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Architecture and Design
Exploring The Possibilities of Space
Environmental and Architectural Acoustics Lab
Hiroshi Furuya
Professor, Department of Architecture
School of Architecture
Architecture and Civil Engineering in Master's Program
Regional Environment Systems in Doctoral Program
Location: Toyosu Campus
Laboratory Overview
Architectural and acoustical design of sound environment from both sides of the physical and psychological
Research Outputs You can review research papers in the website below.
Laboratory Research Field
Room acoustics Psychological acoustics and Architectural acoustics design      
Recent Research Topics
Subjective reverberance and Texture of Reverberation perceived in concert auditoria effect of structure of reflections on Diffusional Impression in a sound field acoustical design method considering the effect of directional characteristics of musical instruments auditory effects of late reflection sound on Listener Envelopment and geometrical acoustic prediction method of sound fields with scattering coefficients for room boundary.
Affiliated Conferences
Architectural Institute of Japan Acoustical Society of Japan The Institute of Noise Control Engineering of Japan and Soundscape Association of Japan.  
Related Industries
Construction industry Architectural acoustic design      
Applicable Industrial Fields
Concert hall acoustics Architectural acoustics      
Instruments and Devices in this Laboratory
Measurement and analysis system of room impulse response psycho-acoustic experiment system with simulated sound field.      
Research Seeds
Evaluation of quality of room reverberation