from Rare Earths(III) via HDEHP Impregnated Resin(2007/07 Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange)
- 微量の銅を含むポリアミドの耐熱性と化学構造(2007/06 高分子論文集)
- Direct Spectroscopic Determination of Europium (II) Concentration During Europium (II) Electro-Reduction in Hydrochloric Acid Medium(2007/02 Journal of Rare Earths)
- CMPO含浸吸着材による高レベル放射性廃液核種分離システム(2007/01 日本原子力学会 和文論文誌)
- Separation of Rare Earths in Nitric Acid Medium by a Novel Silica-Based Pyridinium Anion Exchange Resin(2006/09 Journal of Alloys and Compounds)
- Palladium Removal from the Simulated Nuclear Spent Fuel Solution Using a Silica-Based SiPyR-N3 Anion Exchanger(2006/01 Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange)
- Development of the ERIX process for Reprocessing Spent FBR-MOX Fuel -Electrolytic Reduction and Anion Exchange Separation for U and FPs Containing Solution-(2005/10 Proceedings of GLOBAL' 2005)
- Development of the ERIX process for Reprocessing Spent FBR-MOX Fuel -A Hot Test on U and Pu Recoverly and the Process Improvement-(2005/10 Proceedings of GLOBAL' 2005)
- Development of a new aqueous process for nuclear fuel reprocessing : Hot tests on the recovery of U and Pu from a nitric acid solution of spent LWR fuel(2005/02 Nuclear Technology)
- A study on Adsorption onto TODGA Resin after Electrolytic Reduction in ERIX Process for Reprocessing Spent FBR-MOX Fuel(2005/02 Proceedings of NUCEF 2005)
- Electrochemical reduction of uranium(VI) in nitric acid-hydrazine solution on glassy carbon electrode(2004/04 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry)
- Electrochemical behavior of the V(IV)/V(V) couple in sulfuric acid medium(2003/12 BATTERY BIMONTHLY)
- Adsorption behavior of various metal ions in nitrite medium and separation of some metals by anion exchange(2003/05 Journal of Ion Exchange)
- シリカ担持型ピリジン基アニオン交換体の合成及び使用済核燃料再処理への応用に関する研究(2002/12 日本イオン交換学会誌)
- Studies on the Adsorption of Uranium and Fission Product Elements from Nitric Acid Solution by Novel Silica-Based Polyvinylpyridine Anion Exchange Resin(2002/11 Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology)
- Development of a novel Redox Flow Batteries for Electricity Storage System(2002/10 Journal of Applied Electrochemistry)
- Adsorption and Separation Behavior of Cobalt, Nickel and Cupper in Nitrate Medium by Anion Exchanger(2002/09 Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange)
- シリカ担持型CMPO吸着材の基礎特性に関する試験研究(2002/09 日本原子力学会 和文論文誌)
- A sudy of the Ce(III)/Ce(IV) redox couple for redox flow battery application(2002/06 Electrochemica Acta)
- An Advanced Aqueous Process for Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing(2002/05 Proceedings of NUCEF2001)
- 硝酸水溶液におけるCe(III)からCe(IV)への電解酸化およびアニオン交換法によるCe(IV)の分離(2002/03 資源と素材)
- Development of the Redox Flow Batteries with Mini-Size for Electricity Storage System(2001/09 Electrochemical Society Proceedings)
- An Adavanced Ion Exchange Process for Reprocessing Spent Nuclear Fuels -Electrolytic Reduction of U(VI) to U(IV) and Separation of U(IV) from FPs-(2001/09 Proceedings of GLOBAL' 2001)
- 硝酸溶液における四価セリウムのアニオン交換分離に関する研究(2001/09 日本イオン交換学会誌)
- 硝酸水溶液中におけるベンズイミダゾール基アニオン交換体の耐熱および耐放射線性に関する研究(2001/07 日本イオン交換学会誌)
- Cooperative and competitive adsorption mechanism of NO2, NO, and H2O on H-type mordenite(2001/02 INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERINGCHEMISTRY RESEARCH)
- Preparation of Mono-Dispersed Droplet using Ultrasonic(2000/11 Proceedings of PMP2000)
- Development of an Advanced Ion Excchange Process For The Reprocessing of Spent Nuclear Fuels(2000/07 Ion Exchange at the Millennium: Proceedings of IEX 2000)
- Development of an Advanced Ion Exchange Process for Reprocessing Spent Nuclear Fuel(1999/08 Proceedings of GLOBAL' 99)
- The Separate Removal of Trace 14CO2 and Moist NOX from Off-gases by Adsorption on H-type Mordenite(1999/03 Adsorption, Science and Technology)
- Adsorption Separation of Low Concentration of CO2 and NO2 by Synthetic Zeolites(1998/09 Energy & Fuels)
- ポリフェニレンエーテルの転位反応と熱分解(1996/05 高分子論文集)
- 反応を伴うイオン交換による白金族元素の挙動(1995/08 日本イオン交換学会誌)
- Rearragement of main-chain and subsequent thermal degaradation of polyphenylene-ether(1995/06 Polymer Degradation and Stability)
- スルホン化速度の制御による表面イオン交換樹脂の合成と反応機構(1994/11 日本イオン交換学会誌)