- Innovation and Technology(2015/04 南雲堂刊行 David Rear 著)
- Our Place in the Universe(2014/01 成美堂刊行 Bowling 著)
- 芝浦工業大学電気電子工学専攻学生のための英語例文集 Version 1(2012/03)
- 非母語話者の英語教育研究者の論文における第1人称代名詞の使用と認識について(2015/03 KATE Journal)
- On Developing a Core Guideline for English Language Training Programs in Business Settings(2014/02 The Proceedings of World Academy of Science Engineering and Technology)
- The Changing Trends in the Use of First-person Pronouns in TESOL Research Articles(2013/10 Applied Linguistics in Asia: Gloal and Local Perspectives)
- 日本企業の業種別による英語業務の必要性に関する調査(2013/02 Annual Report of JACET-SIG on ESP)
- コーパス分析ツールを用いた工学英語教材開発―電気電子建築編―(2012/03 次世代産業システム研究会、電気学会)
- Engineering education for multi-national students through an advanced EST course by Japanese English teachers(2011/09 Proceedings of the JACET 50th Commemorative International Convention)
- 日本人英語学習者による論証文の主題構造分析(2011/03 KATE Journal)
- Thematic structure analysis of Japanese advanced EFL college student writing(2010/08 JALT 2009 Conference Proceedings)
- 工学系大学院英語教育でのTOEICテスト利用実践報告(2010/03 大学英語教育とTOEICテスト 2010シンポジウム発表論文集)
- English language competencies needed by Japanese employees in the manufacturing industry(2009/07 Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Professional Communication Conference)
- 外国語能力の自己評定における言語タスク経験の影響(2008/09 日本言語テスト学会研究紀要)
- A Study of the Relationship between TOEIC Scores and Functional Job Performance: Self-assessment of Foreign Language Proficiency(2005/09 TOEIC Research Report)
- Universal Features or LI Influence? Past Tense Use of Japanese English Learners(2002/09 The LCA Journal)
- Japanese EFL Learners' Understanding and Use of the Past Tense: A Study Based on a Questionnaire and Analysis of Students' Narratives.(2000/08 ARELE-Annual Review of Language Education in Japan)