高温ガス分離もしくは水処理を目的とした、分離膜開発を行っています。膜素材は、シリカ、ゼオライト、金属などの無機材料を中心に検討しています。 分離対象は、水素、二酸化炭素、各種炭化水素などで、分子の大きさの違いや、膜に対する吸着性の違いなどを利用して、テーラーメイドの分離膜を開発することにより効率的に分離する方法を研究しています。
材料・化学 エネルギー・環境・資源
- 水素選択透過膜およびその製造方法 鈴木綱一、 芹澤徹、 野村幹弘
- 触媒の辞典(2000/01 朝倉書店刊行 野村幹弘ら 著)
- 膜学実験法-人工膜-(2006/12 日本膜学会刊行 野村幹弘ら 著)
- よくわかる分離膜の基礎(pp. 99-117,pp125-130)(2009/09 工業調査会刊行)
- 水処理膜の製膜技術と材料評価(2012/01 サイエンス&テクノロジー刊行 野村幹弘ら 著)
- 最近の化学工学63「ここまできた膜分離プロセス-基礎から応用」(2014/01 化学工学会刊行 野村幹弘ら 著 p.159~171)
- 高温ターゲットガス分離膜の開発(2014/10 分離技術会刊行 松山絵美、池田歩、野村幹弘 著「シンポジウムシリーズ1“分離技術のシーズとライセンス技術の実用化”」 p.66~74)
- Preparation of a stable silica using a counter diffusion chemical vapor deposition method(2005/04 Journal of Membrane Science)
- Flowsheet study of the thermochemical water-splitting IS process for effective hydrogen production(2007/03 International Journal of Hydrogen Energy)
- Steam stability of a silica membrane prepared by a counter diffusion chemical vapor deposition(2006/05 Desalination)
- Preparation of a multi membrane module for high temperature hydrogen separation(2006/05 Desalination)
- Optimization of the process parameters of an electrochemical cell in the IS process(2005/12 Chemical Engineering Science)
- 耐水蒸気水素選択透過シリカ膜のモジュール化のための研究(2005/11 膜)
- 結晶性、非結晶性シリカ膜の開発と透過機構の解明(2005/11 膜)
- Evaluation of the IS process featuring membrane techniques by total thermal efficiency(2005/10 International Journal of Hydrogen Energy)
- Flowsheet study of the thermochemical water-splitting IS process for effective hydrogen production(2005/04 AIChE 2005 Spring National Meeting)
- 熱化学水素製造法ISプロセスのパラメータ最適化検討(2004/12 水素エネルギーシステム)
- Preparation of thin zeolite films on porous titania-stainless steel composite substrates(2004/11 Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan)
- Microporous Silica Membrane Prepared using TMOS/O3 CVD in Opposing Reactants Geometry(2004/11 Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan)
- Efficient hydrogen production through the thermochemical water splitting IS process using membrane technologies(2004/10 10th Asian Pacific Confederation Chemical Engineering)
- Steady state design of the thermochemical hydrogen production IS process(2004/10 10th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering)
- Development of Ethanol/Water Gating Membranes for Ethanol Fermentation Process.(2004/10 10th Asian Pacific Confederation Chemical Engineering)
- Silica membrane reactor for the thermochemical Iodine- Sulfur process to produce hydrogen(2004/09 Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research)
- Application of an electrochemical membrane reactor to the thermochemical water splitting IS process for hydrogen production(2004/09 Journal of membrane Science)
- Development of an Electrochemical Cell for Efficient Hydrogen Production through the IS Process(2004/08 AIChE Journal)
- Development of hydrogen permselective membrane reactor using a silica membrane for the IS process(2004/06 Proceedings of 15th World Hydrogen Energy Conference)
- Improvement of the thermochemical water splitting IS process by an electrochemical cell using a cation exchange membrane(2004/06 Proceedings of 15th World Hydrogen Energy Conference)
- Sensitivity analysis of operation parameters and chemical properties for the design of the thermochemical hydrogen production IS process.(2004/06 Proceedings of 15th World Hydrogen Energy Conference)
- Thermal efficiency evaluation of HI synthesis/concentration procedures in the thermochemical water splitting IS process(2004/05 International Journal of Hydrogen Energy)
- Application of a membrane reactor system to the Bunsen reaction of the thermochemical water splitting IS process(2003/09 International Conference on Global Environment and Advanced Nuclear Power Plants)
- Thermal Efficiency of the IS Process for Thermochemical Hydrogen Production Using the HTGR(2003/09 International Conference on Global Environment and Advanced Nuclear Plants)
- R&D Program on Thermochemical Water-Splitting Iodine-Sulfur Process at JAERI(2003/09 International Conference on Global Environment and Advanced Nuclear Power Plants)
- Improvement of the thermochemical water-splitting IS (iodine-sulfur) process by electro-electrodialysis(2003/08 Journal of membrane Science)
- Effects of process parameters of the IS process on total thermal efficiency to produce hydrogen from water(2003/07 Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan)
- Preparation of Thin Porous Titania Films on Stainless Steel Substrates for Heat Exchange (HEX) Reactors(2003/07 Separation and Purification Technology)
- Effects of preparation method on oxygen permeation properties of SrFeCo0.5OX membrane(2003/07 Separation and Purification Technology)
- Estimation of thermal efficiency to produce hydrogen from water through the IS process(2003/03 AIChE 2003 Spring National Meeting)
- R&D on Iodine-Sulfur Thermochemical Water Splitting Cycle at JAERI(2003/03 AIChE 2003 Spring Nation Meeting)
- Improvement of thermal stability of porous titania films prepared by the electrostatic sol-spray deposition (ESSD) method(2003/03 Chemistry of Materials)
- Selective ethanol extraction from fermentation broth using a silicalite membrane(2002/04 Separation and Purification Technology)
- Alkali-treatment technique - new method for modification of structural and acid-catalytic properties of ZSM-5 zeolites(2001/10 Applied Catalysis A: General)
- Transport phenomena through intercrystalline and intracrystalline pathways of silicalite zeolite membranes(2001/06 Journal of Membrane Science)
- Novel organic-vycor glass composite membrane having Si-C bonds(2001/06 Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan)
- 無機マイクロポーラス膜の微細構造と透過性能(2001/05 膜)
- Conversion of dry gel to microporous crystals in gas phase(1999/03 Topics in Catalysis)
- Effect of Pinholes on Permselectivities of MFI Membranes(1998/07 Proceedings of the 12th International Zeolite Conference)
- Ethanol/water transport through silicalite membrane(1998/06 Journal of Membrane Science)
- シリカライト膜による有機溶媒の分離(1998/01 膜)
- Molecular Size Recognition with Zeolitic Membranes(1998/01 Proceedings of ICCMR 1998)
- Silicalite Membranes Modified by Counterdiffusion CVD Technique(1997/10 Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research)
- A hybrid processing method for high performance hydrogen-selective silica membranes(2007/07 Journal of Membrane Science)
- Pore size control of a molecular sieve silica membrane prepared by a counter diffusion CVD method(2007/12 J. Chem. Eng. Jpn.)
- Relationship between mesoporous intermediate layer structure and gas permeation property of amorphous silica membrane synthesized by counter diffusion chemical vapor deposition method(2008/01 J. American Ceramic Soc.)
- Development of an all-ceramic module with silica membrane tubes for high temperature hydrogen separation(2008/01 Separation Science and Technology)
- 水処理用ゼオライトろ過膜のための結晶粒界制御法の検討(2009/01 化学工学論文集)
- 電気めっき法により製膜したPd薄膜の表面制御法の開発(2009/05 分離技術)
- Preparation of silica hybrid membranes for high temperature gas separation(2010/05 Desalination Water Treat. Sci. Eng.)
- シリカ複合膜による高温C3H6/C3H8分離(2010/09 膜)
- Hydrogen permselective silica hybrid membranes prepared by a novel CVD method(2011/06 Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan)
- Development of a co-deposition method of ceramic particles for hydrogen permselective thin Pd films(2011/06 Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan)
- 無機多孔膜の吸着測定法(2013/01 膜)
- 対向拡散CVD法により作製したシリカ複合膜のベンゼン/シクロヘキサン浸透気化分離(2013/03 化学工学論文集)
- 対向拡散CVD法による高温プロピレン透過膜の開発(2013/07 化学工学論文集)
- Preparation of CO2 permselective Li4SiO4 membranes by using mesoporous silica as a silica source(2013/08 Energy Procedia)
- Preparation of thin Li4SiO4 membranes by using a CVD method(2013/08 Energy Procedia)
- High temperature CO2 separation through silica hybrid membranes(2013/09 Chemical Engineering Series)
- Preparation of silica RO membranes by using a counter diffusion chemical vapor deposition method(2013/09 Chemical Engineering Series)
- Improvement of MOR zeolite membranes by using ion beam irradiation(2013/09 Trans. Mater. Res. Soc. Jpn.)
- Investigation of permeation mechanism through zeolite membranes by using ion beam irradiation(2013/12 JAEA-Review)
- High-temperature propylene/propane separation through silica hybrid membranes(2014/04 Separation and Purification Technology)
- ジョイントロッド型有機-無機ハイブリッドゲルによるVOC分離膜の開発(2014/05 高分子論文集)
- 新規シリカ基材に製膜した高速ガス選択透過MFIゼオライト膜(2014/04 膜)
- Preparation of silica hybrid membranes for high temperature CO2 separation(2014/07 Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japna)
- Development of inorganic silica reverse osmosis membranes by using a counter-diffusion chemical vapor deposition method(2014/07 Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japna)
- 無機系逆浸透膜による硫酸水溶液の分離(2014/12 硫酸と工業)
- カーボン導入によるMFIゼオライト濾過膜の開発(2014/02 セラミックス)
- Ion beam treatment for a sodalite zeolite membrane(2015/03 JAEA-Review)
- Water permeation through cation exchange membranes prepared by a radiation-graft polymerization method(2015/03 JAEA-Review)
- High hydrogen permeance silica membranes prepared by a chemical vapor deposition method(2015/06 J. Membr. Sep. Tech.)
- Permeation evaluation of a mordenite zeolite membrane by using an alkaline post-treatment(2015/06 J. Chem. Eng. Jpn.)
- 化学蒸着法によるシリカ膜のガス・蒸気分離(2015/07 膜)