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Creation of Future Machines
Nano-Micro Applied Science and Technology Laboratory
Naoki Ono
Professor, Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics
College of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering in Master's Program
Regional Environment Systems in Doctoral Program
Location: Toyosu Campus
Laboratory Overview
For development of innovative fluid and thermal devices in microscale
As micro/nano technology advances, its field of application is covering other areas such as fluid and thermal engineering. In this laboratory, new processes and equipments in thermofluid engineering in mini/micro scale are explored and studied by doing experiments and computer simulations. Most of them are collaborated with industries and other universities.
Laboratory Character The projects in the laboratory are: cooling technology for heat-emitting semicondutor devices, Soret effect gas separator with micro channels, micor mixing device by Marangoni convection, cooling technology for EV LiB battery cells with heatpipes and PCM etc. Some part of each project is deeply related to mini/micro-scale fluid flow and heat transfer.
Research Outputs You can review research papers in the website below.
Laboratory Research Field
Fluid mechanics Heat transfer Surface tension Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD) simulation Mini/micro channel
Recent Research Topics
Boiling heat transfer with porous media Micro mixing Flow visualization in heatpipe Observation of Marangoni convection Cooling of EV battery cells
Drying process from liquid film Solidification of thin metal plate from the melt      
Affiliated Conferences
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers The Heat Transfer Society of Japan The Institution of Professional Engineers Japan    
For Social Contributions to the World Sustainability In the field of nano/micro-scale thermofluid engineering, there are still many unknown phenomena to be investigated. Understanding of them and the innovative application to practical usage are the main purpose of the laboratory. There are big possibilities for improving efficiency, saving energy and protecting the environment with the new technologies.
Related Industries
IT equipments and products Automobile Air coditioning Plant engineering  
Applicable Industrial Fields
Fluid engineering Heat transfer Computer simulation of practical process    
Instruments and Devices in this Laboratory
Flow visualization equipment (PIV) surface tension measurement CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics) software    
Research Seeds
Fluid flow heat transfer liquid-gas interface surface tension boiling