木戸脇 匡俊
応用化学科 (工学部)
  • 液晶性組成物 中嶌隆夫、木戸脇匡俊、荒木潤、片岡利介、伊藤耕三 PCT/JP2007/054166 WO2007/100136
  • 液晶性ポリロタキサン 中嶌隆夫、木戸脇匡俊、荒木潤、片岡利介、伊藤耕三 2007-53885 2007-262402
  • 分子協調材料の創製と応用 第3章メソフェーズ材料の新たな視点 4.コマンドサーフェス(1998/03 シーエムシー刊行 p.131~149)
  • Novel Liquid Crystalline Polyrotaxane with Movable Mesogenic Side Chains(2007/08 Macromolecules)
  • Thermoreversible sol-gel transition of an aqueous solution of polyrotaxane composed of highly methylated -cyclodextrin and polyethylene glycol(2006/08 Chemical Communications)
  • Molecular Mechanism of Anomalous Increase in the Helical Pitch of Cholesteric Liquid Crystals Induced by Achiral Dopants(2003/10 The Journal of Physical Chemistry B)
  • Anomaly in Stretching-Induced Swelling of Slide-Ring Gels with Movable Cross-Links(2009/07 Macromolecules)
  • Unique crystal structure of donor acceptor complex: crossed arrangement of two charge-transfer columns(2002/12 Chemical Communications)
  • Organic-inorganic hybrid slide-ring gels: polyrotaxanes consisting of poly(dimethylsiloxane) and γ-cyclodextrin and subsequent topological cross-linking(2009/06 Macromolecules)
  • Thermal amplification of photoinduced optical anisotropy of p-cyanoazobenzene polymer films monitored by temperature scanning ellipsometry(2000/03 Applied Physics Letters)
  • Thermal properties and microstructures of methylated polyrotaxane solutions(2007/12 Current Drug Discovery Technologies)
  • Local and Network Structure of Thermoreversible Polyrotaxane Hydrogels Based on Poly(ethylene glycol) and Methylated -Cyclodextrins(2006/11 The Journal of Physical Chemistry B)
  • Extraordinarily thermostable photodichroism of poly(4-cyano-4'-methacryloyloxyazobenzene) films(1999/07 Chemistry Letters)
  • Surface-assisted photomanipulation of orientation of a polymer liquid crystal(1999/07 Chemistry Letters)
  • Influence of structures of polymer backbones on cooperative photoreorientation behavior of p-cyanoazobenzene side chains(2001/05 Macromolecules)
  • Sol-Gel Transition of Hydrophobically Modified Polyrotaxane(2006/12 Macromolecules)
  • Dielectric relaxation of liquid-crystalline polyrotaxane(2007/09 Europhysics Letters)
  • Surface-Mediated Photoalignment of Discotic Liquid Crystals on Azobenzene Polymer Films(2005/04 The Journal of Physical Chemistry B)
  • Liquid-liquid equilibria of polyrotaxane and poly(vinyl alcohol)(2006/11 Colloids and Surfaces, B: Biointerfaces)
  • Photoresponsive Ring-Slide Gels(2007/07 )
  • Fabrication of mechanically improved hydrogels using a movable cross-linker based on vinyl modified polyrotaxane(2008/09 Chemical Communications)
  • Chromic Slide-Ring Gel Based on Reflection from Photonic Bandgap(2008/03 Macromolecules)
  • Photochemical phase transition and molecular realignment of glass-forming liquid crystals containing cholesterol / azobenzene dimesogenic compounds(2003/01 Chemistry of Materials)
  • Surface-assisted orientational control of discotic liquid crystals by light(2001/08 Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals)
  • Polarized photoluminescence from photopatterned discotic liquid crystal films(2001/05 Chemistry of Materials)
  • Photocontrolled orientation of discotic liquid crystals(2000/07 Advanced Materials)
  • Synthesis and Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) film properties of functional alpha, omega-diamine amphiphilic materials(2000/04 Macromolecular Symposia)
  • Spacer effect on photoisomerization of p-cyanoazobenzene side chains tethered to polymer backbones(1999/12 Optical Memory & Neural Networks)
  • Thermal stability of photoalignment of nematic liquid crystals by azobenzene polymer thin films(1999/06 Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology)
  • Thermally stable photoaligned p-cyanoazobenzene moieties in polymer thin films(1999/03 Macromolecular Symposia)
  • Command surface, 20 Fixation of surface-assisted homogeneous alignment of nematic liquid crystals by cationic photopolymerization(1996/08 Macromolecular Rapid Communications)
  • Applicability of a particularly simple model to nonlinear elasticity of slide-ring gels with movable cross-links as revealed by unequal biaxial deformation(2014/10 Journal of Chemical Physics)
  • Pressure-Responsive Polymer Membranes of Slide-Ring Gels with Movable Cross-links(2013/07 Advanced Materials)
  • Peculiar Nonlinear Elasticity of Polyrotaxane Gels with Movable Cross-links Revealed by Multiaxial Stretching(2011/10 Macromolecules)
  • Preparation and study of alkyl carbamylated polyrotaxanes with large hysteresis during sol鉾el phase transition(2011/05 Polymer Chemistry)
  • Orientational Motions in Mesogenic Polyrotaxane and Local Mode Relaxations of Polymer Segments in Solid State Polyrotaxane(2010/11 Soft Matter)
  • Surface Modification of Slide-Ring Gel by Strip-line Microwave Micro Atomspheric Plasma(2010/05 Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology)