表面加工、材料・化学 生産技術
1)環境適応型ものづくり・ドライ加工(ドライプレス、ドライ切削など) 2)新型材・新成形プロセス開発、高密度プラズマ技術 3)固相合成プロセスによる材料創成、プロトタイピング4)マイクロものづくり技術
- 金型産業構造変革とイノベーション(2013/03 ナカニシ出版刊行「アジアの経済発展と産業技術」 p.231~247)
- Advanced fracture mechanics design of diamond-like carbon against delamination behavior(2011/05 NOVA Science Publishers刊行「Recent Trendes in Fracture Mechanics」10巻1号 p.1~32)
- アジアの裾野産業をめぐって(2008/04 法政大学出版会刊行「経済志林」75号 p.125~183)
- 知財化に向けての金型知識マネージメント(2004/03 経済産業省刊行「経済産業省・MOTプログラム教材」)
- くるま(車)(1999/02 東大出版会刊行「東京大学公開講座」3章巻)
- 計算工学の基礎と応用(1999/02 朝倉書店刊行「機械工学シリーズ・7」7章巻)
- Tribo-characterization of silicon doped and nano-structured DLC coatings by metal forming simulators(2014/03 Manufacturing Letters)
- High density oxygen plasma micro-texturing into CVD-diamond coated dies for micro-embossing(2015/04 Proc. 4M/ICOMM 2015)
- Plasma nitriding assisted micro-texturing into martensitic stainless steel molds for injection molding(2015/04 Proc. 4M/ICOMM-2015)
- Ditributed plasma nitriding systems for sutface treatment of miniature functional products(2015/04 Proc. 10th 4M/ICOMM)
- Plasma assisted nitriding for micro-texturing onto martensitic stainless steels(2015/02 Manufacturing Review)
- High-density plasma nitriding assisted micro-texturing onto martensitic stainless steel mold-die(2014/10 Proc. IWMF2014)
- Plasma assisted nitriding for micro-texturing onto martensitic stainless steels(2014/11 Proc. AWMF2014)
- Large area micro-textue imprinting onto metallic sheet via CNC stamping(2014/10 Procedia Engineering)
- Motion-controlled precise stamping for microtexturing onto aluminum sheet(2014/09 Key Engineering Materials)
- High density plasma nitriding f Al-Cu alloys for automotive parts(2014/04 Journal of Physicsal Science and Application)
- Motion-Controlled CNC Stamping for Micro-Texturing onto Metallic Sheet(2014/03 Proceedings of ICOMM2014)
- Micro-Texturing Design for Joining between Polymer Components(2014/03 Proceedings of ICOMM2014)
- Micro-Texturing of Stainless Steels Via High Density Plasma Nitriding(2014/03 Proceedings of ICOMM2014)
- Recycling of DLCcoated tools for dry machining of aluminum alloys via oxygen plasma ashing(2014/01 Mechanical Engineering Research)
- Completeashing of used DLC coating for reuse of the end-milling tools(2014/01 Manufacturing Letters)
- Precise Micro-Texturing onto DLC Coating via High-Density Oxygen Plasma Etching(2013/10 Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Multi-Material, Micro-Manufacuring)
- Nano-Laminated Diamond-Like Carbon Coating for Hydrogen Gas Permeability Control(2013/10 Proceedings on 10th Mulri-Material, Micro-Manufacturing)
- Micro-imprinting onto DLC and CNT coatings via high density oxygen plasma etching(2013/03 8th Int. Conf. MicroManufacturing (ICOMM-2013))
- Micro mold-stamping of plastic mini-turbofans via table-top CNC-pressing system(2013/03 8th Int. Conf. MicroManufacturing (ICOMM-2013))
- Quantitative argon plasma characterization by Langmuir probe method(2013/03 7th SEATUC Conference (Bandon, 2013))
- High density plasma nitriding behavior of austenitic stainless steel type AISI 316(2013/03 7th SEATUC Conference (Bandon, 2013))
- Characterization of Cu-doped nano-columnar DLC coating(2013/03 7th SEATUC Conference (Bandon, 2013))
- Micro-texturing onto glassy carbon substrates by multi-aially controlled pico-second laer machining(2012/03 Proceedings on 7th International Conference on MicroManufacturing)
- Dry plasma etching for micro-patterning onto the DLC coating(2013/03 7th SEATUC Conference (Bandon, 2013))
- Analysis of nano-columnar DLC thin films by the atomic force microscopy(2013/03 Proc. 7th SEATUC Conference (Bandon, 2013))
- Quantitative plasma diagnosis of high density RF-DC plasmas for surface processing(2013/03 7th SEATUC Conference (Bandon, 2013))
- Geometric adjustment and sizing of CVD-diamond coatings via oxygen plasma etching and laser machining(2013/03 7th SEATUC Conference (Bandon, 2013))
- Oxygen plasma ashing of used DLC coating for reuse of milling and cutting tools(2013/06 Int. Conf. Mater. Processing Technol. (2013, BKK))
- Continuous dry cylindrical and rectangular deep drawing by electro-conductive ceramic die(2013/06 Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering)
- Synthesis and characterization of doped and undoped nano-columnar DLC coating(2013/05 Journal of Teknologi)
- Oxygen plasma etching of diamond-like carbon coated mold-die for micro-texturing(2012/04 Surf. Coat. Technol.)
- Micro-texturing onto amorphous carbon materials as a mold-die for micro-forming(2012/12 Applied Mechanics and Materials)
- Micro-patterning onto DLC coating by plasma oxygen etching(2012/03 7th International Conference on Micro-Manufacturing)
- Micro-texturing onto glassy carbon substrates by multi-axially controlled pico-second laser machining(2013/03 7th International Conference on Micro-Manufacturing)
- Plasma diagnosis in etching and ashing of diamond like carbon coating(2012/03 6th South East Asian Technical University Consortium Symposium.)
- Plasma micro-patterning onto diamond like carbon coating(2012/03 6th South East Asian Technical University Consortium Symposium)
- High density plasma nitriding of tool and die steels(2012/03 6th South East Asian Technical University Consortium Symposium)
- Precise characterization of nano-columnar DLC film by Raman spectroscopy and AFM(2012/03 6th South East Asian Technical University Consortium Symposium)
- Nano-laminated diamond-like carbon coating to control hydrogen gas penetration(2012/03 6th South East Asian Technical University Consortium Symposium)
- Micro-Pattern Imprinting onto Aluminum Thin Sheet by CNC-Controlled Stamping(2012/09 Steel Research International Journal)
- Duplex coating of AISI-316 and 420 Dies for Hot Mold-Stamping(2012/09 Steel Research International Journal)
- Micro-patterning onto diamond like carbon coating via RF-DC oxygen plasma etching(2011/03 5th South East Asian Technical University Consortium Symposium (2011, February, Hanoi))
- Fabrication of micro-patterned optical elements by fine mold stamping(2011/03 5th South East Asian Technical University Consortium Symposium (2011, February, Hanoi))
- Effect of parameters setting on nano-columnar DLC film formation(2011/03 5th South East Asian Technical University Consortium Symposium (2011, February, Hanoi))
- Tooling life design for dry metal forming via nano-laminated DLC coating(2011/03 5th South East Asian Technical University Consortium Symposium (2011, February, Hanoi))
- Imprinting of patterns onto polymers and oxide-glasses via fine micro-stamping(2011/03 6th International Conference on Micro-Manufacturing. (Tokyo, 2011))
- Precise Patterning onto DLC Coating via High-Density Oxygen Plasma Etching(2011/09 Proc. 10th Inyternational Conference on the Technology of PLasticity)
- Development of precise micro press formingsystem for fabrication of micro parts(2011/09 Proceedings of 10th International Conference n Technology of Plasticity)
- Dry transfer satmping by nano-lminated DLC coated tool(2011/09 Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Technology of PLasticity)
- Fine micro-stamping system fr micro-pattern printing onto polymers and glasses(2011/09 Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity)
- Nano-laminated DLC coating for dry micro-stamping(2010/09 J. Steel Research International)
- フロンティア型の金型技術への転換(ケース・スタディー:ガラスモールド金型技術)(2009/12 研究技術計画)
- Electro-conductive ceramic tooling for dry deep drawing(2010/02 J. Materials Processing Technology)
- Thermoelectric material design in pseudo binary systems of Mg2Si - Mg2Ge - Mg2Sn on the powder metallurgy route.(2006/10 Materials Sceience Forum)
- Solid-state synthesis of Mg2X (X=Si, Ge, Sn and Pb) via bulk mechanical alloying(2006/05 Mater. Sci. Forum.)
- Solid-state synthesis of magnesium thermoelectric alloys via bulk mechanical alloying.(2008/12 MRS Symposium Proceedings)
- T. Aizawa, R. Song and A. Yamamoto: Solid state synthesis of ternary thermoelectric magnesium alloy, Mg2Si1-xSnx.(9999/01 Materials Transactions.)
- Thermoelectric properties of Mg2Si1-xSnx systems synthesized by bulk mechanical alloying.(9999/01 Chinese J. Aeronautics)
- Texture control of bulk mechanical alloyed Bi-Te thermoelectric materials via shear extrusion.(9999/01 J. Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials.)
- Characterization of hydrogen storage alloy Mg2Co synthesized by bulk mechanical alloying.(9999/01 J. Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials.)
- Solid-state synthesis of Mg2Si1-xYx (Y = Ge and Si) thermoelectric materials via bulk mechanical alloying.(9999/01 J. Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials.)
- Solid-state synthesis of Mg-Si-Ge ternary thermoelectric materials..(9999/01 Materials Transactions)
- Experimental and theoretical evaluation on thermoelectricity for SPS-joined p-n module in Bi-Te system.(9999/01 Materials Transactions.)
- Thermoelectric properties of anisotropy-controlled p-type Bi-Te-Sb system via bulk mechanical alloying and shear extrusion.(9999/01 J. Alloys and Compounds.)
- Crystallographic anisotropy control of n-type Bi-Te-Se thermoelectric material via bulk mechanical alloying and shear extrusion.(9999/01 Materials Transaction.)
- Solid state synthesis of non-equilibrium Mg2Co via bulk mechanical alloying.(9999/01 Materials Science Forum..)
- Solid-state synthesis of Mg2Si intermetallic compound via powder metallurgy process(9999/01 Materials Science Forum.)
- Solid state synthesis of non-equilibrium phase in Mg-Co and Mg-Fe systems via bulk mechanical alloying..(9999/01 Materials Transactions.)
- Magnesium matrix composite with solid-state synthesized Mg2Si dispersoids.(9999/01 Materials Transactions.)
- Tribological properties of magnesium composite alloy with in-situ synthesized Mg2Si dispersoids.(9999/01 Materials Transactions.)
- In-situ synthesis of Mg2Si intermetallics via powder metallurgy process.(9999/01 Materials Transactions.)
- Hydrogen absorption and electrochemical properties of Mg2-xNi (x = 0 - 0.5) alloys prepared by bulk mechanical alloying..(9999/01 J. Alloys and Compounds)
- Hydrogen absorption of nanocrystalline palladium.(9999/01 J. Alloys and Compounds.)
- Effect of processing parameters on thermoelectric properties of p-type (Bi2Te3)0.25 (Sb2Te3)0.75 prepared via BMA-HP method.(9999/01 Materials Chemistry and Physics.)
- Solid-state synthesis of Mg2Si from Mg-Si mixture powder.(9999/01 Materials Transactions.)
- 中野博昭、久慈俊郎、相澤龍彦:Mg2Ni水素吸蔵合金のアルカリ水溶液中での挙動。(9999/01 電気化学および工業物理化学)
- Non-equilibration of nanostructured Mg2Ni by bulk mechanical alloying.(9999/01 Materials Transactions.)
- Mechanically Induced Reaction for Solid-State Synthesis of Mg2Si and Mg2Sn(9999/01 J. Intermetallics)
- Solid-state synthesis of hydrogen storage Mg2Co alloys via bulk mechanical alloying(9999/01 Materials Transactions)
- バルクMAによるMg2Ni合金の創成。.(9999/01 粉体および粉末冶金)
- Shock synthesis of MoSi2-SiCp/SiCw composites from mechanical alloying pretreated precursors.(1998/04 Ceramic Transaction. (Innovative Processing and synthesis of Ceramics, Glasses and compositesⅡ))
- Shock induced reactions from MA precursors in Ti-Al system.(1998/08 The Review of High Pressure Science and Technology.)
- Laser-driven shock device for real-time Hugoniot measurement.(1998/08 The Review of High Pressure Science and Technology.)
- バルクMAにより創製される(Bi2Te3)0.2(Sb2Te3)0.8熱電材料特性のプロセス依存性。 (1997/11 粉体および粉末冶金)
- Cu/Co系ナノグラニュラーバルク材料のナノ組織。。(1997/11 粉体および粉末冶金)
- Repeated bulk mechanical alloying of functional metallic alloys.(1997/04 Materials Science Forum.)
- Shock reactive synthesis of (Mo, Ti) sillicides from pretreated powders.(9999/01 Ceramic Transaction (Innovative Processing and Synthesis of Ceramics))
- Self-propagating reactions in Mo-Si and Ti-Si systems induced by mechanical alloying...(1996/04 Ceramic Transaction (Innovative Processing and Synthesis of Ceramics))
- Magnetic properties of nano-particulate Cu-Co alloy on the route of bulk mechanical alloying.(1996/05 Materials Science Forum.)
- Solid-state synthesis of magnesium thermoelectric alloys via bulk mechanical alloying..(2007/12 Proc. Symposium I, MRS.)
- Thermoelectric material design in pseudo binary systems on the powder metallurgy route.(2006/09 Proc. 2006 Powder Metallurgy World Congress.)
- Solid-state synthesis of Mg2X via bulk mechanical alloying.(2006/09 Proc. 2006 Powder Metallurgy World Congress.)
- Solid-state synthesis of Mg2X via mechanically induced reaction.(2004/12 Proc. Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials.)
- Solid state synthesis of nano-structured magnesium base thermoelectric materials.(2004/10 Proc. Powder Metallurgy World Congress-2004.)
- Fabrication of anisotropically structured p-type and n-type Bi-Te thermoelectric materials via new P/M route.(2004/10 Proc. Powder Metallurgy World Congress-2004)
- Thermoelectric properties of Bi-Te based materials prepared by bulk mechanical alloying.(2004/02 Trans. MRS-Japan.)
- Structural characteristics of Mg-Ni alloy films prepared by ion beam sputtering.(2001/10 Proc. Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials.)
- Nanostructured hydrogen storage materials via bulk mechanical alloying.(2001/10 Proc. Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials.)
- Direct fabrication of nano-structured particle materials via bulk mechanical alloying.(2002/06 Proc. 2002 World Congress on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials.)
- Mg2Si/Mg composite material via solid-state synthesis processing.(2002/06 Proc. 2002 World Congress on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials.)
- Solid state synthesis of non-equilibrium phase Mg2Co for hydrogen storage alloys.(2002/10 Proc. 11th Conference on Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials..)
- Nanogranulation in the binary copper alloy system via bulk mechanical alloying.(2002/11 Advanced Technology of Plasticity)
- Preparation of p and n type materials for one-step consolidation of thermoelectric pn junction.(2000/07 Proc. 2000 Powder Metallurgy World Congress.)
- Solid-state synthesis of Mg2Ni and Mg2Si by bulk mechanical alloying.(2000/07 Proc. 2000 Powder Metallurgy World Congress)
- Fabrication of nanogranular Co-Cu system via bulk mechanical alloying.(2000/07 Proc. 2000 Powder Metallurgy World Congress)
- Shock induced reaction to refractory metal di-silicides from MA precursor..(1999/07 Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 1999.)
- Shock-induced reaction mechanism to synthesize refractory metal silicides.(1997/06 Shock Compression of Condensed Matter-1997)
- Ion-beam driven shock device using accelerated high density plasmoid by phased Z-pinch.(1997/06 Shock Compression of Condensed Matter-1997)
- Fabrication of Al-based nonequilibrium materials by bulk mechanical alloying for superplastic forming.(1998/04 Proc. International Seminar on Microstructure, Micromechanics and Processing of Superplastic Materials..)
- Shock induced reaction to synthesize refractory metal silicides.(1998/05 Advanced Metal '98)
- Shock reactive synthesis of refractory metal aluminides and silicides.(1997/04 Ceramic Engineering & Science Proceedings.)
- High-speed bulk mechanical alloying for solid-phase synthesis of fine-grained and exotic materials.(1997/04 Ceramic Engineering & Science Proceedings.)
- Bulk mechanical alloying of Co-Cu.(1997/04 Ceramic Engineering & Science Proceedings.)
- Bulk mechanical alloying for solid-phase synthesis of fine-grained and exotic materials.(1997/01 Int. Symp. Advanced Synthesis and Processing.)
- Shock reaction of refractory metal aluminides and silicides.(1997/01 Int. Symp. Advanced Synthesis and Processing.)
- Bulk mechanical alloying of nano-grained Co-Cu.(1997/01 Int. Symp. Advanced Synthesis and Processing.)
- Micro-Physical Modeling of Shock Induced Reactions in Solid Synthesis of Silicide:(1997/06 Proceedings of the International Seminar on Vapor Explosions and Explosive Eruptions.)
- High-density plasmoid acceleration by phased implosion of capillary S-pinch and its application to hyper-velocity projectile acceleration.(1996/11 Proc. Dense Z-Pinches: Fourth International Conference.)
- Productive mechanical alloying by repeated powder forging.(1996/06 Advances of Power Metallurgy and Particulate Materials.)
- Shock Reactive Synthesis of refractory metal aluminides from pretreated materials.(1996/03 Advanced Materials '96.)
- Shock-induced reaction from mechanically alloyed precursor in Ni-Al system.(1995/06 Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 1995)
- Shock induced reactions of titanium aluminides from mechanically alloyed precursor.(1995/06 Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 1995)
- Net-shape forming of particulate materials by repeated MA-forging.(1995/06 Advances in Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Materials.)
- Shock reactive mechanism for direct synthesis of titanium aluminides from element powder mixture.(1995/07 Metallurgical and Materials Applications of Shock-Wave and High Strain-Rate Phenomena.)
- Geometric effect on shock reactive synthesis of titanium aluminides.(2005/07 Metallurgical and Materials Applications of Shock-Wave and High Strain-Rate Phenomena.)
- Eulerian analysis with lagrangian steppings of triggering mechanism for shock chemistry through multi-phase materials.(1995/06 Proc. US(NSF)-JAPAN(JSPS) Joint Multi-disciplinary International Seminar on Intense Multiphase Interactions.)
- High speed mass mixing mechanism and reactions in binary material system of refractory metal and aluminum.(1995/06 Proc. US(NSF)-JAPAN(JSPS) Joint Multi-disciplinary International Seminar on Intense Multiphase Interactions.)
- Controlled fracture forming process as a new coming materials handling technology.(1995/08 Proc. 1st Int. Conf. of Advancement in Materials and Process Technology.)
- High speed mechanical alloying for bulk amorphous intermetallics.(1994/11 Advanced Materials)
- Flexible high speed mechanical alloying for bulk amorphous materials.(1994/07 Powder Metallurgy World Congress-94.)
- Nano-crystallization by high speed mechanical alloying.(9999/01 Powder Metallurgy World Congress-94.)
- Advanced material design of/with/for small-scaled nuclear reactors.(2005/08 Proc. 3rd International Conference on the Small-Sized Reactors.)
- Mesoscopic material design for environmentally benign manufacturing and materials processing.(2004/11 Trans. MRS-J)
- Solid State Recycling with High Mechanical Qualification of Magnesium Alloys.(2004/11 Proc. Powder Metallurgy World Congress.)
- Computational mechanics model of 2D-cellular solid in compression with consideration of microstructural development.(2004/09 Proc. World Congress of Computational Mechanics.)
- High performance magnesium composite alloy by employing wasted high purity SiO2 ingot.(2004/11 Trans. Materials Research Society of Japan.)
- Microstructure control to strengthen light metals by repeated plastic working in cold compaction.(2004/11 Proc. Powder Metallurgy World Congress 2004)
- Environmentally benign manufacturing and materials processing in Japan.(2002/06 Proc. 2002 World Congress on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials.)
- Microstructure model for hot deformation and creep behavior on the basis of homogenization theory.(9999/01 Advanced Technology of Plasticity.)
- Solid-state synthesis of Mg2Si by heat treatment after repeated plastic working and its application to form magnesium composite materials.(2002/10 Advanced Technology of Plasticity.)
- Granular modeling for powder forming and powder injection molding.(2000/07 Proc. 2000 Powder Metallurgy World Congress. Jpn. Powder and Powder Metallurgy.)
- Evaluation of micro structure by digitized image with homogenization method.(2000/07 Proc. 2000 Powder Metallurgy World Congress. Jpn. Powder and Powder Metallurgy.)
- Nondestructive evaluation by acoustic spectro microscopy - for modeling microstructures and properties by using a dual phase stainless steel.(2000/07 Proc. 2000 Powder Metallurgy World Congress.)
- Green forming of Al-Si alloys on the route of bulk mechanical alloying.(2000/07 Proc. 2000 Powder Metallurgy World Congress.)
- Low temperature sintering of dense alumina wire by green microstructure control.(9999/01 Proc. 2000 Powder Metallurgy World Congress.)
- Mechanical properties of bulk sintered chromium nitride ceramic.(2000/07 Proc. 2000 Powder Metallurgy World Congress.)
- High pressure generation systems for materials processing and evaluation.(2001/08 Impact Engineering and Applications.)
- Effect of the powder characteristics on the non-newtonian flow of powder-binder compound in the metal powder injection molding.(2001/05 Powders and Grains 2001)
- Finite element analysis of cold isostatic pressing with consideration of cracking.(2001/05 Powders and Grains 2001)
- Simulation-based design for powder forming and powder metallurgy.(1998/06 Recent Progress in Iron Powder Metallurgy...)
- Determination of anisotropic elastic stiffness and crystallographic orientation by a genetic algorithm oriented inverse analysis.(1998/06 Proc. Modeling and Simulation Engineering.)
- Sintering simulation with macro-micro modeling.(1998/06 Proc. Modeling and Simulation engineering.)
- Macro-micro modeling for superplastic forming.(1998/05 Proc. International Seminar on Microstructure, Micromechanics and Processing of Superplastic Materials..)
- Rational inverse analysis on determination of anisotropic elastic stiffness and crystallographic orientation of grains from surface wave velocity distribution:(1997/04 International Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics. JSME-MMD)
- Multi-level FEM modeling for HIP analysis.(1997/06 International Workshop on Modeling of Metal Powder Forming Processes.)
- Inversion of dual mode surface waves to determine elastic constants of anisotropic solid.(1997/08 Proc. IEEE Ultrasonic Symposium.)
- Elasto-plastic contact analysis in rolling by two dimensional boundary element method.(1996/08 Boundary Element Methods)
- Development of three dimensional boundary element simulator for rolling.(1996/08 Boundary Element Methods)
- Powder-binder flow simulation in powder injection molding.(1996/06 Advances of Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Materials.)
- Elasto-creep sintering analysis by macro-micro modeling.(1996/08 Sintering Technology.)
- Quantitative nondestructive evaluation of ceramic matrix composite by the resonance method.,(1996/01 Advances in Ceramic Matrix Composites III)
- Granular modeling for computer aided design of colloidal processing.(1995/04 Science, Technology and Applications of Colloidal Suspensions.)
- Numerical modeling for powder-binder compound flow in metal injection molding.(1995/06 Advances in Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Materials.)
- Insitu evaluation of powder compact in pressing by the ultrasonic array-sensing.(1995/06 Advances in Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Materials)
- Inverse analysis with surface wave spectroscopy to determine material properties of thin film on substrate.(1995/07 Simulation of Materials Processing. Theory, Methods and Applications-)
- Powder pressing design analysis by the granular model simulation.(1995/06 Powder Metallurgy World Congress-94.)
- Three dimensional granular modeling for powder injection molding.(1994/06 Powder Metallurgy World Congress-94)
- On-process nondestructive evaluation of powder compacts by the ultrasonic array sensing.(1994/06 Powder Metallurgy World Congress-94)
- Visualization and insitu characterization of deformed powder compact in cold isostatic pressure.(1994/12 Advanced Materials (MRS))
- High pressure compacting of the high speed steel powder.(1994/06 Powder Metallurgy World Congress-94)
- Develoment of nano-columnar carbon coating for dry micro-stamping(2007/04 Surface & Coating Technology)
- Wear of plasma-nitrided aluminum alloys..(2005/04 Wear)
- In-situ formation of self-lubricating tribo-film for dry machinability.(2005/04 Surface Coating Technology.)
- Self-lubrication mechanism via the in-situ formed lubricious oxide tribofilm.(2005/04 Wear)
- Compositional dependent amorphization in Zr alloy films by means of Ni-implantation.(9999/01 Materials Transactions.)
- Improvement of cutting performance for carbide tools via chlorine implantation.(2004/04 Surface Coating Technology.)
- Phase Separation into Nano-crystalline Nitrides in Ternary Ti-Si-N System via N Implantation.(9999/01 Materials Science Forum,)
- N-implanted Ti thin film prepared by ion beam sputtering deposition.(2003/06 J. Ceramic Transaction.)
- Tribology of dry drawing of various metal sheets with use of ceramics tools.(9999/01 Surface Coating Technology.)
- Self-lubrication of nitride ceramic coating by the chlorine ion implantation.(2003/04 )
- Effect of aluminum concentration on friction and wear properties of titanium nitride films.(2003/04 Surface Coating Technology.)
- Friction and wear properties of CrAlN and CrVN films deposited by cathodic arc ion plating method..(2003/04 )
- Chemical modification of titanium nitride coating via light-element ion implantation toward high mechanical performance.(2003/06 Ceramic Transaction, J.)
- Feasibility study of self-lubrication by chlorine implantation.(2002/12 Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research)
- Self-lubrication mechanism of chlorine implanted TiN coatings.(2003/04 Wear)
- Plasma nitriding as an environmentally benign surface structuring process.(9999/01 Materials Transactions.)
- Advanced plasma nitriding for aluminum and aluminum alloys.(9999/01 Materials Transactions.)
- Formation of protection layer during oxidation of Al-implanted TiN coating.(9999/01 Materials Transactions.)
- Effect of chlorine distribution profiles of tribological properties for chlorine-implanted titanium nitride films.(2002/04 Surface Coating Technology.)
- Surface modification of magnesium base alloys by gas/plasma nitriding.(2000/05 Materials Science Forum.)
- Friction and wear properties of carbon-ion implanted titanium nitride films.(2000/04 Surface Coating Technology.)
- Status on the die and mold industries in Japan.(2007/06 Proc. 12th International Conference of Special Tooling and Machining Association)
- Management of technology for special tooling and machining with knowledge economics.(2004/05 ISTMA)
- 金型知識化マネージメント -金型産業にとっての技術経営・技術戦略―.(2004/04 第2回日韓金型セミナー・プロシディングス。)
- Micro-texturing into DLC/Diamond coated molds and dies via high density oxygen plasma etching(2014/11 Proc. AWMFT2014)
- Special tooling and machining industries in Japan(2008/10 Colloguium on Machining in Future)
- Formation of nano-columnar amorphous carbon films via electron beam irradiation(2008/04 Journal of Materials Science 43rd, 6159-6166)