超伝導材料を利用すると、無制御で物体を空中に浮上させ、自由に回転させることが可能です。また、磁石回路を工夫すると、回転トルクを非接触で伝達することも可能となります。このような技術を利用して、摩擦のないベアリングやエネルギー貯蔵用のフライホイール、回転力伝達装置などの開発をしています。 超伝導材料は、非常に強力な磁石となることも可能です。永久磁石の10倍以上の強さの磁場は、多くの電動機器に応用可能です。
- はじめての整数論(2010/12 海鳴社刊行 村上雅人 著)
- エレメントハンター エレメント大図鑑(2009/12 主婦と生活社刊行 村上雅人 著)
- さあ数学をはじめよう(2009/09 海鳴社刊行 村上雅人 著)
- なるほど量子力学III(2008/02 海鳴社刊行 村上雅人 著)
- 超伝導の謎を解く(2007/07 C & R 研究所刊行 村上雅人 著)
- なるほど量子力学II(2006/11 海鳴社刊行 村上雅人 著)
- なるほど量子力学I(2006/02 海鳴社刊行 村上雅人 著)
- Critical Currents in Superconductors(2005/06 Fuzanbo International刊行 M. Murakami 著)
- なるほど微分方程式(2005/04 海鳴社刊行 村上雅人 著)
- なるほど熱力学(2004/12 海鳴社刊行 村上雅人 著)
- なるほど回帰分析(2004/03 海鳴社刊行 村上雅人 著)
- なるほどベクトル解析(2003/10 海鳴社刊行 村上雅人 著)
- なるほど確率論(2003/04 海鳴社刊行 村上雅人 著)
- なるほど統計学(2002/10 海鳴社刊行 村上 雅人 著)
- 日本人英語で大丈夫 たった2つ直せば(2002/06 海鳴社刊行 村上 雅人 著)
- なるほど複素関数(2002/03 海鳴社刊行 村上 雅人 著)
- なるほどフーリエ解析(2001/10 海鳴社刊行 村上 雅人 著)
- 超伝導新時代(2001/07 工業調査会刊行 村上 雅人 著)
- なるほど線形代数(2001/06 海鳴社刊行 村上 雅人 著)
- なるほど微積分(2001/04 海鳴社刊行 村上 雅人 著)
- なるほど虚数 理工系数学入門(2000/12 海鳴社刊行 村上 雅人 著)
- 高温超伝導の材料科学(1999/09 内田老鶴圃刊行 村上雅人 著)
- はじめてナットク超伝導(1999/09 講談社刊行 村上雅人 著)
- Melt Processed High Temperature Superconductors(1992/02 World Scientific刊行 Masato Murakami 著)
- High-temperature superconductor bulk magnets that can trap magnetic fields of over 17 tesla at 29K(2003/01 Nature)
- 高温超伝導体における希土類元素の働き(2009/11 希土類)
- Improvement in trapped fields by stacking bulk superconductors(2009/10 Physica C)
- Analytical simulation of superconducting torque transferring mechanism(2009/10 Physica C)
- Interaction of bulk superconductors with flywheel rings made of multiple permanent magnets(2009/10 Physica C)
- Enhancement of magnetic coupling between permanent magnets and bulk superconductors through iron embedding(2009/10 Physica C)
- Superconducting magnetic bearing for a flywheel energy storage system using superconducting coils and bulk superconductors(2009/10 Physica C)
- Observation of record flux pinning in melt-textured NEG-123 superconductor doped by Nb, Mo, and Ti nanoparticles(2009/10 Physica C)
- Synthesis, characterization and melt processing of Y1-x(Yb0.9Nd0.1)xBa2Cu3Oz superconductors(2009/10 Physica C)
- Flux pinning properties in a GdBa2Cu3O7-d bulk superconductor with the addition of magnetic alloy particles(2009/09 Superconductor Science and Technology)
- Discussions about measurement results of levitation force and its time relaxation between GdBCO bulk superconductors and superconduting magnet with a high field gradient(2009/08 IEEE Transactions of Applied Superconductivity)
- Magnetic torque transferring study for bulk high Tc superconductors and permanent magnets(2009/03 Journal of Physics)
- Fe-30Mn-5Si-1Al1合金における組成変形様式の連続遷移(2009/03 日本金属学会誌)
- The effects of thermomechanical training treatment on the deformation characteristics of Fe-Mn-Si-Al alloys(2008/10 Materials Science and Engineering A)
- Anisotropic thermal conductivity of Er-Ba-Cu-O bulk superconductors(2008/09 Physica C)
- Quenching characteristics of electrical contacts using YBaCuO bulk superconductor(2008/09 Physica C)
- A study on levitation force and its time relaxation behavior for a bulk superconductor-magnet system(2008/09 Physica C)
- The microstructure and properties of single grain bulk Ag-doped Y-Ba-Cu^-O fabricated by seeded infiltration and growth(2008/09 Physica C)
- Application of Woodceramics for Gas Sensor(2008/08 Proceedings of the fifth international workshop on Green Composites)
- Materials processing, pulsed field magnetization and field-pole application to propulsion motors on Gd123 bulk superconductors(2008/08 Journal of Physics)
- Thermal conductivity of Er-Ba-Cu-O and Ho-Ba-Cu-O superconducting bulks(2008/08 Superconductor Science and Technology)
- Single domain YBCO/Ag bulk superconductors fabricated by seeded infiltration and growth(2008/08 Journal of Physics)
- Homogenizing field-trapping capabilities of bulk Y-Ba-Cu-O superconductors using Ba-Cu-O oxide substrate for practical applications(2008/08 Journal of Physics)
- Levitation at 90.2K and its applications(2008/07 International Journal of Condensed Matter Physics)
- Mechanism of reversible transformation-induced plasticity of Fe-Mn-Si shape memory alloys(2008/06 Scripta Materialia)
- Record flux pinning in melt-textured NEG-123 doped by Mo and Nb nanoparticles(2008/04 Applied Physics Letters)
- AFM observation of microstructural changes in Fe-Mn-Si-Al shape memory alloys(2008/04 Materials Transactions)
- 論理的かつ簡潔な文章を目指せ(2008/04 化学)
- Homogenizing field-trapping capabilities of bulk Y-Ba-Cu-O superconductors fabricated using Ba-Cu-O oxide substrates for practical applications(2008/04 Superconductor Science and Technology)
- 高温超伝導体でのYの働き(2008/01 マテリアルインテグレーション)
- 超伝導浮上(2007/12 低温工学)
- Phase stability of MgO-doped Nd-Ba-Cu-O seed crystals for cold-seeded, OCMG processing(2007/11 Physica C)
- Fabrication of textured YBCO bulks with artifical holes(2007/11 Physica C)
- Electrical critical contact characteristics of YBaCuO(2007/11 Physica C)
- An effect of interface condition on electrical contact characteristics using Y-Ba-Cu-O bulk superconductor(2007/11 Physica C)
- Formation of defects in precursors for melt-textured RE-Ba-Cu-O superconductors and effect of oraganic binder addition(2007/11 Physica C)
- Magnetic field distributions of stacked large single domain Gd-Ba-Cu-O bulk superconductors exceeding 140 mm inn diameter(2007/11 Physica C)
- Measurements of the levitation forces for a bulk Gd-Ba-Cu-O superconductor in high magnetic fields(2007/11 Physica C)
- Influence of Al on shape memory effect and twinning induced plasticity of Fe-Mn-Si-Al alloy(2007/10 Materials Transactions)
- Fe-30Mn-5Si-1Al形状記憶合金の原子間力顕微鏡組織観察(2007/09 日本金属学会誌)
- 液体攪拌の超伝導利用技術(2007/04 化学装置)
- Processing and applications of bulk RE-Ba-Cu-O superconductors(2007/03 International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology)
- Temperature Dependency of Levitation Force and its relaxation in HTS(2007/02 IEEE Transaction of Applied Superconductivity)
- 超電導バルク材料開発の現状(2007/01 工業材料)
- Magnetic properties of melt-processed large single domain Gd-Ba-Cu-O bulk superconductor 140 mm in diameter(2007/01 Physica C)
- Melt-processing of RE-Ba-Cu-O bulk superconductors employing organic binder added precursors(2006/10 Extended abstracts for 19th International Symposium on Superconductivity)
- Application of superconducting magnetic bearings to a 10 kWh-class flywheel energy storage system(2006/10 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond.)
- Interplay of YBCO and embedded 211 particles in melt-textured YBCO superconductors(2006/10 Jounal of Superconductivity)
- Electrical contact characteristics of mechanically mated Y-Ba-Cu-O bulks with deposited metal layer(2006/10 Physica C)
- 超電導ミキサーの開発(2006/09 電気学会研究会資料)
- バルク超電導体の進展と応用可能性(2006/09 電気学会研究会資料)
- Contact characteristics of mechanically mated Y-Ba-Cu-O bulks with a deposited metal layer(2006/07 )
- Improvement of the field-trapping capabilities of Nd-Ba-Cu-O superconductors using Ba-Cu-O substrates(2006/07 )
- Developments of superconducting mixers for medical applications(2006/07 )
- Recent progress on compositional nanstripes of REBa2Cu3O7-d (RE=Sm, Eu, Gd) sueprconductors(2006/07 Superconductor Science and Technology)
- Grain orientation and distribution of Y2BaCuO4 phases in melt-textured YBCO with addition of depleted uranium oxides studied by EBSD(2006/07 Superconductor Science and Technology)
- Superior growth orientation control via ZnO doping of large-grain LRE-Ba2-Cu3-Oy compounds grown with MgO seeds(2006/07 Superconductor Science and Technology)
- Advances in enlargement of melt-textured Gd-Ba-Cu-O superconductors(2006/07 Superconductor Science and Technology)
- Thermal conductivity and thermoelectric power of DyBaCuO superconductors(2006/07 Superconductor Science and Technology)
- Study of single pulse-field magnetization of Gd-Ba-Cu-O bulk high-temperature superconductor with a split type of armature coil for rotating machinery(2006/07 Superconductor Science and Technology)
- Moisture absorption and desorption chrabteristics for woodceramics(2006/04 Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan)
- Development of Bean-Curd Refuse Origin Ceramics Materials(2006/04 Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan)
- USERSを利用した高温超電導バルクの製造実験(2006/04 日本マイクログラビティ応用学会誌)
- Effect of the chemical inhomogeneity on the vortex lattice observed by the Bitter decoration technique in high-Tc superconductors(2005/10 Physica C)
- Analysis of mixed ternary LREBa2Cu3Oy nano-structures by STM and TEM(2005/10 Physica C)
- Flux pinning property in a single crystal NdBa2Cu3Oy superconductor(2005/10 Physica C)
- Nanostripes in SmBa2Cu3O7-d single crystals: Origin and peak effect(2005/10 Physica C)
- Experiment for growing large Gd-Ba-Cu-O-Ag bulk superconductor(2005/10 Physica C)
- Near net shape processing of RE-Ba-Cu-O bulk superconductor by machining binder-added precursors(2005/10 Physica C)
- Design of microstructure in melt-textured bulk superconductors with the employment of granules containing ultra-fine Y2BaCuO5 particles(2005/10 Physica C)
- Effect of Y-Ba-Cu-O-M (M = Zr, Sn and Ce) addition on the superconducting properties of melt-textured Y123 bulk(2005/10 Physica C)
- Barium cerate as effective flux pinning centers in Y123 bulk materials(2005/10 Physica C)
- Comparative study of grain orientation in melt-textured HTSC with different additions(2005/10 Physica C)
- Evaluation of magnetic homogeneities of Gd-Ba-Cu-O bulk superconductors by different Hall probe scanning methods(2005/10 Physica C)
- Tensile testing method for rare earth based bulk superconductors at liquid nitrogen temperature(2005/10 Physica C)
- Field trapping and magnetic levitation performances of large single-grain Gd-Ba-Cu-O at different temperatures(2005/10 Physica C)
- Microstructure and superconducting properties of Dy-Ba-Cu-O bulk superconductors fabricated in different oxygen atmospheres(2005/10 Physica C)
- Three-dimensional field measurements of levitated HTS and the modeling of the shielding current(2005/10 Physica C)
- Flux pinning property in a single cystal NdBa2Cu3Oy superconductor(2005/10 Physica C)
- Effect of preloading on the relaxation of the levitation force in bulk Y-Ba-Cu-O superconductors(2005/10 Physica C)
- The effect of Gd2BaCuO5 nanoparticles on irreversibility fields of (Nd-Sm-Gd)Ba2Cu3O7-d(2005/08 Supercond. Sci. Technol.)
- Interaction of multiple iron balls in magnetic fields(2005/04 Journal of Applied Physics)
- Nanoscale Gd2BaCuO5 particles in (Sm0.33Eu0.33Gd0.33)Ba2Cu3Oy and magnetic levitation at 90.2 K(2005/03 Supercond. Sci. Technol.)
- Melt-processed Gd-Ba-Cu-O superconductor with trapped field of 3 T at 77 K(2005/02 Supercond. Sci. Technol.)
- Mechanism of a high irreversibility field for (Nd, Eu, Gd)Ba2Cu3O7 bulk(2005/02 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond.)
- Spatial inhomogeneities of Gd-Ba-Cu-O bulk superconductors evaluated by different Hall probe scanning methods(2005/02 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond.)
- Processing of high-performance (Gd, Y)-BaCu-O bulk superconductors with fine RE211 pinning centers(2005/02 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond.)
- The development of melt-processed (Sm,Eu,Gd)Ba2Cu3O7-d single-domain superconductors for high field applications(2005/02 Supercond. Sci. Technol.)
- Measurements of three-dimensional fields of bulk superconductors in varying external fields(2005/02 Supercond. Sci. Technol.)
- Angular dependence of the peak effect and out-of-plane modulated compositional order in melt-processed (Sm,Eu,Gd)Ba2Cu3O7-d superconductors(2005/02 Supercond. Sci. Technol.)
- Interactions of Y2BaCuO5 particles and the YBCO matrix within melt-textured YBCO samples studied by means of electron backscatter diffraction(2005/02 Supercond. Sci. Technol. vol. 18 no. 2, p. S158-S163, 2005)
- Round robin tests on large grain melt processed Sm-Ba-Cu-O bulk superconductors(2005/02 Supercond. Sci. Technol.)
- Superconducting levitation at 90 K--a base for construction of non-contact liquid oxygen pumps(2005/01 Supercond. Sci. Technol.)
- Irreversible field determined by pulsed magnetization and compositional fluctuation of melt-processed (Sm,Eu,Gd)Ba2Cu3O7-d superconductors(2005/01 Supercond. Sci. Technol.)
- 超伝導材料の技術変遷(2004/07 電気学会誌)
- Levitation of an iron ball in midair without active control(2004/02 Journal of Applied Physics)
- High critical current density in Y-Ba-Cu-O bulk superconductors with very fine Y211 particles(2004/02 Superconductor Science and Technology)
- Joining of Y-Ba-Cu-O/Ag bulk superconductors using Er-Ba-Cu-O/Ag solder(2004/02 Superconductor Science and Technology)
- Peak effect with tilted fields in melt-processed (Sm, Eu, Gd)Ba2Cu3O7-d superconductors(2004/02 Superconductor Science and Technology)
- Effects of subgrains on critical current properties in melt-processed RE-Ba-Cu-O bulk superconductors(2004/02 Superconductor Science and Technology)
- Pinning centers in NEG-123 active liquid oxygen temperature (90.2K)(2004/02 Superconductor Science and Technology)
- High magnetic field transport properties of (Nd, Eu, Gd)Ba2Cu3Ox bulk(2004/02 Superconductor Science and Technology)
- Joining of different Y-Ba-Cu-O blocks(2004/01 Physica C)
- Air Processing of ternary (Sm, Eu, Gd)Ba2Cu3O7-d superconductors with enhanced peak effects(2004/01 Physica C)
- Influence of the Gd2BaCuO5 fine particles on thermoelectric power of melt-textured (Nd-Sm-Gd)Ba2Cu3O7-d(2004/01 Physica C)
- Mechanical properties and field trapping ability of biulk superconductors with resin impregnation(2004/01 Superconductor Science and Technology)
- Pinning properties in melt-processed YbBa2Cu3O7-δ with finely dispersed Yb2BaCuO5 inclusions.(2002/04 Physica C)
- Microstructures and superconducting properties of single domain (Sm0.5, Eu0.5)Ba2Cu3O7-δ superconductors fabricated in air(2002/04 Physica C)
- Strong pinning in ternary (Nd-Sm-Gd)Ba2Cu3Oy superconductors(2002/04 Appl. Phys. Lett.)
- Superconducting joint of Y-Ba-Cu-O superconductors using Er-Ba-Cu-O solder(2002/04 Physica C)
- Nanoparticle structure of MgB2 with ultrathin TiB2 grain boundaries(2002/04 Appl. Phys. Lett.)
- Anisotropic superconducting properties of MgB2 single crystals probed by in-plane electrical transport measurements(2002/04 Phys. Rev. B)
- Strong pinning in ternary (Nd-Sm-Gd) Ba2Cu3Oy superconductors(2002/02 Applied Physics Letters)
- Optimization of matrix chemical ratio for high flux pinning ternary (Nd-Eu-Gd)Ba2Cu3Oy(2001/11 Applied Physics Letters)
- Effect of nonsuperconducting secondary inclusions on the magnetization relaxation in melt-processed RBa2Cu3O7-δ (R=Nd and Yb) bulk superconducting at high temperature.(2001/08 Physical Review Bcondensed matter and materials physics)
- Growth of single-domain (Sm0.5Eu0.5)Ba2Cu3O7-δ with high Tc and Jc by employing a thermal gradient.(2001/04 Applied Physics Letters)
- Microstructure of (Nd, Eu, Gd)-123 matris with (Nd, Eu, Gd)-211 inclusions(2001/04 J. Mater. Res.)
- Growth of single-domain (Sm0.5 Eu0.5)Ba2Cu3O7δ with high Tc and Jc bya employing a thermal gradient(2001/04 Appl. Phys. Lett.)
- Effect of nonsuperconducting secondary inclusions on the magnetization relaxation in melt-processed R Ba2Cu3O7-δ (R=Nd and Yb)bulk superconductors at high(2001/04 Phys. Rev. B)
- Numerical simulation of trapped magnetic field for bulk superconductor(2001/04 Physica C)
- Bitter pattern study on flux distribution in the BSCCO (2212)(2001/04 Physica C)
- Structure and formation mechanism of subgrains in large single-grain RE-Ba-Cu-O (RE=Y, Sm, Nd)bulk superconductors(2001/04 Physica C)
- A comparative study of enhanced flux pining among melt-processed SmBa2Cu3O7-δ, (Sm0.5 Eu0.5)Ba2Cu3O7-δ, EuBa2Cu3O7-δ superconductors(2001/04 Physica C)
- Effect of CeO2 addition on microstructure and magnetic properties in (Nd, Eu, Gd)-Ba-Cu-O(2001/04 Physica C)
- Influence of point defects on the vortex state of disordered superconductors(2001/04 Phys. Rev. B)
- E-J characteristics of NdBa2Cu3O7-δ bulk superconductor determined with ac susceptibility(2001/04 Physica C)
- Force measurements for levitated bulk superconductors(2001/04 Physica C)
- Resin-impregnated bulk YBCO current leads for Maglev(2001/04 Physica C)
- Effect of resign impregnation on trapped field and levitation force of large-gain bulk Y-Ba-Cu-O superconductors(2001/04 Physica C)
- The fabrication of SmBa2Cu3Oy bulk superconductor using (Nd, Sm)422 in air(2001/04 Physica C)
- Relationship between undercooling and growth rate of Nd123/Ag in air(2001/04 Physica C)
- Magnetic behavior of BSCCO and R 123 in the vortex liquid state(2001/04 Physica C)
- Structure of subgrains in large single-grain RE-Ba-Cu-O (RE=Y, Sm, Nd)bulk superconductors(2001/04 J. Cryst. Growth)
- Improved superconducting properties due to Ag2Q addition in NEG-123.(2001/04 Physica C)
- E-J characteristics of NdBa2Cu3O7-δ bulk superconductor determined with ac susceptibility(2001/04 Physica C)
- Force measurements for levitated bulk superconductors(2001/04 Phsica C)
- Resin-impregnated bulk YBCO current leads for Maglev(2001/04 Physica C)
- Effect of resin impregnation on trapped filed and levitation force of large-grain bulk Y-Ba-Cu-O superconductors(2001/04 Physica C)
- The fabrication of SmBa2Cu3Oy bulk superconductor using (Nd, Sm)422 in air(2001/04 Physica C)
- Relationship between undercooling and growth rate of Nd123/Ag in air(2001/04 Physica C)
- Effect of CeO2 addition on microstructure and magnetic properties in (Nd, Eu, Gd)-Ba-Cu-O(2001/04 Physica C)
- Improved superconducting properties due to Ag2O addition in NEG-123(2001/04 Physica C)
- Single-domain NEG bulk superconductors for high magnetic field applications(2001/04 Physica C)
- AC susceptibility of high-Tc superconductor REBa2Cu3Oy(2001/04 Physica C)
- Switching reaction of Nb3Sn persistent current switch with a high current capacity(2001/04 Physica C)
- Stability of the mechanical properties of bulk RE-Ba-Cu-O with resin impregnation(2001/04 Physica C)
- Modification of flux pinning properties of RE-Ba-Cu-O superconductor by fast-neutron and heavy-ion irradiation(2001/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Improvement in Field Trapping Capability of (Nd, Eu, Gd)Ba2Cu3Oy with Ag2O Addition(2001/04 J. Appl. Phys.)
- Optimization of matrix chemical ratio for high flux pinning in ternary (Nd-Eu-Gd)Ba2Cu3Oy(2001/04 Appl. Phys. Lett.)
- Microstructure and flux pinning in oxygen-controlled melt-growth processed (Nd0.33 Eu0.33 Gd0.33)Ba2Cu3Oy(2001/04 Physica C)
- Influence of combined Pt and CeO2 additions on microstructure and magnetic properties in (Nd, Eu, Gd)-Ba-Cu-O(2001/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Improvement of critical current density in MgB2 superconductors by Zr doping at ambient pressure(2001/04 Appl. Phys. Lett.)
- Measurements of trapped-flux density for bulk high-temperature superconductors(2001/04 Physica C)
- Structure of subgrain in large single-grain RE-Ba-Cu-O (RE=Y,Sm,Nd) bulk superconductors(2001/01 Journal of crystal growth)
- Effect of matrix composition on the flux pinning in a (Nd,Eu,Gd)Ba2Cu3Oy superconductor(2000/12 Physical Review Bcondensed matter and materials physics)
- Flux pinning by Nd4Ba2Cu2O10 inclusions in NdBa2Cu3O7-δ superconductor: A combined effect of point, interface, and Δκ pinning at elevated temperature.(2000/07 Physical Review B condensed matter and materials physics)
- Mechanical properties of Sm-Ba-Cu-O/Ag bulk superconductors(2000/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Mechanical properties of bulk superconductors(2000/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Performance of Sm-Ba-Cu-O bulk superconductors for a magnetic bearing(2000/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Superconducting properties of large grain (Sm, Gd)-Ba-Cu-O blocks(2000/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Ac Susceptibility in (Nd, Eu, Gd)-Ba-Cu-O superconductors(2000/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Subgrain structures in melt-processed REBa2Cu3Oy(RE=Y, Sm)bulk superconductors(2000/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Phase relations in the Nd-Ba-Cu-O system in reduced oxygen atmospheres(2000/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Superconducting properties of Gd123 superconductor fabricated in air(2000/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Flux motion in bulk YBCO induced by pulsed magnetic fields(2000/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Bitter pattern study of flux distributions in melt-processed YBCO(2000/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Ac susceptibility measurements for Nd-Ba-Cu-O superconductor(2000/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Confirmation of Ba-rich Nd1+xBa2-xCu3O7-δsolid solutions(2000/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Improvement of the mechanical properties of bulk superconductors with resin(2000/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Melt processing of binary (Nd, Eu)-Ba-Cu-O superconductors(2000/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Flux pinning by Nd4Ba2Cu2O10 inclusions in NdBa2Cu3O7-δ superconductors: A combined effect of point, interface, and Δ κ pinning at elevated temperatures(2000/04 Phys. Rev. B)
- Scanning tunneling microscope studies on the atomic structures in NdBa2Cu3O7-δ single crystals(2000/04 Physica C)
- Magneto-optic and magnetic properties of (Nd0.33 Eu0.33 Sm0.33)1-xYxBa2Cu3Oy superconductors(2000/04 Physica C)
- Direct measurements of mechanical properties for large-grain bulk superconductors(2000/04 Physica C)
- Superconducting transitions of YBa2Cu3OX superconductors in high fields(2000/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Measurements of trapped-flux density for bulk high-temperature superconductors(2000/04 Physica C)
- Force measurements for levitated bulk superconductors(2000/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Jc-B properties of large RE-Ba-Cu-O disks(2000/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Effect of matrix composition on the flux pinning in a (Nd, Eu, Gd)Ba2Cu3Oy superconductor(2000/04 Phys. Rev. B)
- Effect of Eu2BaCuO5 addition on the matrix composition and flux pinning in (Nd0.33 Eu0.33 Gd0.33) Ba2Cu3Oy(2000/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- SUPERCONDUCTING PROPERTIES OF (Nd, Eu, Gd)-123(2000/04 Physica C)
- Effect of Eu/Gd ratio on flux pinning in (Nd, Eu, Gd)-Ba-Cu-O(2000/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Field dependence of trapped fileds in (Nd, Eu, Gd)-Ba-Cu-O(2000/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- (Nd, Eu, Gd)-Ba-Cu-O superconductors with combined addition of CeO2 and Pt(2000/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Pseudo-binary phase diagram along NdBa2Cu3Oy-Ba3Cu5Oz under pO2 of 0.01 atm(2000/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Effect of KCIO3 addition on the physical properties of YBCO HTSC(2000/04 Physica B)
- Comparative study of the magnetization behavior of the heavy-ion irradiated and the neutron-irradiated RE123(2000/04 Physica B)
- Peak effect and Bose-glass transition of the heavy-ion irradiated Gi2212: Effect of the defect configuration(2000/04 Physica B)
- Effect of KCIO3 addition on the physical properties of YBCO HTSC(2000/04 Physica B)
- Progress in applications of bulk high temperature superconductors(2000/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Mechanical properties of RE-Ba-Cu-O bulk superconductors(2000/04 Physica C)
- Enhancement of Jc by 211 particles in ternary (Nd0.33 Eu0.33 Gd0.33)Ba2Cu3Oy melt-processed superconductors(2000/04 Appl. Phys. Lett.)
- What causes the steep increase of the critical current density below 20K in Bi-based superconductors?(2000/04 Applied Superconductivity)
- Superconducting properties of Nd1+xBa2-xCu3Oy single crystals isothermally grown at various temperatures(2000/04 Supercond. Sci. Technol.)
- Spatial variation in the magnetic properties of single crystal Nd123(2000/04 Supercond. Sci. Technol.)
- Influence of the size of Gd211 starting powder of the critical current density of Gd-Ba-Cu-O bulk superconductor(2000/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Superconducting properties of (Gd, Nd)-Ba-Cu-O bulk superconductor fabricated by melt processing in air(2000/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Modification of flux pinning properties of RE-Ba-Cu-O superconductor by irradiation(2000/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Effects of Pt and CeO2 addition on the growth of Nd4Ba2Cu2O10 particles(2000/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Flux Motion in melt-processed YBCO in pulsed magnetic fields(2000/04 Physica C)
- Structure and formation mechanism of subraising melt-processed REBa2Cu3Oy(RE=Y, Nd, Sm)bulk superconductors(2000/04 Physica C)
- Fabrication of Large Melt-textured Gd-Ba-Cu-O Superconductor with Ag Addition(2000/04 Physica C)
- Refinement of Nd4Ba2Cu2O10 particle in the superconducting matrix(2000/04 Physica C)
- Switching Performance of Nb3Sn Persistent Current Switch(2000/04 Physica C)
- Recent progress in the applications of bulk high temperature superconductors(2000/04 Physica C)
- Processing of GdBa2Cu3O7-y bulk superconductor and its trapped magnetic(2000/04 Physica C)
- Preparation and properties of OCMG-processed Gd-Ba-Cu-O bulk superconductors with very fine Gd211(2000/04 Physica C)
- Enhancement of critical current density of Dy-Ba-Cu-O(2000/04 Physica C)
- Effect of microstructure on the superconducting properties of Gd-Ba-Cu-O bulk fabricated in air(2000/04 Physica C)
- Enhancement of Jc by 211 particles in ternary(Nd0.33Eu0.33)Ba2Cu3Oy melt-processed superconductors(2000/01 Applied Physics Letters)
- Engineering of pinning sites in melt-processed (Nd0.33Eu0.33Gd0.33)Ba2Cu3Oy superconductors(1999/10 Materials science & engineering)
- 超電導体の臨界電流とピニング現象(1999/06 日本AEM学会誌)
- Electromaglev-Levitation Data for Single and Multiple Bulk YBCO Disks(1999/04 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY)
- Effect of Ag Addition on the Mechanical Properties of Bulk Superconductors(1999/04 IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity)
- Bearing Relevant Aspects of high Performance Bulk Sm-Ba-Cu-O(1999/04 Appl. Superconductivity)
- Improvement of the mechanical properties of bulk superconductors by impregnation of epoxy resins(1999/04 Appl. Superconductivity)
- Progress in applications of bulk high temperature superconductors(1999/04 Appl. Superconductivity)
- Pinning force diagram of the ternary superconductor (Nd, Eu, Gd)-123 with secondary phase additions(1999/04 Appl. Superconductivity)
- Exploring the ternary superconductors of the type (Nd, Eu, Gd)-123(1999/04 Appl. Superconductivity)
- Comparative study of pulsed field magnetization for Y-Ba-Cu-O and Sm-Ba-Cu-O(1999/04 Materials Science & Engineering B)
- Enhancement of Jc by refinement of Nd4Ba2CuO10 particles in OCMG processed Nd-Ba-Cu-O system with Pt and Ce02 addition(1999/04 MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING)
- Magnetic interaction between permanent magnets and bulk superconductors(1999/04 Physica C)
- Improvement of Critical Current Densities in Bulk Superconductors of the 123-Type(1999/04 Phts. stat. sol)
- Refinement of secondary phase particles for high critical current densities in (Nd, Eu, Gd)-Ba-Cu-O superconductors(1999/04 Physica C)
- Effect of platinum addition on the microstructure and critical current density in (Nd, Ed, Gd)-Ba-Cu-O(1999/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Scaling of pinning forces in NdBa2Cu3O7-δ superconductors(1999/04 J. Appl. Phys.)
- Correlation of magnetic and magneto-optical properties with microstructure analysis in melt-textured (Nd0.33 Sm0.33 Gd0.33)Ba2Cu3Oy(1999/04 Physica C)
- Comparative study of critical current densities and flux pinning among a flux-grown NdBa2Cu3Oy single crystal, melt-textured Nd-Ba-Cu-O, and Y-Ba-Cu-O bulks(1999/04 Phys. Rev. B)
- Study of superconducting properties of OCMG processed (Nd, Eu, Gd)-Ba-Cu-O with Pr doping(1999/04 Physica C)
- MAGNETO-OPTICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF Nd0.33 Eu0.33 Gd0.33 Ba2Cu3O7 SUPERCONDUCTORS(1999/04 Applied Superconductivity)
- Correlation of magnetic and magneto-optical properties with microstructure analysis in melt-textured (Nd0.33 Sm0.33 Gd0.33)Ba2Cu3Oy(1999/04 Physica C)
- Submicron size Gd2BaCuO5 particles as source for large critical current densities in (Nd0.33 Eu0.33 Gd0.33)Ba2Cu3Oy(1999/04 Eur. Phys. J. AP)
- Embedding of 211 particles in NEG-123 superconductors(1999/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Enhancement of critical current density in (Nd,Eu,Gd)-Ba-Cu-O superconductors(1999/04 MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING)
- Microstructural and elastic behavior of OCMG-processed NdBaCuO materials(1999/04 MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING)
- Engineering of pinning sites in melt-processe (Nd0.33 Eu0.33 Gd0.33)Ba2Cu3Oy(1999/04 MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING)
- Correlation of magnetic and magneto-optical properties with microstructure analysis in melt-textured (Nd0.33 Sm0.33 Gd0.33)Ba2Cu3Oy(1999/04 Physica C)
- Comparative study of magnetic fields trapped in YBa2Cu3Oy and SmBa2Cu3Oy superconducting bulks(1998/04 MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING B)
- Fabrication of large single-domain Sm123 superconductors by OCMG method(1998/04 MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING B)
- Melt processing of La-Ba-Cu-O superconductors with high Tc(1998/04 MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING)
- Analysis of pinning in NdBa2Cu3O7-δ superconductors(1998/04 Phys. Rev. B)
- RE-Ba-Cu-O for high functional superconducting permanent magnet(1998/04 MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING)
- Field-Cooled Flux Distribution as Tool to Analyze Pinning Properties(1998/04 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.)
- Magnetic and magneto-optic characterization of the termary compounds (Nd0.33Eu0.33Gd0.33)Ba2Cu3Oy, (Sm0.33Eu0.33Gd0.33)Ba2Cu3Oy and (Nd0.33Sm0.33Gd0.33)Ba2Cu3Oy(1998/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- EFFECT OF Nd4Ba2Cu2O10 ADDITION ON THE PINNING PROPERTIES OF Nd-Ba-Cu-O CRYSTALS(1998/04 Applied Superconductivity)
- KEY ISSUES FOR THE CHARACTERIZATION OF RE-Ba-Cu-O SYSTEMS (RE:Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd)(1998/04 Applied Superconductivity)
- Effects of Gd2BaCuO5 addition on critical current characteristics in melt-processed (Nd, Eu, Gd)-Ba-Cu-O(1998/04 Physica C)
- Improvement of the superconducting properties in (Nd, Sm, Eu)-Ba-CuO using melt-quenched precursors(1998/04 Physica C)
- Microstructure and pinning in high-Tc and large-Jc (Nd, Eu, Gd)-123 superconductors prepared by OCMG process(1998/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Flux pinning in ternary (Nd0.33Eu0.33Gd0.33)Ba2Cu3Oy melt-processed superconductors(1998/04 Appl. Phys. Lett.)
- Analysis of pinning in NdBa2Cu3O7-δ superconductors(1998/04 Phys. Rev. B)
- Melt processing of La-Ba-Cu-O superconductors with high Tc(1998/04 Materials Science and Engineering)
- EFFECT OF OXYGEN ON THE SUPER CONDUCTING PROPERTIES OF Nd16xBa2-xCu3O7-δ(0.1x10.4) SOLID SOLUTION(1998/04 Applied Superconductivity)
- Melt processing of La-Ba-Cu-O superconductors with high Tc(1998/04 Materials Science and Engineering)
- Effect of twin planes in the magnetization hysteresis loops of NdBa2Cu3O7 single crystals(1998/04 Phys. Rev. B)
- Comparative study of magnetic properties between melt-textured and single crystalline Y-Ba-Cu-O(1998/04 Physica C)
- Origin of subgrain formation in melt-grown Y-Ba-Cu-O bulks(1998/04 Physica C)
- Anisotropic magnetization properties of an NdBa2Cu3O7-δ single crystal(1998/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Trapped field of YBa2Cu3O7 QMG bulk magnets(1998/04 Materials Science & Engineering B)
- Magneto optical observations of flux dynamics in Nd-Ba-Cu-O bulk superconductors(1998/04 Materials Science & Engineering B)
- SUPERCONDUCTING PROPERTIES OF (Nd,Sm,Eu,Gd)-Ba-Cu-O(1998/04 Applied Superconductivity)
- Electromagnetic Application of Melt-Processed YBCO(1997/04 Ceramics International)
- Flux pinning properties of NdBa2Cu3O7-d single crystals flux-grown in low oxygen partial pressures(1997/04 Physica C)
- Comparative Study of the Flux Pinning by Columnar Defects in High-Tc Superconductors(1997/04 Physical C)
- Microstructures and superconducting properties of melt-processed (RE, RE') - Ba-Cu-O(1997/04 Physica C)
- Melt processing of high-Tc Nd-Ba-Cu-O superconductors in air(1997/04 Physica C)
- Numerical Evaluation of Magnetization Properties of a Bulk HTSC with a Hole(1997/04 IEEE Transactions on Magnetics)
- Mutual conversion between ultrasonic and electromagnetic waves via compressional distortion of vortices in a c-axis aligned YBa2Cu3O7(1997/04 Physica C)
- Microstructure of Nd-Ba-Cu-O superconductors prepared by the oxygen-controlled-melt-growth method(1997/04 Physica C)
- Effects of oxygen content of the superconducting properties of melt-textured LRE123 superconductors(1997/04 Physica C)
- Grain growth and superconducting properties of (Sm, Eu, Gd)-Ba-Cu-O(1997/04 Physica C)
- Magneto optical characterizations of flux dynamics in Nd-Ba-Cu-O bulk superconductors(1997/04 Physica C)
- Control of the Nd422 Second Phase for the Improvement of the Critical Current Density in Nd-Ba-Cu-O Superconductors(1997/04 Superlattices and Microstructures)
- Vibration Control for a High-Tc Superconducting Non-Linear Levitation System(1997/04 Journal of Sound and Vibration)
- Field induced flux pinning in Nd1+xBa2-xCu3O7-δsingle crystal(1997/04 Physica C)
- Improved superconducting properties of melt-textured Nd123 by additional heat treatment(1997/04 Physica C)
- Effect of high-temperature heat-treatment on the pinning properties of melt-textured Nd123(1997/04 Physica C)
- Flux pinning in melt processed RE-Ba-Cu-O(1997/04 Physica C)
- Application of Oxygen Controlled melt growth (OCMG) in Ternary RE123 Systems(1997/04 Physica C)
- The trapped field of YBCO bulk superconducting magnets(1997/04 Cryogenics)
- A.c. susceptibility measurements in the presence of d.c. magnetis fields for Nd-Ba-Cu-O superconductors(1997/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Effect of mixing three rare-earth elements on the superconducting properties of REBa2Cu3Oy(1997/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- A.C. magnetization characteristics of Nd123 bulk superconductors(1997/04 Cryogenics)
- Melt-processed LRE-Ba-Cu-O superconductors and prospects for their applications(1997/04 J. Alloys and compounds)
- Refinement of Nd-422 phase trapped in a Nd1+δBa2-δCu3O7-y superconducting matrix(1997/04 J. Mater. Res.)
- Improved superconducting properties of melt-textured Nd123 by additional heat treatment(1997/04 Physica C)
- Melt-processed light rare earth element-Ba-Cu-O(1996/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Observation of multiple peaks in the magnetization curves of NdBa2cu3O7 single crystals(1996/04 Rhys. Rev. B)
- Mutual conversion between electromagnetic and ultrasonic waves in high-Tc superconductors under magnetic field(1996/04 Phys. B)
- Elastic behavior of a Y-Ba-Cu-O sample prepared by the MPMG method(1996/04 Physica C)
- Critical currents of OCMG processed Nd123 crystals(1996/04 Physica C)
- Experimental Evaluation of the Total Shielding Current in a Bulk High-Tc Superconductor(1996/04 IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity)
- Generation and detection of transverse ultrasonic waves via vortex tilting in superconductive YBa2Cu3O7(1996/04 Appl. Phys. Lett.)
- Low magnetic relaxation in a single crystal and a melt processed NdBa2Cu3O7-δsample(1996/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Relaxation of persistent current and the energy barrier Ueff (J) close to Tc in a grainaligned YBa2Cu3O7-δ ring(1995/04 Phys. Rev. B)
- Optimization of Y2BaCuO5 phase morphology for the growth of large bulk YBCO grains(1995/04 J. Mater. Res.)
- Investigation of the processing conditions for the growth of large cross section meet-powder-meet-growth YBCO samples in a bidirectional temperature gradient(1995/04 J. Mater. Res.)
- Comparative study of experimental techniques for irreversibility lines and critical current densities in high-temperature superconductors(1995/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Possibility of Tc and Jc enhancement in 10% BaSnO3-doped MPMG-Processed YBCO(1994/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Enhanced Tc and Strong Flux Pinning in Melt-Processed NdBa2Cu3Oy(1994/04 J. Appl. Phys.)
- Flux Pinning in Melt-Grown NdBa2Cu3Oy and SmBa2Cu3Oy Superconductors(1994/04 J. Appl. Phys.)
- Melt processing for obtaining NdBa2Cu3Oy superconductors with high Tc and large Jc(1994/04 J. Appl. Phys. Lett.)
- Irreversibility line for a Pb-doped Hg-Ba-Ca-Cu-O superconductor(1994/04 J. Appl. Phys. Lett.)
- A Comparison of Experimental Techniques to Determine Irreversibility Lines and Critical Current Densities in Melt-Processed YBACO(1994/04 Rhys. Rev. B)
- Flux Creep of Melt Processed YBCO(1994/04 Mat. Res. Soc. Jpn.)
- Flux Pinning and Applications of Melt Processed YBCO(1994/04 Mat. Res. Soc. Jpn.)
- Melt-Processing of High Temperature Superconductors(1994/04 Progress in Materials Science)
- A new type of pinning center in melt grown Nd123 and Sm123(1994/04 Physica C)
- Flux Pinning Sites in Melt-Processed YBaCuO Superconductors(1993/04 Phase Transitions)
- Microstructural characteristics of melt-powder-melt-grown YBa2Cu3O7-x crystal(1993/04 Cryogenics)
- Magnetic Properties of High-Temperature Superconductors(1993/04 IEEE TRANSLATION JOURNAL ON MAGNETICS IN JAPAN)
- Flux pinning by non-superconducting inclusions in melt-processed YBaCuo superconductors(1992/04 Cryogenics)
- Effect of Y2BaCuO5 on fracture toughness of YBCO prepared by a MPMG process(1992/04 Physica C)
- Melt Processing of Bulk YBaCuO Superconductors with High Jc(1992/04 Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology)
- Magnetic properties of superconducting YBa2Cu3Ox permanent magnets prepared by the melt process(1992/04 J. Appl. Phys.)
- Processing of bulk YBaCuO(1992/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Magnetic hysteresis and flux creep of melt-powder-melt growth YBa2Cu3O7 superconductors(1992/04 Phys. Rev. B)
- Critical Currents and Irreversibility Lines of Melt Processed YBa2Cu3O7 Superconductors(1991/04 Physica C)
- Flux pinning and critical currents in melt processed YBaCuO superconductors(1991/04 Supercond. Sci. Tech.)
- Melt Processing of Bulk High Tc Superconductors and Their Application(1991/04 IEEE Transactions on Magnetics)
- Detection of Oxygen Deficient Regions in YBa2Cu3Ox Superconductors by Polarized Optical Microscopy(1991/04 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.)
- Flux Pinning Due to Nonsuperconducting Particles in Melt Processed YBaCuO Superconductors(1991/04 Physica C)
- Microstructures of the melt-powder-melt-growth processed YBaCuO(1991/04 J. Mater. Res.)
- Restricted reversible region and strongly enhanced pinning in MPMG YBa2Cu3O7 with Y2 BaCuO5 inclusions(1991/04 Physica C)
- Large Levitation Force due to Flux Pinning in YBaCuO Superconductors Fabricated by Melt-Powder-Melt-Growth Process(1990/04 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.)
- Direct Observation of Flux creep in melt processed high Tc oxide superconductors(1990/04 Cryogenics)
- TEM Observation of Interfaces between Y2BaCuO5 Inclusions and the YBa2Cu3O7 Matrix in Melt-Powder-Melt-Growth Processed YBaCuO(1990/04 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.)
- Critical currents and flux creep in melt processed high Tc oxide superconductors(1990/04 Jpn. Appl. Phys.)
- Melt Processing of YBaCuO Superconductors and Critical Currents(1990/04 Modern Physics Letters B)
- Fracture Toughness of YBaCuO Prepared by MPMG Process(1990/04 )
- Flux Ceep in High Jc YBa2Cu307 Crystals(1989/04 Jpn. Appl. Phys.)
- A New Process with the Promise of High Jc in Oxide Superconductors(1989/04 Jpn. Appl. Phys.)
- Microstructural Study on the Y-Ba-Cu-O System at High Temperatures(1989/04 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.)