- CORROSION PREVENTION BY ZINC RICH PAINT (ZRP) ON STEEL IN ARTIFICIAL SEA WATER SOLUTION(2013/03 Proceeding of 7th South East Asian Technical University Consortium (SEATUC))
- Quaternary Alloy of Ni-Zn-Cu-P from Hypophosphite Based Electroless Deposition Method(2013/02 221st ECS Transaction)
- Corrosion Performance of Zinc-Rich Paints(ZRP) on Mild Steel in NaCl Solution(2013/02 221st ECS Transaction)
- Effect of cold rolling on the magnetic susceptibility of Zr-14Nb alloy(2012/11 Acta Biomaterialia)
- Pt拡散コーティングにおける組織制御と耐酸化性の向上(2012/05 日本金属学会誌)
- NON-AQUEOUS ELECTROLESS NICKEL PLATING CATALYZED BY AlCl3 IN AMBIENT CONDITION(2012/03 Proceeding of 6th South East Asian Technical University Consortium (SEATUC))
- Film Formation and Corrosion Behaviour of Electroless Ni-X-P Alloy Deposition in 3.5 wt% NaCl Aqueous Solution.(2012/03 Proceeding of the 6th Japan-China Joint Seminar on Marine Corrosion and Control)
- Potential measurement of metal surface in atmospheric environment(2012/03 Proceeding of the 6th Japan-China Joint Seminar on Marine Corrosion and Control)
- Synthesis of Intermetallic Ni-Al nanoparticles by Wet Chemistry Synthesis of NiAcac2 and AlCl3 precursors(2011/08 Proceeding of 10th International Congress for Applied Mineralogy)
- 塩化物溶液中におけるステンレス鋼基傾斜機能材料の局部腐食性(2011/05 傾斜機能材料論文集)
- 亜鉛めっき鋼板の下地鋼露出における大気腐食(2011/05 傾斜機能材料論文集)
- 表面の電位分布測定を用いた不均一表面の大気腐食性評価(2011/05 傾斜機能材料論文集)
- 電気化学測定によるジンクリッチペイントの防食性能評価(2011/05 傾斜機能材料論文集)
- Co-Cr合金の耐食性に及ぼすアニオンの影響(2011/05 傾斜機能材料論文集)
- 表面の電位分布測定を用いた大気腐食環境下における金属の反応性評価(2011/05 日本金属学会誌)
- Synthesis Of Clean Nickel Nanoparticles by Reduction of Organometallic Precursors at Room Temperature(2011/02 Proceeding of 5th South East Asian Technical University Consortium (SEATUC))
- Properties of Electroless Nickel Ternary Alloy Deposit by Hypophosphite Bath(2011/02 Proceeding of 5th South East Asian Technical University Consortium (SEATUC))
- Evaluation of atmospheric corrosion behavior on metal surface using surface potential distribution measurement(2011/02 Proceeding of 5th South East Asian Technical University Consortium (SEATUC))
- Synthesis Of Clean Nickel Nanoparticles by Reduction of Organometallic Precursors at Room Temperature(2011/02 Proceedings of 5th International multi-conference on Intelligent Systems, Sustainable, New and Renewable Energy Technology & Nanotechnology)
- 表面の電位分布測定を用いた不均一表面の反応性評価(2010/07 傾斜機能材料論文集)
- 遠心力法により創製したAl-Al3Ni傾斜機能材料の水溶液腐食挙動(2010/07 傾斜機能材料論文集)
- マルテンサイト変態法によって製造した傾斜機能材料の耐食性評価(2010/07 傾斜機能材料論文集)
- Corrosion Behavior of Electroless Ni-Co-P Thin Film(2010/03 Proceeding of 4th South East Asian Technical University Consortium (SEATUC))
- Differences in the bone differentiation properties of MC3T3-E1 cells on polished bulk and sputter-deposited titanium specimens(2009/12 Journal of Biomedical Materials Research:PartA)
- シランカップリング剤を用いた金属―高分子複合材料の創出(2008/10 材料)
- Effect of Active Hydroxyl Groups on the Interfacial Bond Strength of Titanium with Sgmented Poiyurethane through γ-mercapto Propyl Trimethoxysilane(2008/01 Dental Materials Journal)
- Effect of UV Irradiation on the shear Bond Strength of Titanium with Sgmented Poiyurethane through γ-mercapto Propyl Trimethoxysilane(2008/01 Dental Materials Journal)
- Surface potential distribution over a zinc/steel galvanic couple corroding under thin layer of electrolyte(2007/12 Electrochimica Acta)
- Effect of Al on the galvanic ability of Zn-Al coating under thin layer of electrolyte(2007/12 Electrochimica Acta)
- Effect of Fe-Zn alloy layer on the corrosion resistance of galvanized steel in chloride containing environments(2007/12 Corrosion Science)
- Calcium Phosphate Precipitation by Galvanic Current between Titanium and Gold in Pseudo-body Fluid(2007/06 Materials Science Forum)
- Corrosion behavior of zirconium based alloys in simulated body fluids(2007/06 Materials Science Forum)
- Electrochemical Impedance of Thin Rust Film -Influences of adsorption of metallic ions(2006/12 Electrochim. Acta)
- Analysis on organic film degradation by dynamic impedance measurements.(2006/11 Corrosion Science)
- Electrochemical impedance of thin rust film fabricated artificially(2006/10 Passivation of Metals and Semiconductors, and Properties of Thin Oxide Layers)
- Corrosion simulation of carbon steels in atmospheric environment(2005/11 Corrosion Science)
- 金属基傾斜機能材料の腐食性評価(2005/07 傾斜機能材料論文集)
- 大気腐食性評価におけるモニタリング技術と表面観察法(2005/06 材料と環境)
- Evaluation of Corrosion Performance of Galvanized Steel by Surface pH and Potential distribution Measurement(2004/04 Prc. Galvated '04)
- 表面pH分布測定による傾斜機能材料の耐震性評価(2004/04 第15回FGMシンポジウム論文集)
- 大気環境および大気腐食の評価法(2004/04 第144回腐食防食シンポジウム資料)
- Monitoring of Corrosion Fatigue Cracking using harmonic Analysis of Current Responses Induced by Cyclic Stressing(2004/04 Corrosion Science)
- 酸性とアルカリ性溶液中での亜鉛のアノード反応機構の解析(2004/04 表面技術)
- 表面pH分布測定による亜鉛系めっき鋼板の初期大気腐食性評価(2004/04 色材)
- 飛来道塩粒子付着下と人工海水液滴下での炭素鋼の初期腐食挙動の違い(2003/04 表面技術)
- Ion Permeation Resistance of Rust Film of Low-Alloy Steels investigated by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy.(2003/04 Proc. 204th Meeting of The Electrochem. Soc.)
- Mechanism of Atmospheric Corrosion Near Seashore Environment(2003/04 Proc. 204th Meeting of The Electrochem. Society)
- Development of New Atmospheric Corrosion Test(2003/04 )
- Surface pH Distribution in Initial Rusting Process of Low Alloy Steels(2003/04 Proc. The 13th Asian-Pacific Corros. Control Conference)
- Protective Behavior of Corrosion Product on Galvanized Steel under Atmospheric corrosion Environment.(2003/04 Proc. The 13th Asian-Pacific Conos. Control Conference)
- Corrosion Protection mechanism of Zn and Zn-Al Coated Steels in Coastal Area using Scanning Chemical Microscope.(2003/04 Proc. The 13th Asian-Pacific Conos. Control Conference)
- Effect of Alloying Nitrogen on Resistance for Localized Corrosion of Austenitic Stainless Steel.(2003/04 Proc. 13th Asian-Pacific Corros. Control Conference)
- Ion Selective Permeability of Rust Layers on Low Alloy Steels under the Chloride Ion Existence(2002/04 Corros. Sci. and Tech.)
- Deviations of Capacitance and Inductive Loops in Electrochemical Impedance of Dissolving Iron Electrode.(2002/04 Analytical Sciences)
- Localized Corrosion Behavior of Magnetically Graded Materials Made by Martensitic Transformation(2002/04 Proc. Japan-China Joint Seminar on Marine Corrosion)
- Application of AC Impedance Method to Evaluation of Corrosion Resistance for Steel Stimulate Exposed to Outdoor Environment.(2002/04 Proc. Japan-China Joint Seminar on Marine Corrosion)
- Corrosion Behavior of Magnetically Graded Materials Made by Martensitic Transformation.(2002/04 Proc. 202nd Meeting of the Electrochem. Soc.)
- Application of Scanning Chemical Microscope for Crevice Corrosion Process of Stainless Steel.(2002/04 )
- ステンレス鋼のすき間腐食過程における表面pH分布測定(2002/04 )
- Electrochemical Properties of an Interface Between Titanium and Fibroblasts L929(2002/04 Electrochemical Acta)
- Development of Electrolytic Cell with Cell-Culture for metallic Biomaterials.(2002/04 Corros. Sci.)
- Atmospheric Corrosion Monitoring of Steel using QCM System.(2002/04 Proc. 15th Int. Corros. Congress)
- Influence of Deposited Sea Salt and Environmental Factors on Corrosion of Carbon Steel.(2002/04 Proc. Japan-China Joint Seminar on Marine Corrosion)
- Surface pH and Potential Profile of Galvanized steel on Atmospheric Corrosion Environment.(2002/04 Proc. 15th Int. Corros. Congress.)
- Surface Potential and pH Distribution in Initial Rusting Process of Low Alloy Steels.(2002/04 Proc. ICASS 2002)
- Effect of Water Film Thickness on Atmospheric Corrosion Rate of Carbon Steel.(2002/04 Proc. ICAA 2002)
- ブリキとトタン(2002/04 表面技術)
- Electrochemical Impedance Study of Model Electrodes for Simulating Rust Film Formed-on Steel.(2002/04 Proc. Japan-China Joint Seminar on Marine Corrosion)
- Atmospheric Corrosion Behavior on Low Alloy Steels under Seashore Environment(2002/04 Corros. Sci. and Tech.)
- Atmospheric Corrosion Behavior on Low Alloy Steels under Seashore Environment(2001/04 Proc. The 12th Asian-Pacific Corros. Control Conference)
- Ion Selective Permeability of Rust Layers on Low Alley Steels under the Chloride Ion Existence.(2001/04 Proc. The 12th Asian-Pacific Corros. Control conference)
- Characteristic of Rust on Carbon Steel in a Wet/Dry Environment Containing Chloride Ions.(2001/04 Proc. Electrochem. Soc. 198th Meeting)
- コールコールプロット(複素平面図プロット)-1. 水溶液系(2001/04 ふぇらむ)
- Localized pH Profile of Galvanized Steel in Atmospheric Corrosion Process.(2001/04 Proc. Electrochem. Soc. 198th Meeting)
- QCM Study on Atmospheric Corrosion of Low Alloy Steels(2001/04 2nd. Int. Conf. on environment Sensitive Cracking and Corrosion Damage)
- Atmospheric Corrosion Process of Low Alloy Steels under Seashore Environment(2001/04 Proc. Electrochem. Sec. 200th Meeting)
- Ion Selective Permeability of Rust Layers formed by Corrosion Cycle Tests and Exposure Tests(2001/04 Proc. Electrochemical Soc. 200th Meeting)
- Corrosion Behavior of Tungsten-bearing steel in a Wet/Dry Environment(2001/04 Corrosion)
- 人工海水液薄膜下での鋼の腐食速度と水膜厚さの関係(2001/04 日本金属学会誌)
- 乾燥繰り返し環境における低合金鋼の腐食挙動に与えるタングステンの影響(2000/04 材料と環境)
- Electrochemical Behavior of Rust formed on Carbon Steel in a Wet/Dry Environment Containing Chloride Ions.(2000/04 Corrosion)
- Evaluation of Atmospheric Corrosion on Low Alloy Steel under Seashore Environment(2000/04 Int. Symposium of Marine Corros. and Control)
- Atmospheric Corrosion Process of Ferritic Alloy under Seashore Environment(2000/04 Proc. 196th Meeting of the Electrochem. Soc.)
- Ion Selective Permeability of the Rust on Low Alloy Steel(2000/04 Proc. 196th Meeting of the Electrochem. Soc.)
- Difference in Corrosion Behavior Between Pure Iron and Carbon Steel after Short-Time Exposure Test(2000/04 Proc. 196th Meeting of the Electrochem. Soc.)
- SKFM Observation of Corrosion on Iron(2000/04 Proc. 196th Meeting of the Electrochem. Soc.)
- 乾湿繰り返し環境において低合金鋼に形成されるさびの電気化学的特性におよぼすCoおよびNiの影響(2000/04 鉄と鋼)
- 短期間の大気暴露試験における純鉄と炭素鋼の腐食挙動の違い(2000/04 材料と環境)
- 乾湿繰り返し条件下に生成したさび膜のイオン選択透過性(2000/04 日本金属学会誌)
- Effect of Co and Ni on the Corrosion Behavior of Low Alley Steels in Wet/Dry Environment.(2000/04 Proc. Iketani Int. Symposium)
- 大気腐食の研究手法(2000/04 まてりあ)
- ニッケルおよびクロム添加鋼の大気腐食初期形態(2000/04 日本金属科学誌)
- 乾湿繰り返し環境における炭素鋼の腐食挙動に与えるNace-Mgcl2元素塩化物の影響(2000/04 材料と環境)
- Rust Formation and Selective Permeability of Co and Ni additive Steel under the Chloride Ion Existence.(2000/04 Int. Symposium of Marine Corros. and Control)
- Effect of Co and Ni on the Corrosion Behavior of Low Alloy Steels on Wet/Dry Environment.(2000/04 Corrosion Science)
- 高耐食性を引き出す鉄鋼材料のマテリアルデザイン-耐食性評価と耐食鋼開発の基礎-(1999/04 第3回熱処理技術セミナーテキスト)
- 金属イオン溶出の電気化学理論(1999/04 生体用金属材料からの金属イオン溶出機構と人体への影響)
- 繰り返しひずみー電流応答解析による腐食疲労機構の検討(1999/04 日本金属学会誌)
- コバルトおよびニッケル添加鋼上のさびのイオン選択透過性(1999/04 日本金属学会誌)
- AFM Study on the Rusting Process on Iron under Atmospheric Corrosion Environment(1999/04 Proc. 14th ICC)
- 膜電位測定による低合金鋼さい層の耐食性評価(1999/04 第123回腐食防食シンポジウム資料)
- 亜鉛めっき鋼板の表面の電位分布と防食効果(1998/04 材料と環境)
- QCM Study on Water Absorption in Organic Coatings(1998/04 Proc. Advance in Corros. Protection by Organic Coatings (Electrochem. Soc.))
- New Electrochemical Techniques for Corrosion Studies of Galvanized Steels.(1998/04 Proc. 4th GALVATECH'98)
- New Electrochemical Techniques for Corrosion Studies of Galvanized Steels.(1998/04 Proc. 4th GALVATECH'98)
- 分極電流の高調波解析による純鉄の腐食疲労き裂の検出(1998/04 日本金属学会誌)
- ひずみに同期した分極電流による純鉄の腐食疲労過程の解析(1997/04 日本金属学会誌)
- Study of Dissolution Mechanisms of Nickel in Sulfuric Acid Solutions by Electrochemical Quality Crystal Microbalance.(1997/04 Corros. Sci.)
- The Effect of Straining Frequency and Stress Ratio on Polarization Current Responded to Cyclic Strain.(1997/04 ISIJ International)
- 炭素鋼の錆発生・成長過程における表面の電位分布(1997/04 第116回腐食防食シンポジウム資料)
- Monitoring and Analysis of Polarization Current Response to Stress Cycles during Corrosion Fatigue Test.(1996/04 Proc. 13th ICC)
- 金属合金基複合材料の水溶液腐食のポイント(1996/04 材料と環境)
- Evaluation of Uniform Corrosion Rate of Carbon Steel in Deaerated Carbonate Solutions.(1995/04 Proc. Int. Symposium on Plant Aging and Life Prediction of Corrodible Structures)
- A Quartz Crystal Microbalance Study of the Corrosion of Iron Thin Films in Neutral Aqueous Solutions.(1995/04 Mat. Sci. Eng.)
- EQCM Study on Corrosion of Iron Thin Film in Deaerated Neutral Solutions(1995/04 Mat. Sci. Forum)
- SiC強化7075Al合金基複合材料の腐食疲労に及ぼす応力と電位の影響(1993/04 材料と環境)
- SiC強化Al合金基複合材料の耐孔食性(1992/04 日本金属学会誌)
- SiC強化Al合金基複合材料の腐食疲労に及ぼす応力の影響(1992/04 材料と環境)
- SiC強化Al合金基複合材料の腐食疲労に及ぼす分極電位の影響(1992/04 材料と環境)
- Pitting Corrosion and SCC of Al/Sic Metal Matrix Composites.(1991/04 Proc. ADVMAT/91)
- The Impedance Characteristics of Passive Films on Iron(1990/04 Corros. Sci.)