六車 仁志
電子工学科 (工学部)
バイオ・生命・福祉機器 ナノテクノロジー
  • Amperometric biosensor based on carbon nanotube and plasma polymer(2010/02 IN-TECH刊行「Intelligent and Biosensors」)
  • 各種「工業用センサ」スペックデータ集(2004/01「技術情報協会」)
  • バイオセンサー入門(2003/04「コロナ社」)
  • Chemical sensors(1999/04「John G. Webster, Editor, Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, INC. NY.」 p.284~299)
  • Electronically Type-Sorted Carbon Nanotube-Based Electrochemical Biosensors with Glucose Oxidase and Dehydrogenase(2015/01 ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces)
  • Amperometric biosensor with composites of carbon nanotube, hexaamineruthenium(III)chloride, and plasma-polymerized film(2013/12 IEICE Transaction on Electronics)
  • NADH Sensing Using Neutral Red Functionalized Carbon Nanotube/Plasma-polymerized Film Composite Electrode(2012/07 IEICE Transaction on Electronics)
  • Amperometric biosensor based on multilayer containing carbon nanotube, plasma-polymerized film, electron transfer mediator phenothiazine, and glucose dehydrogenase(2012/04 Bioelectrochemistry)
  • NADH sensing using neutral red functionalized carbon nanotube/plasma-polymerized film composite electrode(2012/02 Electrochemistry)
  • Amperometric biosensor based on carbon nanotube functionalized by redox plasma-polymerized film(2011/08 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics)
  • Enzyme biosensor based on plasma-polymerized film covered carbon nanotube layer grown directly on a flat substrate(2011/07 ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces)
  • Protein patterning on functionalized surface prepared by selective plasma polymerization(2010/12 Surface Coatings and Technology)
  • Plasma-polymerized films for biochip design(2010/02 Plasma Processes and Polymers)
  • Plasma polymerization for protein patterning: reversible formation with fullerene modification(2010/02 IEICE Transaction on Electronics)
  • Analysis of terahertz oscillator using negative differential resistance dual-channel transistor and integrated antenna(2009/04 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics)
  • Optimization of carbon nanotube layer formation on plasma-polymerized thin film for enzyme biosensor(2008/11 Sensors and Materials)
  • Biofuel cell based on a complex between glucose oxidase and a plasma-polymerized film containing a redox site(2008/08 IEICE Transaction on Electronics)
  • An amperometric biosensor for glucose based on a composite electrode of glucose dehydrogenase, carbon nanotubes, and plasma-polymerized thin films(2008/08 Electrochemistry,)
  • NADH sensing using a carbon nanotube electrode reinforced with a plasma-polymerized thin film(2008/08 Electrochemistry)
  • Selective adsorption of an antibody onto a plasma-polymerized film for protein patterning(2008/05 IEICE Transaction on Electronics)
  • Quantitative characterization of surface amino groups of plasma-polymerized films prepared from nitrogen-containing monomers for bioelectronic applications(2008/05 IEICE Transaction on Electronics)
  • Amperometric biosensor with the glucose dehydrogenase and plasma-polymerized thin films(2008/03 Analytical Sciences,)
  • Sulphur dioxide plasma modification on poly(methyl methacrylate) for fluidic devices(2008/02 Current Applied Physics)
  • Amperometric biosensor based on a composite of single-walled carbon nanotubes, plasma-polymerized thin film, and an enzyme(2008/01 Biosensors and Bioelectronics)
  • Plasma-polymerized films for biosensors II(2007/01 Trends in Analytical Chemistry)
  • Adsorption of antibody protein onto plasma-polymerized film characterized by atomic force microscopy and quartz crystal microbalance(2007/01 IEICE Transaction on Electronics)
  • Carbon nanotube plasma polymer-based amperometric biosensors: enzyme-friendly platform for ultrasensitive glucose detection(2007/01 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics)
  • Growth of endothelial cells on surfaces modified by a plasma-polymerized coating(2007/01 IEICE Transaction on Electronics)
  • Diffusion-controlled size-selective chloride ion sensing in the presence of bromide ion using a thin, nanoporous, plasma-polymerized coating on an Ag/AgCl electrode(2007/01 Thin Solid Films)
  • Electron transfer mediated biosensor with plasma-polymerized film containing redox site(2006/01 IEICE Transaction on Electronics)
  • Structure and biosensor characteristics of complex between glucose oxidase and plasma-polymerized nanothin film(2006/01 Biosensors and Bioelectronics)
  • Conformational polymorphism and thermochemical analysis of 5,5'-bis[(2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-1-aza-2,5-disila-1-cyclopentyl)ethyl]-2,2':5',2:5,2'-quaterthiophene(2006/01 Journal of Physical Chemistry B)
  • Adsorption of glucose oxidase onto plasma-polymerized film characterized by atomic force microscopy, quartz crystal microbalance, and electrochemical measurement,(2006/01 Journal of Physical Chemistry B)
  • Characterization of diffusion-controlled mass transport through nanoporous nanothin films plasma-polymerized on a sputtered platinum electrode(2005/01 Journal of Physical Chemistry B)
  • Nanothin ferrocene film plasma polymerized over physisorbed glucose oxidase: toward high throughput fabrication of bioelectronic devices without chemical modifications(2005/01 Analytical Chemistry)
  • Electron transfer mediator micro-biosensor fabrication by organic plasma process(2005/01 Biosensors and Bioelectronics)
  • Micro PEFC and Bio PEFC(2004/10 International Workshop on Fuel Cell and Fuel Cell Hybrid Systems)
  • Pyroelectricity in polyurea thin film having oligothiophene segments in the main chain prepared by vapor deposition polymerization(2004/01 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics)
  • プラズマ重合膜を基盤とする新世代バイオセンサー(2004/01 分析化学)
  • Organic plasma process for simple and substrate-independent surface modification of polymeric BioMEMS devices, Biosensors and Bioelectronics(2004/01 )
  • A thin-film glucose biosensor based on hexamethyldisiloxane plasma-polymerized film: influence of its film thickness on the platinum electrode(2004/01 IEICE Transaction on Electronics)
  • Amperometric glucose biosensor based on mediated electron transfer between immobilized glucose oxidase and plasma-polymerized thin film of dimethylaminomethylferrocene on sputtered gold electrode(2004/01 Analytical Sciences)
  • Vapor polymerization deposition of polyimide thin films having oligothiophene segments in the main chain(2003/01 Materials Letters)
  • Conformational polymorphs in vacuum evaporated thin film of 5,5'-bis[(2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-1-aza-2,5-disila-1-cyclopentyl)ethyl]-2,2':5',2:5,2'-quaterthiophene(2003/01 Thin Solid Films)
  • MALC, a novel microinjection method for loading of macromolecules into cultured neurons(2002/01 NeuroReport)
  • Molecular orientation of oligothiophene-based polyamide thin films fabricated by vapor deposition polymerization(2002/01 Thin Solid Films)
  • Photodynamic assistance increases the efficiency of the process in animal cells(2002/01 Biotechnology Letters)
  • Phototoxic process after rapid photosensitive membrane damage of 5,5-bis(aminomethyl)-2,2':5',2-terthiophene dihydrochloride(2001/01 Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology)
  • Integration of microfabricated needle-type glucose sensor devices with a novel thin-film Ag/AgCl electrode and plasma-polymerized thin film: mass production techniques(2001/01 Analyst)
  • 半導体プロセスで作製するニードル型グルコースバイオセンサー:新規薄膜銀/塩化銀参照電極とプラズマ重合膜の利用(2001/01 電気学会論文誌)
  • Photocatalyst coated capillary increases efficiency of membrane penetration process of microinjection(2000/07 World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering)
  • Mass transport behavior of electrochemical species through plasma-polymerized thin film on platinum electrode(2000/01 Journal of Membrane Science)
  • Sensor chip using a plasma-polymerized film for surface plasmon resonance biosensors: reliable analysis of binding kinetics(2000/01 Analytical Sciences)
  • Thin film glucose biosensor based on plasma-polymerized film: simple design for mass production(2000/01 Analytical Chemistry)
  • Application of polymer-embedded proteins to the fabrication of DNA array(2000/01 Biotechnology and Bioengineering)
  • A combined spectroscopic and theoretical study of a series of aminomethyl end-capped oligothiophenes with potential application in thin film devices,(2000/01 Journal of Physical Chemistry A)
  • Vibrational spectra of charged defects in a series of '-bis(aminomethyl) end-capped oligothiophenes induced by chemical doping with iodine(2000/01 Journal of Molecular Structure)
  • Oligothiphene compounds for thin films. raman study of their electronic properties(2000/01 Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Ceramica Y Vidrio)
  • A glucose sensor with a plasma-polymerized thin film fabricated by dry processes(1999/11 Electroanalysis)
  • Electrophysiological monitoring of photodynamic cell membrane damage: light dose and time dependency of photodynamic effect(1999/05 99 Asian Conference on Electrochemistry ('99ACEC), Co-sponsored by The Electrochemical Society of Japan and Waseda University)
  • Vapor polymerization deposition of new polyamide thin films having oligothiophene segments in the main chain(1999/01 Thin Solid Films)
  • Plasma-polymerized films for biosensors(1999/01 Trends in Analytical Chemistry)
  • Morphological and spectroscopic studies of thin films of quaterthiophenes having extra bulky terminal groups(1999/01 Thin Solid Films)
  • Molecular imprinting of methyl pyrazines(1999/01 Analytical Letters)
  • Glucose sensor based on plasma-polymerized films(1998/10 国際酵素シンポジウム)
  • Direct determination of etfenprox using surface plasmon resonance(1998/01 Analtica Chimica Acta)
  • Light dose- and time- dependent phototoxic manner in cell membrane damage(1998/01 Photochemistry and Photobiology)
  • Structural and conformational studies of quaterthiophene having extra bulky terminal groups(1998/01 Chemistry of Materials)
  • Photogeneration of NADPH oligothiophenes coupled with ferredoxin-NADP reductase,(1998/01 Journal of Biotechnology)
  • Selective recognition of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid using a molecular imprinting polymer(1998/01 Analytical Letters)
  • A plasma-polymerized film for surface plasmon resonance immunosensing(1997/01 Analytical Chemistry)
  • Sulfur containing plasma treatment for the introduction of thiol groups onto polyethylene surfaces(1996/01 Chemistry Letters)
  • Structural characterization and surface modification of evaporated thin films of 5,5'-bis(aminomethyl)-2,2':5',2:5,2'-quaterthiophene and its dihydrochloride(1996/01 Langmuir)
  • Crystal and molecular structure of 5,5'-bis[(2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-1-aza-2,5-disila-1-cyclopentyl)methyl]-2,2'-bithiophene(1996/01 Chemistry Letters)
  • Detection of the red tide-causing plankton Alexandrium affine by a piezoelectric immunosensor using a novel method of immobilizing antibodies(1996/01 Analytical Letters)
  • Synthesis and characterization of α, α '-bis(aminomethyl)oligothiophenes and their related compounds(1996/01 Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry)
  • A novel method of immobilizing antibodies on a quartz crystal microbalance using plasma-polymerized films for immunosensors,(1996/01 Analytical Chemistry)
  • Synthesis and characterization of oligothiophenes having terminal amino groups and related compounds,(1995/12 1995 環太平洋国際化学会議)
  • Recognition of sialic acid using molecularly imprinted polymer(1995/01 Analytical Letters,)
  • Low temperature (~420 °C) expitaxial growth of CaF2/Si(111) by ionized-cluster-beam technique(1990/01 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics)