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Pursuit of The Ultimate Automobile
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
Toshio Ito
Professor, Department of Machinery and Control Systems
College of Systems Engineering and Science
Systems Engineering and Science in Master's Program
Functional Control Systems in Doctoral Program
Location: Omiya Campus
Laboratory Overview
Research and development for automated driving
Although automobiles are convenient and a must in these days, they also have downsides such as wasteful fuel consumption, driving operation from traffic congestion and occurrence of traffic accidents. In our laboratory, we are aiming to make driving more efficient, more comfortable and safer by analyzing various characteristics of human being during the operation of driving and find the optimal support for it by driving simulator and our experimental car. And we are developing autonomous mini electric vehicle equipped with computer vision (deep learning) and lidar.
Laboratory Character We are working on automated driving technologies, which are vehicle revolution once in a hundred years. We can interact with related companies and touch the technologies of state-of-the-art.
Research Outputs You can review research papers in the website below.
Laboratory Research Field
Advanced driver assistance systems Automated driving Autonomous vehicle Computer vision Lidar
Driving simulator HMI Big data Biometry Cognitive psychology
Recent Research Topics
Computer vision for automated driving Development of autonomous vehicle Object recognition using lidar Driver state analysis for take-over in autoated driving Driver state estimation by electroencephalogram and heart beat
Object recognition using deep learning HMI proposal by unconsciousness Prediction of traffic congestion by driver behavior analysis    
Affiliated Conferences
For Social Contributions to the World Sustainability Since automobile industry expects to develop automated driving technologies, we propose unique topics from academic point of view.
Related Industries
Automobile and related company        
Applicable Industrial Fields
Object recognition by computer vision and lidar Evaluate HMI for automobiles by driving simulator      
Instruments and Devices in this Laboratory
Driving simulator Lidar Electroencephalograph Heart rate monitor  
Research Seeds
Computer vision Machine learning Cognitive psychology