電気・電子 材料・化学
①強誘電体不揮発性メモリに関する研究②有機半導体薄膜の応用に関する研究 など
①強誘電体薄膜の作成法に関する研究②マイクロアクチュエータに関する研究 など
- 電気電子機能材料(第3版)(2014/08 オーム社刊行 山口正樹 著)
- “ウェブ” ロールtoロールの搬送、巻取り技術 そのトラブル発生メカニズムと対策(2013/11 技術情報協会刊行 山口正樹 著)
- プリンタブル・エレクトロニクス技術開発最前線(材料開発・応用技術編)(2008/01 技術情報協会刊行)
- Fabrication of Ferroelectric Microstructures by Proton Beam Writing(2014/08 )
- Fabrication of BIT Thick-Films and Patterned by Proton Beam Writing(2014/08 )
- Reduction Effect of Crack Formation in Ferroelectric Thick Films Fabrication(2013/09 )
- Fabrication of Ferroelectric MicrostructuresbyProton Beam Irradiation(2012/11 )
- Influence of Ferroelectric Film Properties by Proton Beam Irradiation Density(2011/11 )
- Crystallization of Micro-patterned Precursor Films by Proton Beam Irradiation(2010/10 China-Japan Symposium on Ferroelectric Materials and Their Applications)
- Micro-pattern of Ferroelectric Films by Proton Beam Writing(2010/06 The 7th Asian Meeting on Ferroelectricity and The 7th Asian Meeting on Electroceramics)
- Micro-pattern of Ferroelectric Films by Proton Beam Writing(2009/08 China-Japan Symposium on Ferroelectric Materials and Their Applications)
- Fabrication of BIT Films by Alcohol-Related Ink and Its Properties(2009/01 Ferroelectrics)
- Fabrication of BIT Films by Alcohol-Related Ink and its Properties(2008/08 The 6th Asian Meeting on Ferroelectrics)
- Fabrication of BIT Thin Films by Alcohol-Related Materials and Its Properties(2007/11 13th US-Japan Seminar on Dielectric and Piezoelectric Ceramics)
- Fabrication of Bi4Ti3O12 Thin Films Using Alcohol Related Solutions by Micro Liquid Delivery Systems(2007/03 The 16th International Symposium on the Application of Ferroelectrics)
- Fabrication of Bi4Ti3O12 Films on Pt Substrates by Inkjet Printing(2007/01 Journal of Korean Physical Society)
- Fabrication of Bi4Ti3O12 Films on Pt Substrate by Inkjet Printing(2006/08 The 6th Japan-Korea Conference on Ferroelectricity)
- Thermal Stability of Platinum Bottom Electrode for Bismuth Titanate Thin Films(2006/01 Integrated Ferroelectrics)
- Thermal Stability of Platinum Bottom Electrode for Bismuth Titanate Thin Films(2005/01 International Symposium on Integrated Ferroelectrics)
- Preparation of Bismuth Titanate Thin Films by Alternately Applying Metal-Organic Decomposition and Their Properties(2003/09 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics)
- Preparation of Bismuth Titanate Thin Films by Alternately Supplying Metal-Organic-Decomposition Method(2003/04 Journal of the Korean Physical Society)
- Preparation of Bi4Ti3O12/Bi2SiO5/Si Structures Derived by Metal Organic Decomposition Technique(2001/09 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics)
- Preparation and Properties of Bi2SiO5/Si Structures(2001/03 Proc. of the 2000 12th IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics.)
- Preparation and Properties of Bi2SiO5/Si Structures(2000/09 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics)
- Processes for High Efficiency of Organic EL Devices with Dopants(2000/03 Thin Solid Films)
- Optical Properties of Fluorinated Silocon Oxide and Organic Spin-on-Glass Films for Thin-Film Optical Waveguides(2000/03 Journal of The Electrochemical Society)
- A Process for Copper Fim Deposition by Pyrolysis of Organic Copper Materials(2000/02 Jarnal of The Electrochemical Society)
- Preparation and Properties of Bi4Ti3O12 Thin Films Grown at Low Substrate Temperatures(1999/07 Thin Soid Films)
- シリコン基板上へのチタン酸ビスマス薄膜の形成と評価に関する研究(1999/03 芝浦工業大学研究報告理工系編)
- Electrical Properties of Polyimide Siloxane Films by Interlayer Dielectring in Multilevel Interconnections(1999/02 Thin Solid Films)
- Effect of Grain Size on Bi4Ti3O12 Thin Film Proporties(1998/09 Japanese Jaurnal Applied Physics)
- Photovoltaic Properties of Vaccum-Deposited Tin Selenide for Solar for Cell Materials(1998/07 Proceedings of the International Conference held at Vienna)
- Optical Properties of Fluorinated Silicon Oxide Films by Liquid Phase Deposition for Optical Waveguides(1998/06 IEEE Transaction on Instrumentation and Measurement)
- Properties of Bi4Ti3O12 Thin Films Grown at Low Temperatures(1997/09 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics)
- Preparation of Highly c-axis-oriented Bi4Ti3O12 Thin Films and Their Crystallographic, Dielectric and Optical Properties(1997/05 Thin Solid Films)
- Preparation and Characterization of Highly C-Axis Oriented Bi4Ti3O12 Thin Films(1996/10 Materials Science & Engineering B, Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology)
- Preparation and Characterization of Ferroelectric Bi4Ti3O12 Thin Films Grown on (100)-Oriented Silicon Wafers(1996/09 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics)
- Physical Properties of Bi4Ti3O12 Films Grown on Si(100) Wafers(1995/09 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics)
- Investigation on SnS Film by RF Sputtering for Photovoltaic Application(1995/08 Conference Record of the 24th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference 1994)