島津全有機炭素分析計 TOC-Vcsn
- 細胞の成分と構造(2008/10 昭晃堂刊行「応用生命科学」)
- 細胞の増殖と生理(2008/10 昭晃堂刊行「応用生命科学」)
- エネルギー作物の辞典(2004/11 恒星社厚生閣刊行)
- Cloning and nucleotide sequences of carbazole degradation genes from marine bacterium Neptuniibacter sp. strain CAR-SF(2010/07 Curr. Microbiol.)
- Activities and distribution of methanogenic and methane-oxidizing microbes in marine sediments from the Cascadia Margin(2010/06 Geobiology)
- DNA markers associated with methane leakage from gas hydrates in the deep sea(2008/04 OCEANS)
- Classification of halo(alkali)philic and halo(alkali)tolerant methanotrophs provisionallyassigned to the genera Methylomicrobium and Methylobacter and emended description of thegenus Methylomicrobium(2008/03 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY MICROBIOLOGY)
- Soluble and Particulate Methane Monooxygenase Gene Clusters in a Marine Methanotroph Methylomicrobium sp. Strain NI(2007/12 FEMS MICROBIOLOGY LETTERS)
- Novel and diverse integron integrase genes and integron-like gene cassettes are prevalent in deep-sea hydrothermal vents(2007/09 ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY)
- 海洋細菌によるリボフラビン類の生産とリボフラビン類による硫化メチルの光分解(2005/06 日本海水学会誌)
- 海洋底泥表層におけるメタン酸化細菌の分布特性(2004/09 ヘドロ)
- Characterization of silicatein from marine sponge, Halichondria okadai(2004/05 Biomineralization: formation, diversity, evolution and applocation)
- Adsorption and degradation of triphenyltin by Pseudomonas chlororaphis immobillized in arginate beads(2004/01 Proceedings of International Symposium on antifouling Paints and Marine Envionment)
- Production of free and organic iodine by Roseovarius spp.(2003/12 FEMS MICROBIOLOGY LETTERS)
- Pseudomonas chlororaphisを固定化したアルギン酸ビーズによるトリフェニルスズの吸着と分解(2003/11 日本水環境学会誌)
- 硫化メチルの海洋微生物の関与による分解(2003/11 月刊 海洋)
- Marinobacterium sp. strain DMS-S1 utilizes dimethylsulfide as a sulfur source after light-dependent transformation by excreted flavins.(2003/06 ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY)
- Degradation of Chlorinated Biphenyl, Dibenzofuran, and Dibenzo-p-dioxin by Marine Bacteria That Degrade Biphenyl, Carbazole, or Dibenzofuran.(2003/05 BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY)
- Tin-carbon cleavage of organotin compounds by pyoverdine from Pseudomonas chlororaphis(2003/02 APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY)
- Utilization of Dimethyl Sulfide as a Sulfur Source with the Aid of Light by Marinobacterium sp. Strain DMS-S1(2001/12 Applied and Environmental Microbiology)
- 水中Cd,Cu,Ni,Coイオンの吸着材としての海綿類の利用(2000/09 日本化学会誌)
- Degradation of Triphenyltin by a Fluorescent Pseudomonad(2000/08 Applied and Environmental Microbiology)
- Cloning and characterization of the iutA gene which encodes ferric aerobactin receptor from marine Vibrio species(2000/04 Microbios)
- 赤潮プランクトンHeterocapsa circularisquamaの脂肪酸組成(1999/06 日本油化学会誌)
- Effect of Glutathione on Arsenic Accumulation by Dunaliella salina(1998/12 Applied Organometallic Chemistry)
- 固定化 Dunaliella tertiolecta によるChattonella antiquaの生育阻害作用(1998/11 中国工業技術研究所報告)
- Oxidation of trichloroethylene and dimethyl sulfide by a marine Methylomicrobium strain containing soluble methane monooxygenase(1998/11 Bioscience,Biotechnology and Biochemistry)
- Phylogenetic analysis of marine environmental strains of Vibrio that produce aerobactin(1998/07 JournaI of Marine Biotechnology)
- 海洋微生物の関与する硫化ジメチルの変換・分解(1998/06 Microbes and Environments)
- 種々の元素を包括したガラスによる赤潮プランクトン増殖(1998/05 生物工学会誌)
- Oxidation of dimethyl sulfide by plant pigments(1997/06 Journal of Marine Biotechnology)
- 鉄を包括したホウ酸ガラスによるDunaliella salinaの増殖とβ-カロテン生産(1997/05 生物工学会誌)
- 微生物を用いた海洋汚染の防止・修復(1997/04 環境対策実践ガイド「プラステックス)
- Accumulation of Arsenic by Rhaphydophyceae Chattonella antiqua (Hada) Ono(1996/11 Appiled Organometallic Chemistry)
- Uptake and Reduction of Arsenate by Dunaliella sp.(1996/11 Applied Organometallic Chemistry)
- 栄養元素を包括したガラスによるDunaliella salinaの増殖とβ-カロテンの生産(1996/08 生物工学会誌)
- 赤潮プランクトン Chattonella antiquaの銅蓄積と乾燥藻体による銅鉱山廃水の処理(1996/06 日本化学会誌)
- Vibrio species isolated from coastal ocean produces aerobactin(1995/12 Microbios)
- Transformation of Dimethyl Sulfide and Related Compounds by Cultures and Cell Extracts of Marine Phyto plankton(1995/09 Bioscience,Biotechnology, and Biochemistry)
- 海域へのバイオリミディエイションの適用(1994/11 ハイテクインフォメーション)
- 好圧性細菌の脂肪酸組成に及ぼす圧力と温度の影響(1994/11 中国工業技術研究所報告)
- Dunalitella salinaによるカドミウムの補集(1994/05 日本化学会)
- 栄養塩添加分培養及び半連続培養でのDunaliella salinaによるβ-カロテン生産(1994/02 日本生物工学会誌)
- Effects of growth pressure and temperature on fatty acid composition of a barotolerant deep-sea bacterium.(1993/03 Applied and Environmental Microbiology)
- Effect of magnetism on growth of Dunaliella salina(1993/03 Research in Photosynthesis)
- Marine algae excrete large molecular weight compounds keeping iron dissolved(1993/03 Bioscience,Biotechnology,and Biochemistry)
- 水中の各種重金属類の吸着剤としての微細藻類(赤潮プランクトン)の利用(1993/03 日本化学会誌)
- Heterosigma akashiwoの脂肪酸組成への環境因子の影響(1992/07 日本農芸化学会誌)
- Effects of arsenic on the organic component of the alga Dunaliella salina(1992/07 Applied Organometallic Chemistry)
- Effect of cadmium on the accumulation of arsenic in a marine green alga,Dunaliella sp.(1992/06 Applied Organometallic Chemistry)
- Dunaliella salinaによるβ-カロチン生産への種々の環境因子の影響(1992/05 日本発酵工学会誌)
- 緑藻Dunaliellaによる海水中ガリウムの回収(1992/05 日本化学会誌)
- Pressure-Induced Alteration in Fatty Acid Composition of Barotorelant Deep-Sea Bacterium(1992/05 J.Oceanogr.)
- The Growth of a Green Algae Dunaliella Species in Deep Sea Water(1991/08 Proceedings of International Forum on Deep Sea Water)
- Cycling of Arsenic in Heterosigma akashiwo(1990/08 Water Pollution Research and Control)
- Environmental Factors Relating to Selenium Accumulation by Dunaliella sp.(1990/07 Current Topics in Marine Biotechnology)
- Accumulation of Arsenic and Selenium by Dunaliella sp.(1990/04 Appl. Organomet. Chem.)
- 緑藻Dunaliella sp.のヒ素蓄積に及ぼすリンの影響(1989/05 )
- 緑藻Dunaliella sp.のヒ素蓄積に及ぼす環境因子の影響(1989/04 日本化学会誌)
- Effects of Iodide and Iodate Ions on Marine Phytoplankton(1989/01 Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Red Tides)
- 高圧下における微生物単離装置の試作(1988/10 中国工業技術試験所報告)
- Environmental Factors Relating to Arsenic Accumulation by Dunaliella sp.(1988/01 Appl. Organomet. Chem.)
- Effects of Trace Metals on Growth of Red Tide Phytoplankton and Their Accumulation of Metal(1987/04 Agric. Biol. Chem.)
- HPLCによる赤潮プランクトン(Chattonella antiqu a と Heterosigma akashiwo)中の炭水化物分析(1987/01 日本農芸化学会誌)
- 海洋バイオ利用技術(1986/11 中国工業技術)
- Microbial Dehalogenation of Haloalkanes Mediated by Oxygenase or Halidohydrolase(1986/02 Agric. Biol. Chem.)