正木 匡彦
材料工学科 (工学部)
  • 拡散試験装置 正木匡彦、 内田美佐子、 伊丹俊夫 2003-42925
  • 氷の結晶成長方向制御法および氷の結晶成長実験装置 古川義純、 正木匡彦、 依田真一 2000-86394
  • Measurement of Structure of High Temperature and Undercooled Melts by using X-Ray Diffraction Method Combined with Levitation Technique(2008/03 Springer刊行 T. Masaki 著「High-Temperature Measurements of Materials, H. Fukuyama and Y. Waseda eds.」)
  • Persistence of Covalent Bonding in Liquid Silicon Probed by Inelastic X-Ray Scattering(2012/02 Pyusical Review Letters)
  • Atomic Dynamics in Extreme Environments via Inelastic X-Ray Scattering at SPring-8(2010/06 Syncrotron Radiation News)
  • Static and dynamics structure and the atomic dynamics of liquid Ge from first-principles molecular-dynamics simulations(2008/01 Phys. Rev. B)
  • Measurements of diffusion coefficient of Au in liquid Ag with the shear cell techniquie(2007/06 J. Non-Cryst. Solids)
  • Measurements of diffusion coefficient of metallic melt under microgravity-current status of the development of shear cell technique towards JEM on ISS(2005/02 Meas. Sci. Technol.)
  • The structure of liquid Sn in the extremely wide temperature range from neutron scattering experiments and first principle molecular-dynamics simulation(2003/02 Phys. Rev. B)
  • Effective Pair Interatomic Potential and Self-Diffusion of Molten Tin(2002/05 J. Non-Cryst. Solids)
  • Development of an electrostatic levitator for neutron diffraction structure analysis(2003/02 Rev. Sci. Instrum)
  • The X-ray observation of the shear cell experiments for impurity diffusion of Au in liquid Ag(2002/05 J. Non-Cryst. Solids)
  • The critical behavior under microgravity of liquid alloys with mutual immiscibility(2005/02 Meas. Sci. Technol.)
  • Structure studies of liquid Tin by neutron Scattering experiments and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations(2001/01 J.Phy.Soc.Japan)
  • The Role of Fluctuation on the electrical resistivity and atomic volume for some liquid alloys with critical mixing(1996/10 J. Non-Cryst. Solids)
  • Microgravity Conditions and Electrical Resistivity of Liquid Alloys with Critical Mixing(1997/03 Int. J. Thermophys.)
  • Growth of Fluctuations under Microgravity in liquid bi-Ga alloys(1996/10 J. Non-Cryst. Solids)
  • The experimental apparatus for electrical resistivity measurements of liquid metals and alloys under microgravity due to the launch of a rocket(1996/06 Rev. Sic. Instrum.)
  • The study of self-diffusion in complex metallic liquid with high melting points - The study of self-diffusion and mutual diffusion of liquid Cu-Ag alloy(2000/05 J.Phy.Soc.Microgravity Application)
  • Structure of liquid Ge at high temperatures(2002/06 J.Phy.Soc.Japan)
  • Structure and thermophysical properties of molten BaGe by using electrostatic levitation technique(2008/12 Int. J. Thermophys)
  • Compact electrostatic levitator for diffraction measurements with a two axis diffractometer and a laboratory x-ray source(2007/02 Review of Scientific Instruments)
  • Thermophysical properties of the melts of AlPdMn icosahedral quasicrystal(2007/06 Phil. Mag.)
  • Structure Analysis of Molten Ba-Ge Alloys Using Electrostatic Levitation Technique Combined with High-Energy X-ray Diffraction(2006/10 J. American Ceramic Soc.)
  • シアーセル法による溶融Ag中のAuの拡散係数測定(2005/08 熱物性)
  • Molar volume of 6Li ,7Li and natural Li in the Liquid state(2003/09 Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics)
  • 液体の拡散現象と液体構造解析(2001/12 日本マイクログラビティ応用学会誌)
  • Self-Diffusion under Microgravity and Structure of Group IVB Liquids(2002/05 J. Non-Cryst. Solids)
  • InAs-GaAs interdiffusion measurements(2000/05 JASMA)
  • 液体リチウムの拡散係数測定と同位体効果に関する研究(1999/07 日本マイクログラビティ応用学会誌)
  • Self-Diffusion Coefficient of the Melt of Semiconducting Crystalline Germanium under the Microgravity due to the Launch of the fifth TR-IA Rocket(1999/05 )
  • Diffusion of Liquid Metals and Alloys- The Study of Self-Diffusion under microgravity in liquid Sn in the wide temperature range(1998/12 日本マイクログラビティ応用学会誌)
  • Diffusion Coefficient and its Isotope Effects of Liquid Lithium under Microgravity due to the Launch of sixth TR-IA Rocket(1998/10 日本マイクログラビティ応用学会誌)
  • Technological Development of highly accurate Diffusion Coefficient Measurement by Shear Cell Method in Germanium Semiconductor Melt(1998/01 日本マイクログラビティ応用学会誌)
  • Self-Diffusion Coefficient of the Melt of Semiconducting Crystalline Germanium under Microgravity due to the Launch of the fifth TR-IA Rocket(1998/01 日本マイクログラビティ応用学会誌)
  • Two liquid phase separation of liquid Bi-Ga alloys under low gravity(1994/05 Trans. Mat. Res. Soc. Jpn)