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New Materials for The Future
High-Pressure Science Laboratory, global course of engneering and science
Ayako Yamamoto

Global Course of Engineering and Science
Regional Environment Systems in Doctoral Program
Location: Toyosu Campus
Laboratory Overview
Laboratory Character 当研究室では、「覚える」ことではなく、「理解する」ことを目指して日々学んでいます。予想した結果が得られなくとも、そこから情報を引き出して新たな方法を提案する力をつけて欲しいと思います。
Research Outputs You can review research papers in the website below.
Laboratory Research Field
high-pressure synthesis crystal structure solid state chemistry transport property superconductor
semiconductor magnet      
Recent Research Topics
High-pressure synthesis of superconductors Material search and functional development of new metal selenides by the high-pressure synthetic method High-pressure synthesis and function control for complex metal oxides prepared from CaO and Ca(OH)2 Investigation of periodic table of metal oxides under ambient and high pressure Investigation of periodic table of metal oxides under ambient and high pressure
High-pressure synthesis of MX3(M=Nb Ta Ti Zr Hf)
Affiliated Conferences
Physical Soc. Jpn. Chem Soc. Jpn. Jpn. Soc. High-pressure Sci. Tech. Ceramic Soc. Jpn. Jpn. Soc. Appl. Phys. Superconductivity division.
For Social Contributions to the World Sustainability 炭がダイアモンドに変化するように、高圧科学は地球内部で起きていることを再現します。高圧科学を通じて地球を知ることでこれを守っていくための多くの情報か得られます。
Related Industries
Applicable Industrial Fields
Instruments and Devices in this Laboratory
High-pressure synthesis machine(cubic-anvil-type 170 ton press)        
Research Seeds