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New Materials for The Future
Smart Materials laboratory
Shingo Maeda
Associate Professor, Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics
College of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering in Master's Program
Functional Control Systems in Doctoral Program
Location: Toyosu Campus
Laboratory Overview
A quest for soft and wet machines
Robots are integrated systems of mechanical engineering, control engineering, electronics and information engineering. Recently, researches of soft robots using soft materials get attention since soft robots produce unique motions that hard robots don’t. Robots become sophisticated, and robotic design have become complex because of the advance of technologies such as ultra-miniaturization of semiconductor devices and progress of microfabrication technologies. We study autonomous machines based on "Soft materials” to overcome the complexities in machines and robots.
Laboratory Character You are welcome if you are highly motivated about our researches. We won’t ask your speciality.
Research Outputs You can review research papers in the website below.
Laboratory Research Field
Soft materials Soft actuators Hydrogels    
Recent Research Topics
Soft Robots Chemical Robots Smart gels Polymer actuators  
Affiliated Conferences
For Social Contributions to the World Sustainability We aim at machines that are not made of rigid materials but soft materials. We study next-generation actuators and robots like artificial muscles. You are welcome if you are highly motivated about our researches. We won’t ask your speciality.
Related Industries
Manufacturing industry Material manufacturers      
Applicable Industrial Fields
Soft materials soft actuators      
Instruments and Devices in this Laboratory
Scanning Electron Microscope Optical microscope 3D printer CAM  
Research Seeds
Intelligent gels polymer actuators self-oscillating gels electrohydrodynamic pumps soft actuators
soft mechatronics