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Urban and Environmental
Urban planning laboratory
Yasushi Sakuyama
Professor, Department of Planning, Architecture and Environmental Systems
College of Systems Engineering and Science
Architecture and Civil Engineering in Master's Program
Regional Environment Systems in Doctoral Program
Location: Omiya Campus
Laboratory Overview
Urban Planning System Study for Human and Space
Studying new systems of urban, environmental and space through cross-cutting research with multiple fields while centering on basic urban planning, and conducting research and education on practical urban planning useful for real world society.
Laboratory Character In order to build a comfortable living where to live, I am researching a new system of city, environment and space.
Research Outputs You can review research papers in the website below.
Laboratory Research Field
Urban planning Urban Design Town Planning Land Readjustment Project  
Recent Research Topics
Town Planning for Aged Society Planning design of multigenerational exchange type park Reconstruction town planning    
Affiliated Conferences
JAPAN Urban Design Institute The City Planning Institute of Japan      
For Social Contributions to the World Sustainability By finding out ways to solve problems faced by the region, it can be used for society.