正留 隆
応用化学科 (工学部)
反応装置や分析装置のマイクロチップ(MC)化は、省スペース、試料・廃液の微量化、分析時間の高速化などの利点をもっており、MCは次世代の分析装置として期待されています。本研究室では、イオンセンサを検出部とする、簡便で低価格な、環境汚染物質を検出するためのMCを開発しています。 本研究で開発したMCは、環境分析のみならず、生体関連物質の分析に応用できます。
① 陽、陰イオン性界面活性剤及び高分子電解質の吸光光度法、蛍光光度法ならびに光度滴定法の開発②モバイル型環境汚染物質定量用表面プラズモン共鳴センサの開発③環境汚染物質検出用マイクロ化学システムの開発④キャピラリー電気泳動法による環境汚染物質の分離分析法の開発⑤電流検出型界面活性剤センサの開発⑥環境汚染物質のオプティカルセンシング
  • 第18章センサ, 18.3.1.イオン選択性電極(2013/01 丸善出版刊行 正留 隆 著「電気化学便覧第6版, 電気化学会編」 p.693~696)
  • 8. FIA関連分析法(2009/04 日本分析化学会・フローインジェクション分析研究懇談会編, 医学評論社刊行「役に立つフローインジェクション分析」 p.68~86)
  • 第II部バイオセンサ・イオンセンサ, 第1章酵素センサ・免疫センサ・イオンセンサ, 第8節イオンセンサの流れ系への応用, 電気化学会 化学センサ研究会編,(2008/06 ティー・アイ・シィー刊行「先進化学センサ ガス・バイオ・イオンセンシングの最新技術」 p.225~232)
  • 第1章ケミカルセンサの原理および分類第2節イオンセンサ2.イオンセンサの測定法・応用(2007/08 テクノシステム刊行「バイオセンサ・ケミカルセンサ事典」 p.540~558)
  • Development of a high performance surfactant-selective electrode and its analytical application(2002/04 Transworld Research Network刊行「Recent research developments in Pure and Applied Analytical Chemistry」4巻 p.37~67)
  • 第13章 電気化学分析(1998/10 裳華房刊行「機器分析の基礎」 p.219~244)
  • 第3章電気化学分析と化学センシング、3.2化学センサー、3.2.2 イオンセンサー(1996/07 丸善刊行「機器分析ガイドブック」 p.423~450)
  • 第3章 界面活性剤の微量分析(1994/03 技術情報協会刊行「オリジナルチャートによる界面活性剤の分離・分析技術」 p.251~283)
  • Sequential Injection Analysis of Thiocyanate Ions Using a Microfluidic Polymer Chip with an Embedded Ion-Selective Electrode(2014/04 Analytical Sciences)
  • Determination of polyhexamethylene biguanide hydrochloride(2014/03 Reviews in Analytical Chemistry)
  • Simultaneous Determination of Inorganic Anions by Sequential Injection Chromatography System Constructed from a Monolithic Column and a Microfluidic Polymer Chip with an Embedded Ion-Selective Electrode(2012/12 Journal of Flow Injection Analysis)
  • Sequential injection analysis of nitrate ions using a microfluidic polymer chip with an embedded ion-selective electrode(2012/11 Analytical Methods)
  • Determination of Polyhexamethylene Biguanide Hydrochloride Using Photometric Colloidal Titration with Crystal Violet as a Color Indicator(2011/08 Analytical Sciences)
  • Microfluidic polymer chip with an embedded ion-selective electrode detector for nitrate-ion assay in environmental samples(2010/04 Analytical Sciences)
  • Flow Immunoassay for nonioinic surfactants based on surface plasmon resonance sensors(2009/08 Analytical Sciences)
  • Optical sensor of anionic surfactants using solid-phase extraction with lactone-form Rhodamine B membrane(2008/06 Analytical Sciences)
  • 特集 化学センサの新展開 第2章 第1節 8.イオンセンサの流れ系への応用''(2008/05 マテリアル インテグレーション)
  • Surface plasmon resonance immunosensor for anionic surfactants based on an indirect competitive immunoreaction(2008/04 Analytical Letters)
  • Potentiometric titration of polyhexamethylene biguanide hydrochloride with potassium poly (vinyl sulfate) solution using a cationic surfactant-selective electrode(2008/03 Analytical Sciences)
  • Sequential Injection Chemiluminescence Immunoassay for Nonionic Surfactants Using Magnetic Microbeads(2007/09 Analytica Chimica Acta)
  • Optical sensing membrane based on tetrabromophenolphthalein ethyl ester for the determination of cationic surfactants(2007/02 Analytical Letters)
  • Microfluidic polymer chip integrated with an ISFET detector for cationic surfactant assay in dental rinses(2006/08 Analytical Sciences)
  • Response of surface-plasmon resonance sensor based on gold surfaces modified by self-assembled monolayer to nonionic surfactants(2006/06 Analytical Letters)
  • Sequential injection chemiluminescence immunoassay for anionic surfactants using magnetic microbeads immobilized with an antibody(2005/12 Talanta)
  • Polymer chip incorporated with anionic surfactant-ISFET for micro flow analysis of anionic surfactants(2005/07 Sensors and Actuators B)
  • Chemiluminescence sequential injection immunoassay for vitellogenin using magnetic microbeads(2004/10 Talanta)
  • 界面活性剤センサ(2004/09 化学センサ)
  • Fabrication and characterization of polymer based microchip integrated with NH4+-ISFET using a small diameter mire as a template of channel(2004/04 Analytical Letters)
  • Determination of cationic surfactants by a photometric titration method with crystal violet as a color indicator.(2004/04 Analytical Letters)
  • Effect of plasticizer on the performance of the surfactant-selective electrode based on a poly (vinyl chloride) membrane with no added item-exchanger(2004/03 Microchimica Acta)
  • Gold electrode modified with a self-assembled mora layer off 11-amino-1-undecamethiol, hydrochloride for the determination of amitotic surfactants.(2004/03 Analytical Letters)
  • Flow injection analysis of surfactants using surfactant-selective electrode detector(2003/12 Journal of Flow Injection Analysis)
  • Flow Injection Analysis of Cationic and Anionic polyelectrolytes using surfactant-selective electrode detector(2003/12 Journal of Flow Injection Analysis)
  • A surface plasmon resonance immunosensor for detecting a dioxin precursor using a gold binding polypeptide(2003/07 Talanta)
  • Use of marker ion and cationic surfactant plastic membrane electrode for potentiometric titration of cationic polyelectrolytes(2003/07 Talanta)
  • Determination of anionic polyelectrolytes using a photometric titration with crystal violet as a color indicator(2003/06 Microchimica Acta)
  • Photometric titration of anionic polyelectrolytes using the cationic dye as an indicator(2003/03 Analytical Letters)
  • Determination of cationic polyelectrolytes using a photometric titration with crystal violet as a color indicator(2003/03 Talanta)
  • Spectrophotometric determination of carp vitellogenin using a sequential injection analysis technique equipped with a jet ring cell(2002/12 Talanta)
  • Cationic surfactant-selective electrode based on a hydrophobic cat ion exchanger(2002/11 Microchimica Acta)
  • Preparation of retroactive index matching polymer film alternative to oil for use in a portable surface-plasmon resonance phenomenon-based chemical sensor method(2002/07 Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry)
  • Measurement of Aroma of Soup Using Potentiometric Gas Spenser(2002/04 Sensors and Materials)
  • Flow injection spectrophotometric determination of anionic polyelectrolytes using the cationic dyes(2001/12 Analytical Letters)
  • Determination of hardness in tap water and upland soil extracts using a long-termstable divalent cation selective electrode based on a lipophilic acrylate resin as a membrane martyr(2001/09 Talanta)
  • Response of Surface-Plasmon Resonance Sensor Based on Gold Surfaces Modified by self-Assembled Monolayer to Anionic Surfactants(2001/08 Analytical Sciences)
  • Response mechanism of additive salts of potassium-selective neutral carrier based electrode using their liquid membrane based ion-sensitive field-effectransisters(2001/08 Analytical Sciences)
  • Application of a Microbial sensor to the quality control of Meat Freshness(2001/04 Talanta)
  • Flow injection determination of Iodide ion in a photographic developing solutions using iodide ion-selective-electrode detector(2000/09 Talanta)
  • Relationship between the hydrophilicity of cat ions and the cationic response of a plasticized poly (vinyl chloride) Membrane electrode with no added ion-exchanger(2000/04 Analytical Sciences)
  • Flow injection determination of bromide ion in a developer using Bromide ion-selective electrode detector(1999/10 Talanta)
  • テトラフェニルホウ酸電極検出器を用いる陽イオン性高分子電解質のフローインジェクション電位差分析(1999/05 分析化学)
  • Continuous monitoring for cyanide in waste water with a galvanic hydrogen cyanide sensor using a purge system(1999/05 Talanta)
  • Determination of sulfate ion by potentiometric back-titration using sodium tetrakis (4-Flucrophenyl) Borate as a titrant and a titrant-sensitive electrode(1999/03 Talanta)
  • End-point Detection of potentionetric titration for anionic polyelectrolytes using an anionic surfactant-selective plasticized poly (vinyl chloride) membrane electrode and ancenioric surfactant as a marker(1999/02 Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry)
  • Additive-salt effect on low detection limit and slope sensitivity in response of Potassium-and sodium- selective Neutral carrier Based Electrodes and their liquid membrane based ISF.(1999/01 Analytical Sciences)
  • Flow injection determination of dodecylsulfate using a dodecylsulfate-selective plasticized poly(vinyl chloride) Membrane Electrode Detector(1998/12 Journal of Flow Injection Analysis)
  • Potentiometric Back-Titration of sulfate ion using a tetraphenylborate derivative as a titrant and a titrant-sensitive plasticized poly (vinyl chloride) membrane electrode(1998/10 Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry)
  • Flow injection flourimetric determination of cationic surfactants using 3.6-Bis (Dimethylamino)-10-dodecylacridinium bromide(1998/05 Analytical Letters)
  • Evaluation of effect of additive salts on response of Potassium-selective Neutral carrier based Electrodes using ion-sensitive field-effect transistor(1997/12 Analytical Communications)
  • Sensitive end-point detection for potentiometric titration of cationic polyelectrolytes using marker cation and marker cation-selective electrodes(1997/12 Analytical Communications)
  • Potentionmetric titration of anionic polyelectrolytes using a cationic surfactant solution as a titrant and a titrant-sensitive plasticized poly (vinyl chloride) membrane electrode(1997/06 Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry)
  • Flow injection determination of anionic polyelectrolytes using an anionic surfactant-selective plasticized poly (Vinyl chloride) membrane electrode detector(1997/03 Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry)
  • 界面活性剤のフローインジェクション分析法(1996/12 Journal of Flow Injection Analysis)
  • Effect of hydrophilicity of marker anions on the sensitivity of end-point detection for potentiometric titrations of anionic polyelectrolytes(1995/07 Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry)
  • N3-イオンに応答するイオンセンサー(1994/03 ぶんせき)
  • Contribution of plasticizer to response of surfactant-selective plasticized poly (vinyl chloride) membrane electrode by using ion-sensitive field effect transistor(1992/02 Analytical Sciences)
  • Flow injection analysis of nonionic surfactants using ionic surfactant-selective electrode detector(1990/08 Analytical Sciences)
  • 可塑化ポリ塩化ビニル膜型イオン電極検出器による非イオン性界面活性剤のフローインジェクション分析(1990/09 分析化学)
  • イオン交換基を含まないポリ塩化ビニル膜型テトラフェニルホウ酸イオン電極の試作とその電位差滴定への応用(1987/08 分析化学)
  • 可塑化ポリ塩化ビニル膜型電極検出器を用いる陽イオン性界面活性剤のフローインジェクション分析(1991/01 分析化学)
  • Surfactant-selective electrode based or plasticized poly (vinyl chloride) membrane and its application(1987/04 Analytical Sciences)
  • Surfactant-Selective Electrode Based on Poly (vinyl chloride) Membrane Plasticized with o-nitrophenyl Octyl ether(1986/10 Analytical Sciences)
  • 可塑化ポリビニル膜電極及びイオン交換樹脂ミクロカラムを用いる非イオン性界面活性剤のフローインジェクション分析(1991/01 分析化学)
  • イオン交換体を添加しない可塑化ポリ塩化ビニル膜型電極の陰イオンに対する応答性(1992/05 分析化学)
  • テトラフェニルホウ酸電極検出器を用いる陽イオン性高分子電解質のフローインジェクション分析(2000/12 Journal of Flow Injection Analysis)
  • 可塑化ポリ塩化ビニル膜型電極検出器を用いる陰イオン性高分子電解質のフローインジェクション分析(2000/12 Journal of Flow Injection Analysis)
  • 8-アニリノ-1-ナフタレンスルホン酸アンモニウムを用いる非イオン性界面活性剤のフローインジェクション蛍光定量(2000/12 Journal of Flow Injection Analysis)
  • 可塑化ポリ塩化ビニル膜型電極検出器を用いる非イオン性界面活性剤のフローインジェクション分析(2000/12 Journal of Flow Injection Analysis)
  • 可塑化ポリ塩化ビニル膜型電極検出器を用いる非イオン性界面活性剤のフローインジェクション分析(2000/12 Journal of Flow Injection Analysis)
  • 臭化物イオン電極検出器を用いる現像液中の臭化物イオンのフローインジェクション電位差分析(2000/12 Journal of Flow Injection Analysis)
  • 可塑化ポリ塩化ビニル膜型電極検出器を用いる陰イオン性界面活性剤のフローインジェクション分析(2000/12 Jornal of Flow Injection Analysis)
  • 臭化3,6-ビス(ジメチルアミノ)ドデシルアクリジニウムを用いる陽イオン性界面活性剤のフローインジェクション蛍光分析(2000/12 Journal of Flow Injection Analysis)
  • 可塑化ポリ塩化ビニル膜型電極検出器を用いる陽イオン性界面活性剤のフローインジェクション分析(2000/12 Journal of Flow Injection Analysis)
  • 液膜型ISFETによるニュートラルキャリヤー型電極における添加塩効果の応答機構(1999/04 化学センサ)